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  • TheBlueOne0

    Something I read a long time ago that has always struck me when these types of conversations spring up:

    "Okubo Doko is said to have remarked :
    Everyone says that no masters of the arts will appear as the world comes to an end. This is something that I cannot claim to understand. Plants such as peonies, azaleas and camellias will be able to produce beautiful flowers, end of the world or not. If men would give some thought to this fact, they would understand. And if people took notice of the masters of even these times, they would be able to say that there are masters in the various arts. But people become imbued with the idea that the world has come to an end and no longer put forth any effort. This is a shame. There is no fault in the times."

    - From the classic Samurai treatise Hagakure, chapter 9

  • fugged0

    speaking of DSOTM, I stopped listening to Floyd for a long time, but just recently "rediscovered" them. Still fantastic stuff, IMO.

  • OnesandZeros0

    No need to knock JT. Whether you like his music or not, he is a bad ass.

    Just to be brief - the music industry as a whole has completely changed. In the past 5 years there has been a shift of balance from major labels and huge artists to smaller indie labels and bands. With no MTV, no payola and shrinking staffs, the majors have lost control.

    There is a lot of great music now. Great like "Dark Side of the Moon" great. It's just not being shoved down our throats.