Car Accident Advice

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  • 37 Responses
  • Randd0

    prepare for months of legal bullshit

  • harlequino0

    I HIGHLY reccomend trying to get some sort of $$ out of this. You WILL have out of pocket expenses at some point, and both hers and your insur. company will screw you. I promise.
    Listen, she will have no affect from this really, other than maybe, MAYBE, a slight increase in her premium. This is what personal injury coverage is for.
    If you are hurt, it will affect you longer than you know. Get what you can for the future expenses.

    • Sorry for the CAPS. I've just been through the ringer on this kind of crap. Do not be altruistic, protect yourself.harlequino
  • alkanenine0

    did you get a police report yet? make sure you get a copy of that for yourself.

  • readyok0

    There was no police report. I was able to drive my mangled car away from the accident.

    • then you may not have probable cause, which is a way to evaluate and discriminate abstract losses.Corvo
    • You need to have a police report. YOU HAVE NO CASE WITHOUT IT.duckofrubber
  • Corvo0

    Ok. I'm not questioning your reasons - and I see you even have historical ones, which may explain your need for compensation this time. But, precisely, because you had a previous similar misfortune it would be nice if you could evaluate this episode for what it is worth and not trying to capitalize from your previous bad luck. I'm not playing the devil's advocate - I'm just thinking abstractly. If one starts sueing people (you maybe sueing her company but you know she will pay dearly for it) for abstract losses, living in society will turn into absolute hell.

    • who is this to? readyok has said he is in a lot of pain.Tara
    • so how much is "a lot of pain" worth? Can't you see where this leads?Corvo
  • harlequino0

    ^I assume it was directed at me. And it is a valid point. I'm not talking about being frivolous or wearing a neck brace into court. I am saying insurance compaines screw you every day. Don't play up your injuries, but please do all you can to secure necessary $ to compensate.

    • you assume wrongly. it was addressed at the situation.Corvo
    • Well, ho ho HO!harlequino
    • wait let me re-read what you've written.Corvo
  • Soler0

    I was rear-ended almost 2 years ago, and it is just finally now being settled between my lawyer and their insurance company. By all means get a lawyer, man. Depending on the other person's insurance, all of your damages may not be covered. In my case, the guy who hit me only had $10,000 in coverage. My car repair, medical bills, and rental car bills were almost $20,000. It looks like when it's all said and done I'm out my time, and about $2,000. If my lawyer hadn't sued for additional monies, I would have been out $10,000 or more. The insurance companies count on the fact that it is costly in money and time and most people will give up. (aka 2 years worth of shit just to not be totally fucked). Also, in my case, I had to claim it on my own insurance until the other company admitted fault, which is pretty standard. I'm surprised your carrier didn't offer that. Sometimes it can take up to 3 months for them to admit fault, and during that time your car and medical bills will be out of pocket. So talk again to your company and see if they will cover you and be reimbursed by hi sinsurance. Hope that helps man. Sorry - it does suck.

  • Corvo0

    Oh well, harlequino, now that I've re-read your comment properly i'm addressing you. What is this: "If you are hurt, it will affect you longer than you know". How fully abstract is this reason? How much is it worth an "affectation longer than you know"? You see my point?

    • No clue what you are talking about. Nothng abstract at all. Injuries last longer than you think they will.harlequino
    • Btw, I notice you are in Portugal, yes? In the US, insurance companies are savage. Maybe it's better where you are. :)harlequino
    • or even, after the pain goes away, what is "affectation"? It's crazy, man. I could sue half of my high-school for that reason.Corvo
    • unfortunately, insurance companies are the same everywhere my friend.Corvo
    • i hate them too. But, like you said, you may get your buck from them but they'll just squeeze her client next turn.Corvo
    • also, most insurance companies are international so their procedures are standard all over.Corvo
  • Mimio0

    Well, if you seriously injure your back or something like that it will effect you your whole life. Some injuries never heal completely.

  • Tara0

    yeah back injury is not good, you can get better but it's never the same. personally, it doesn't sound like you're trying to capitalize on the situation. see what you're options are and keep in mind you may have to go to physical therapy or acupuncture for pain and all of these bills add up even with insurance. although, it is a shame you don't have a police report. keep detailed records of all conversations and emails.

  • Corvo0

    Lol. Either you guys are completely paranoid or made out of a castle-of-cards.
    readyok, please, talk to a doctor before you talk to a lawyer to evaluate what kind of lifelong injuries you have sustained.


  • readyok0

    I talked to a doctor yesterday when I went to the hospital. He did xrays, determined that there was nothing broken. Doctors arent wizards, they cant take a look at me and tell me how long my muscles will be in searing pain. I am not tooting my own horn or anything, but I think if most people would be experiencing this kind of pain, they would be in the hospital, or laying in bed for weeks. I am toughing my way through it because I am not a pussy. But, I think that if I am going to be plagued with muscle pain for possibly years to come, I should be entitled to some money. Like I said, that is not my motivation. If it were up to me, I would have just driven to work with no accident and no pain. It didnt play out that way. But, I am not going to bend over and let the insurance company fuck me just because other people have been dishonest in the past or because there is the idea of taking advantage of the insurance company. The way I see it, the insurance company is going to be paying rent for the pain that is going to have an extended stay in my body.

    • ". I am toughing my way through it because I am not a pussy."
      dude.... get a lawyer. you will need it. sorry about the accident.
    • need it. sorry about the accident.madirish
  • Corvo0

    Ok. I guess I said all I had to say - and I utterly respect what you're going through readyok. I've been there myself. Just prepare yourself for a lot of trouble and a battalion of insurance company doctors. That's what they do. Btw, your case is surely not the first, so you could dig around to see how the others ended. If I'm not mistaken, in the US precedent trials make jurisprudence.

  • Chief0

    same thing happened to my wife and i last weekend. we were sitting at a stoplight when a russian lady ran right into us. of course her purse had been recently stolen so she didn't have her driver's license, insurance card or greencard(but she did have a state id which didn't make sense). my wife called the police while i called my insurance company. the cops asked if anyone was hurt, which we weren't. they said since there were no injuries to just contact the insurance companies. my insurance company just said to exchange contact info and they'd have someone contact me within two hours. they did, i gave them the info and they said they'd take care of everything... and since i'd opted for coverage against uninsured motorists, they waved my deductible. someone contacted me everyday from then until yesterday when i picked up my car from the repair shop to make sure i was ok and was satisfied with everything. i've been really impressed with how they've handled it. i asked the claims representative yesterday if they've been able to get the lady's insurance info and was told that she hasn't returned any phone calls and they'd be taking legal action against her. all in all, it was a pain in the ass that could've been much worse.... and LA has the worst driver's of anywhere i've ever lived.

  • skelly_b0

    I didn't read all the replies, but stop now, go to a doctor and call a lawyer immediately. Everyday you wait the worse your case. Since you were rear-ended it will be 100% her fault, get the medical and chiropractic care you need. All the bills go onto medical lien, meaning they get first dibs on the settlement.

    I went through an or ordeal involving a multi-car pile-up on a freeway. No serious injury, but my back and neck were fucked. My lawyer made it all easy as this sort of thing can be.

  • Corvo0

    ^ my point, illustrated.