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  • KwesiJ0

    McCain actually helps me see the good side of Bush

  • ukit0

  • autoflavour0

    these people vote

  • ********

    In 2007, Obama said that giving sub-prime loans to people who coudn't afford them was a good idea. Odd.

  • ********

    Even more Obama goodness: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ind…
    The Obama campaign quietly removed from its official website a page managed by a fundraiser tied to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas.

    There's also support from (Mu'ammar Qadhafi of Libya), as seen on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), giving his endorsement:

    Backing by foreign leaders?

    • I luv how he talks and talks , and everyone else is chanting! it's just funny people ....BattleAxe
  • janne760

  • janne760

    anyway, do not cheer too early now.

    it's happened before that a candidate was heading for the win and then at the very last moment was passed...

    remember carter vs. reagan
    for instance

    • Also Kerry and Gore. Hee hee!
    • oh yes, i forgot!

      tee- hee! now that was fun, eh?
    • Would you like your shit sammich on wheat or white?
  • ********

    Howard Stern's man on the scene, Sal Governale, tricking the shit out of people in Harlem, listing all of McCain's policies but attributing them to Obama.

    • You can say the same for most of the southern states when it comes to McCain being white.lobstarr
  • ********

    No one became extremely evil all at once

  • ********

    "Like President Reagan, he is a Teflon man. No matter how many mistakes he makes during a telecast, no matter how glaring his weaknesses as a performer, nothing sticks to him. The television critics, wooed by his smooth off-camera personality, generally rave about him, rarely taking him to task on purely objective standards."
    an original quote by Howard Cosell, which applies to Obama

    • So this bothers you?TheBlueOne
    • Oh no, he does have a certain jenne se qua, but that doesn't qualify him.
    • "jenne se qua" is this another quote by Mr Cosell, a disgraced sportscaster? or your own original spelling?
    • Janne76 say quim
    • janne sez cumjanne76
  • calcium0

    Palin will be dropping the ceremonial first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers game this Sat.

    I cannot wait for the YouTube videos to follow.

    • She's gonna get booed, they booed Santa! HAHAHA
  • ukit0

    Just turned on the TV and Bush is giving a speech about the huge market drop today. He sounds like he wants to just walk away from all this, a mixture of pissed off and desperate.

    • He's already packed his bags bro.
  • TheBlueOne0

    Well, here's that incredible Liberal Media reporting tonite in prime time that young voters are "too dumb to vote" and they'd do America a service by "staying home" and not ruining America. Seriously.


    Fuck you ABC. Fuck you Disney and Fuck you Stossel you rightwing tool.

    Meanwhile at Palin and McCain rallies the people that warm up the crowds get people to chant "Hussein Obama! Liar! Socialist!"

    If Obama wins expect lots of violent reaction from the right. And by violence I mean real fucked up political violence that this country hasn't seen in decades. Mark my words.

    • Wow, suprising, but it makes sense.
    • beginning of a race war? maybe leading to the next civil war?harlequino
    • "uninformed voters" are what make up john mccain's base.colin_s
  • ********

    MSNBC Report
    Obama concedes mistake over Muslim outreach meeting
    The Obama campaign’s Muslim outreach director participated in a meeting in mid September that was attended by several controversial Muslim activists, NBC News has learned.

    • You keep going with that crap. two of my good friends just got laid off and my mom just lost her retirement..TheBlueOne
    • ...so you keep going with your little "terror" meme there.TheBlueOne
  • ukit0


    John McCain’s surprise policy offering Tuesday night to have the government buy bad mortgages is bold, sweeping and, well, a bit perplexing to nearly everyone.

    From economic experts to political pundits, from liberals to conservatives, the proposal has been greeted with a collective sense of puzzlement that is raising questions not only about the substance of the plan, but of the seeming hastiness surrounding its rollout.

    The few details available about McCain’s American Homeownership Resurgence Plan give the impression the plan is “half-baked,” according to Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.

    “If you’re launching a major new initiative, usually you blitz the cable networks and really try to penetrate the public consciousness. I didn’t see that today,” he said Wednesday.

    “It would really frighten me if he actually thought this was good policy,” said Dan Mitchell, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute. “I assume that it’s nothing but a desperation ploy” to show they are doing something “big and bold,” he said.

    “It seems hastily put together ... given the lack of detail, specificity and overlap with existing programs,” added a Republican financial services lobbyist.

    Indeed, McCain’s announcement was accompanied by a fact sheet that raised almost as many questions as it answered. The campaign did post and e-mail a background document Tuesday night following the debate describing the plan, but it lacked specifics about how the program would work, exactly who would be eligible and how many people would be helped.

