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  • turnerworks0

    God, I love this show!! I'm diggin all these theories. I actually thought that it would be Locke in the coffin at the end of season 3 just by the way Jack was torn up about it. Like locustsloth said, it's a nice ending that lets you catch your breath while you anticipate the next season.

    My main question is what about the peeps on the raft. Are they just floating around in the ocean now? I mean, Daniel's the only "main" character on the raft, but I'll be highly disappointed if the writers just let that go. I think they probably were in the range of the vortex or whatever by the way the ocean was rippling after it "disappeared."

    blackfrancis really has me thinking now with Ben's motive for getting everyone back to the island. Maybe he's allowed to go back if his successor dies. If so, now that Locke is dead he can go back... but the catch is he's got to get everyone that left when he did to return with him. I would assume that Locke contacted him too since he contacted Jack and Kate, so it's likely that he told Ben where the island is now.

    • Do you remember how many generic Losties there were in the beginning?
    • I think everyone who is proprietor of the island is immortal: Widmore -> Richard -> Ben -> Locke. Take Locke back and he'll resurrect.blackfrancis
    • ... and he'll resurrect.blackfrancis
  • blackfrancis0

    Just thought of something... maybe related, maybe not... just stick wit me on this,

    Damon Lindelof (creator / head writer of Lost) was hired by Marvel Comics to write a 6 issue mini-series for its "Ultimate Marvel Universe" titled "Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk". This series has never made it past issue 2, even though issue 1 was published more than 3 years ago. Its become a running joke with fans over the last few years. Since then, its been classified as "canceled" by Marvel.


    "Although in the previous 2002 miniseries The Ultimates (vol. 1), the Hulk had been said to have killed 800 people while on a rampage in New York, Lindelof gave the more exact figure in Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk #2 (April 2006) as 815. 815 is the flight number of the doomed Oceanic flight from which the castaways were stranded on the television series Lost (for which Damon Lindelof is the producer and head writer), and constitute three digits of the cursed "numbers" used as a recurring plot point on that show. This contradicts the number given in The Ultimates 2 where, in Banner's court trial, the number of casualties is given repeatedly as 852."

    OK - back to my theory. In the 2 issues we learn that Bruce Banner (da' Hulk) is seeking answers to confront / expel his inner demons - so he travels to Tibet. Here we learn of the relationship between the Panchen Lama and the Dali Lama.

    The Panchen Lama is born the greatest scholar of Buddhism. The Dali Lama is born the physical embodiment of Buddhism. When the Dali Lama dies (or his physical form dies) the Panchen Lama's job is to find the next Dali Lama. When the Dali Lama is resurrected, its his job to find the next Panchen Lama. They find each other until the end of time. Over and over again.

    This certainly sounds a lot like Widmore (Dali) finding Richard (Panchen) finding Ben (Dali) finding Locke (Panchen).

    What if Richard was supposed to find Locke instead of Ben. Ben may have been a choice of desperation or just incorrect all together. Richard met with Locke as a boy, and Richard missed the signs (John picked 2 out of 3 items - maybe the knife was the right "item" after all).

    This would mean that Richard and "the Others" are following a false prophet in Ben. The only one that really matters in the grand scheme of things is Locke.

    Forget Jack.
    Forget Kate.
    Forget Sawyer.

    All that matters is Locke. Actually, all that matters is control of the island. Locke is the true protector of the island. Ben was a stewart of something he was not entitled (spiritually) too. He is cunning and a liar by nature - like Satan getting the keys to the kingdom. He can only get back to the island if he brings Locke - the true protector.

    He tried to kill Locke physically (shot him) and break him mentally / spiritually. He gave Locke the island with out telling him all its secrets. He knows that Locke is ill-equipped to manage the island. Just biding his time until he can return...

  • harlequino0

    For me the coolest moment of the show was Ben's descent into the bowels of the island to turn the crank which would move the island's location. Far fuckin out. Once I muster the interest, I'll search out some screenshots of those ancient tablets that were laying around in there.

