Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- Maaku0
- Been waiting for zombie disney cartoons to come out! Link?Reeno
- hahahah, that great.********
- I think this is the same guy:
- benfal990
- We disagree.
Steve Jobs.ernexbcn - Sent from my iPhoneBannedKappa
- looks like it's made for iOS4 instead of os x.jaylarson
- it definitely sucks, but the old one wasn't great either...showpony
- We disagree.
- TheMagicSheep0
- Now post some Windows iconsNaygon
- i think they some are cool some are ok. but the iTunes one is awfulbenfal99
- i think these are pretty nice. some good detail in them. the itunes one is inconsistent in that it's enclosed in a circle...********
- ...a circle which has nothing to do with the music note. while THESE circle shapes are part of the actual concept of the icon.********
- CGN0
- CGN0
- ernexbcn0
- lol.detritus
- "pleae go"
"no"ernexbcn - gold!BannedKappa
- i hate when that happensBattleAxe
- ernexbcn0
- wtffffffffffffffffff...elektro
- kill itCGN
- slay dat mutha!hiatus
- seriously wtf404
- nick cage?dopepope
- hey, maybe he is a lonely person with nobody to talk to...pumpaction
- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING???!?!?!benfal99
- jesuschrist!!!!Miesfan
- Surely all implants.
That's a frickin' monstrosity.Luda - Is that Real?********
- wtf is that thing!?!kona
- ahhhhhh!elDoctor
- inceptionjohanito
- Nightmares. I will have many.benfal99
- Me too, windows XP?!graham
- 4040
- drgz0
- Projectile0
- hahahahahaaAdamWintle
- hahahahahaha, So true********
- lmao404
- LOLbenfal99
- drgz0
- 4040
- 4040