Pic of the Day
Pic of the Day
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- 130,585 Responses
- PhanLo4
- by https://gagosian.com…PhanLo
- Scene from Stranger Things?dbloc
- ya this photo has a huge gregory crewdson vibepango
- probably because it is a Gregory Crewdsonnb
- yup i said that before i checked the link.pango
- neighborhood from that mall zombie movie?GuyFawkes
- How'd the driver manage to tip it?brandonp
- probably tipped it with a cranedbloc
- This was a sad day but at least dr Richard Kimble escaped and got a chance to find the one armed mannb
- Great photo. Wow.desmo
- drgs0
- sted1
- Gardener1
- funny but he sucks at headers_niko
- Say no more, fam.palimpsest
- neverscared0
Controversial 'suicide pod' that 'kills peacefully' gets go-ahead in Switzerland
- fake news...all the 3 companies that have a license to assist you in the process will use them. (read that yesterday in local news)uan
- I mean, none of the 3 will use them.
Exit Deutsche Schweiz,
Ex Internationaluan - Should be available everywhere. If people find it too hard / painful to go on living let them leave us! They don't owe the world anything and it's not like we..Hayzilla
- .. are an endangered species. Saves some poor train driver having to witness it.Hayzilla
- the people who go with them aren't able to jump in front a train.uan
- neverscared0
- suicide pot?Krassy
- https://i.kym-cdn.co…nb
- I feel like i can make one of those pretty cheaply. That thing’s probably a million dollars for no reasonscarabin
- ^ this is exactly the sentiment Fred Leuchter had before starting his journey to become the world's leading death machine engineernb
- Must see doc:
- drgs3
- Virgin Islands ha!ArmandoEstrada
- And I wondering why we haven't heard from Hayomook in over a month.utopian
- QBN'ers who are gay: do you sometimes see Google ads which are clearly aimed at gay audience? post themdrgs
- google knows more than youmilfhunter
- sted3
- https://inchhighguy.…sted
- Ukraine?OBBTKN
- Tiananmen green********
- PhanLo0
- https://twitter.com/…PhanLo
- nicemicrokorg
- The style is a fun mix. His twitter is a decent feed of images. :-)PhanLo