    I think the keys to figuring out what the hell is really going lie in the Widmore theories you guys have been saying, paired with how original knowledge of the island's existence came about. Widmore must have spent time there before, and may have been Ben's predecesor. Very very possible. But how did he know about the island. How did the Dharma initiative find it in the first place?

    I'm really beginning to think that (expecially due to the time travel and 'reset' crank, and also the still unexplained giant foot statue on the other coast) that the island may very well be Eden, Atlantis, Mu, or all three, or some other mythological place. Maybe Atlantis was never lost at all. Someone moved it.

    We've been pretty much told that the island is absolutely some sort of supernatural thing and mystical 'machine' of sorts. It has an engine apparently and moving parts.

    Not that these help unravel information, but it's also interesting to note the resonance the storylines are having with archetypes and mythology. We've just witnessed an exodus of sorts from the island, and now we'll see the return.

    Also, what does the word "Lost" really mean now? Who's actaully lost? The main cast members, the island, or those who have left the island? Those who left the promised land?

    Damn, what good show! :D

    • i never thought of the meaning of "lost". thats neat..KevinTx
    • yeah, I didn't think about the actual show name. For seasons I've just assumed it was about the characters themselves.Jaline
  • locustsloth0

    Frozen Donkey Wheel glyphs

  • locustsloth0

    Harold Perrineau (Michael on Lost) was interview by TV Guide. He seems kinda disgruntled about having been back for only half a season. Among the bitter pills was this gem:
    TV Guide: Were you disappointed Michael and Walt didn't reconnect before your character died?
    Perrineau: Listen, if I'm being really candid, there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show. Sayid gets to meet Nadia again, and Desmond and Penny hook up again, but a little black boy and his father hooking up, that wasn't interesting? Instead, Walt just winds up being another fatherless child. It plays into a really big, weird stereotype and, being a black person myself, that wasn't so interesting. [Responds Cuse: "We pride ourselves on having a very racially diverse cast. It's painful when any actor's storyline ends on the show. Harold is a fantastic actor whose presence added enormously to Lost."]

    • Full Interview here:
    • Harold is kind of right, but complaining about it does make him sound bitter.Jaline
    • Complaing about it publicly is the right thing. If he had complained on the show he'd have been disruptive.Redmond
  • locustsloth0

    There was an interesting note in Entertainment Weekly's wrap up of the finale that said that Ben appeared in the desert 10 months later and maybe the island reappeared then too (who knows what location). So i looked at the post-rescue timeline and realized that there was a year and 9 months between Locke becoming the Other's leader and Locke dying (allegedly of a suicide). It'll be interesting to see how the writers cover that timespan (if time moved at the same pace) in only two more seasons.
    Which leads me to agree with Jaline that i'm really glad there's an end date that i can say "By May of 2010, i won't have to obsess about this shit anymore"

  • KevinTx0


  • Jaline0

    "Nobody would have expected them to return with a baby, so they could easily have left Aaron with Penny. If Kate really wanted to raise him, I'm sure there could have been some way to later on arrange a fake foreign adoption. Or better yet, Kate could have just not come back with the others. Penny could probably help set her up with a new identity, and then she'd avoid that potential prison sentence. Putting Aaron on the raft for another 8 or 9 hours and then trying to pass him off as Kate's just seems stupid. I'm sure the writers have their reasons, but it seems very contrived."


    Hmmm...didn't think of that. Interesting.

