Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- GeorgesII0
- amish criminals?johnny_wobble
- James McAvoy bottom leftbabaganush
- i think is the one with funny hair and bear...OH WAITfeel
- Quaker ®SchOzzZ
- we Amish do everything half again as hard as you domoldero
- caught watching television74LEO
- Ettariel0
- since there are 4 cars, what's their mpg/4? i think the truck wins this round. plus the car in the middle is stuck********
- and while there are still f30 ext.cabs charging around with their 8 liter hemis, a tiny car is a deathtrap in a crash.mikotondria3
- that white car will never get out********
- Gotta love the "race" edition in front of the spot. Look at all those sponsors ;)hubb7designs
- Stick one in the back of the truck and call it a day.ETM
- You park your car in the right spot and everybody is stuck.lajj
- it's not a deathtrap. it has a roll cage. it passed all the safety tests. it wouldn't be on the road if it wasn't safe.. just like any other car.CanHasQBN
- ..other car.CanHasQBN
- since there are 4 cars, what's their mpg/4? i think the truck wins this round. plus the car in the middle is stuck
- demandy_pascal0
- Finding myself a little warm, I might go take a dipProjectile
- ********0
- ********0
- oops, didn't realize it was all 1 pic********
- This is so mush better then CGI********
- yeah but 10 million and 1 month vs a few thousand and a couple of days_niko
- Yeah, but there is not much 'special' about effects anymore, is there.ETM
- few thousand? CG is fucking expensive.inteliboy
- hahaha -ETM True********
- oops, didn't realize it was all 1 pic