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  • vsplus0

    Illustrations for RealSimple magazine:

  • stewart0

    doodle with a blue ballpoint
    12 x 17 cm

  • spendogg0

    Here is my completed deck for the Bordo Bello skateboard art fundraiser.

    • nice does the hand come with itTresLeches
    • I like it. i keep seeing different things in it.capn_ron
    • you must pull the finger to keep itspendogg
  • de4k0

    tie-dye version

  • theredmasque0

  • ********
  • bjladams0

    just back in from the shop, practicing my flame-polishing skills for an upcoming project:

  • bulletfactory0

    New online fitness, life and style blog. Soft launch today!

    I art directed this project, working with the design team at Code and Theory, our in-house IT for dev and our in-house editorial staff for stories. Still working out bugs of course. Hope you enjoy.

    • Clean, concise and well thought out bulletfactory... Very nice...ideaist
  • epill0

    i was inspired from DNE's samurai post, that i started to develop a line of samurai robots.. here is a start.. i still need to make hands, feet, sandals, armour, and other characters to create a small group.. where possibly create an opposing set of characters to match off against..