    • Yeah, i think that's one thing (one thing??) that you need to use your suspension of disbelief for...locustsloth
    • ...cause if she didn't bring him home, you lose the scenes with Jack and Claire's mom and the freaky Claire dream...locustsloth
    • ...So basically, Aaron going with Kate is a means to an end.locustsloth
    • Though if you think about it, even though Kate says she didn't want to use him this way, he was a good sympathy card for her triallocustsloth
    • for her triallocustsloth
    • I've been putting a lot of consideration into what I'm about to say during the next several pages of a message comprising of many letters and wordskalkal
    • when you have lots to say about a particular subject and its so much that it might just fill a set of notes, perhaps more than even four or sokalkal
    • than a few, you might want to simply respond to someone, rather than using notes because its just not practicalkalkal
    • Yeah, i kinda realized that at note 3, but decided to press on.locustsloth
    • So, as Ben said, "i'm sorry i made your life so miserable" :)locustsloth
  • locustsloth0

    An interesting thought on the whereabouts of Daniel and possibly Jin:
    When the island disappears, Jack tells Frank to look for the second island where the Hydra station is, but it's gone also. Also, remember the Looking Glass Station, which was a ways off the coast.
    So maybe, if Daniel and his boat were within this realm of the island and moved with it.
    And Jin (who was standing as far away from the initial explosion of the freighter as he possibly could be) managed to get off the freighter, maybe he swam far enough inland to be caught up in the move and Jeremy Bentham (Locke) visited Sun and told her that Jin was still alive and that's why she's so eager to find the island.

  • locustsloth0

    For the 1% of people here who care:
    Remember the Octagon Recruiting commercial that aired during the finale? i signed up and i got this email this morning:
    "Octagon Global Recruiting, on behalf of the Dharma Initiative, would like to thank you for registering your expression of interest in our latest volunteer recruitment drive.
    We will be launching in San Diego on July 24th at Comic-Con International offering select registrants the opportunity to take an exciting aptitude test that will give applicants the chance to demonstrate their unique talents.
    The Dharma Initiative hopes you will be able to join us to find out more about their ground-breaking new research project. We will contact you closer to the date with more information.
    For those not able to join us in San Diego, Dharma's full recruitment program will be made available online to registered recruits after July 27th.
    In the meantime, the Dharma Initiative urges you to spread the word. Invite your colleagues to join the team at www.octagonglobalrecruiting.com and take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity."

  • jevad0

    Just d/l the final episode and watched it.


    so confused....

    • still confused. they've 'lost' me...hahaha...jevad
    • haha, that's what this show does to you :)Jaline
  • locustsloth0

    Here's the video that was downloaded via blutooth at ComicCon from the Octagon Global Recruiting booth (the new Alternate Reality Game connected to Lost). You may want to mute your speakers cause all you can hear is the noise from the convention floor

    And here's a page with screencaps from the video

  • BrokenAC0

    wow., i've been purposefully ignoring this thread, as i didn't wanna kill any plotsubplots, but now i've caught up on all the episodes and up it pops,. great stuff here

    im just gonna head on back to pg 1, see if i missed anything


  • jaylarson0


  • locustsloth0

    dharmawantsyou.com is now taking applicants.
    i don't think you can really fail the test. When i signed up this morning i had an awful time getting the site to cooperate, but it eventually did.
    Looks like once you are signed up you'll get further tests in the future and your performance will be ranked among other players

  • locustsloth0

    Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse answer questions from fans AND a sneak peek at a scene from the season premier (and it's a fairly good one)
    Go to:

  • kalkal0

    david linderoth looks like the spitting image of my college spatial design lecturer...

  • ukit0

    Does anyone else get the impression that the ultimate explanation for all this shit, when it is finally rolled out, is gonna be pretty lame and underwhelming?

  • harlequino0

    ^ NOT if they reveal that THIS man has been responsible for the whole thing.

  • locustsloth0

    i imagine it's difficult to live up to the hype that builds around a show like this. If they hadn't already had an ending (i think even from when it first began), all the buzz around this show would surely corrupt it. But invariably, it's not gonna fly with some portion of the fan base. And with some it will. And that will be the beginning of our nation's next Civil War

    • So be it then *sharpens pitchfork*ukit
    • *fixes Civil War souvenier cap at a jaunty angle.harlequino