Vid of the Day
Vid of the Day
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My friend with a big penis asked me to put it here:
- utopian0
- This is not relevant to my interestsutopian
- hard to believe this guy turned into every woman's fantasyhotroddy
- Few, if any of us, ever had the confidence to do something like this. Baller.iCanHazQBN
- Breaker High ftwnb
- Krassy-2
- ********0
- autoflavour1
damn.. so good
- Ben992
probably a repost. but re-watchable. entertaining.
- -kappa-0
- darkest simpsons intro everautoflavour
- Not a real Simpsons intro. Can't be.jagara
- ********1
- oh, klaus, so much to learn still.Gnash
- gonna need a lot of postage to get that message to klaus where he's at now, decapitated and all********
- elektro1
looks fun
- autoflavour0
this is what equates to a drug PSA in Australia now days..
all this says to me I am clearly not getting the right weed..
- autoflavour0
3rd times a charm
- that said, Delilah is a hottie..autoflavour
- Delilah is the most annoying thing i've heard this week. Couldnt watch the full video.Ben99
- Nice bit of social engineering there, Oz.detritus
- The fuck. I laugh a whole lot more when on weed. And I sure as hell don't moan like that. Dumb ad. Weed is fun.iCanHazQBN