    The ambiguity — and McCain’s failure to return to the subject and further elaborate on the initiative in the debate — afforded Democrats an opportunity to dismiss the plan right out of the gate.

    Obama supporter Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) told Fox News after the debate it felt “a little bit like another Hail Mary.”

    The McCain campaign tweaked the document overnight Tuesday in a slight but very significant way, removing a single sentence that indicated the government would buy mortgages from lenders at a discounted rate.

    The McCain campaign said the plan did not change and they merely edited out “language [that] was mistakenly included in the initial draft.”

    Nonetheless, with the sentence gone, the plan morphed into a shifting of $300 billion worth of losses to the taxpayers. It became clear Wednesday as the campaign talked about the plan that McCain is proposing that the Treasury purchase bad mortgages at face value even though sliding home prices mean many homes are worth far less than what the government would pay for original mortgages.

    The plan is to retire the original mortgage and issue the homeowner a new, 30-year fixed-rate loan at interest rates just above 5 percent from the Federal Housing Administration. The shortfall between the new mortgage and the cost of the older, more expensive one would come from taxpayers.

    The new detail caused many experts to question whether the $300 billion price tag is too low.

    And while the McCain campaign pitched the plan as a fast-acting solution, some experts said that the administration of a homeowner-by-homeowner program would be extremely complicated — and therefore likely slow-moving — and much more cumbersome than dealing with larger institutions.

    A campaign conference call with reporters Wednesday morning revealed that the campaign still doesn’t have all the details worked out.

    When asked how many people the plan would help, McCain economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin responded that it could aid “literally millions” but they didn’t have a precise estimate. “The question is how many people are going to pick up the phone.”

    Holtz-Eakin offered only broadest description of who would qualify for the refinancing program.

    “They need to be in a position where they’re going to be unable to stay in the mortgage,” he told reporters, saying that includes a homeowner who is “underwater” in their mortgage — owing more than the home is currently worth — or facing a future rate reset that would make their payments unaffordable.

    “We’re going to roll out the specific criteria. We’re trying to get sign-offs from the senator on all the details,” Holtz-Eakin told Politico in a later interview.

  • ********

    Barack Obama has a cousin in Kenya named Raila Odinga who ran for president in Kenya last year and lost. Raila Odinga is a radical Marxist communist who was educated in East Germany when it was a communist country and he is a good friend of Obama.

    In 2007 Barack and Michelle Obama traveled to Kenya at taxpayer expense to help his cousin with his campaign to win the presidency of Kenya. Odinga had bargained with Muslims in Kenya to institute Islamic Sharia law in Kenya in exchange for their support once he became president.

    • radical Marxist communist...look a threefer!
    • Hahahahaha
    • On a letter-to-the-editor from a little known paper! It must be true! Or not...TheFatBaron
    • http://www.factcheck… - down the page, look for "guit by associationTheFatBaron
    • Way to post some outright trash and lies Jazx.Mimio
    • JazX, you are doing a disservice to McCain...you're acting just like him and Mooselamonkeyshine
  • ********

    here's another person educated in East Germany:
    Like most pupils, Merkel was a member of the official, socialist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ). Later she became a member of the district board and secretary for "Agitprop" (agitation and propaganda) at the Academy of Sciences in that organisation. However, she did not take part in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, which was common in East Germany, and was confirmed instead.
    Merkel was educated in Templin and at the University of Leipzig, where she studied physics from 1973 to 1978. Merkel worked and studied at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin-Adlershof from 1978 to 1990. Angela Merkel speaks Russian fluently, and even earned a statewide prize for her proficiency. After being awarded a doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) based on a doctoral thesis on quantum chemistry[3] she worked in research.
    In 1989, Merkel got involved in the growing democracy movement after the fall of the Berlin Wall, joining the new party Democratic Awakening. Following the first (and only) democratic election of the East German state, she became the deputy spokesperson of the new pre-unification caretaker government under Lothar de Maizière.[4]

    • http://en.wikipedia.…
    • My great grandmama was from Prussia! woot
    • You know who else was educated in East Germany? East Germans.
    • amazing coincidence. I think Mccain has met with Merkel many times. Oh shit!
    • And Bush gave her a backrub!!TheBlueOne
  • ukit0


    The unmistakable momentum behind Barack Obama's campaign, combined with worry that John McCain is not doing enough to stop it, is ratcheting up fears and frustrations among conservatives.

    And nowhere is this emotion on plainer display than at Republican rallies, where voters this week have shouted out insults at the mention of Obama, pleaded with McCain to get more aggressive with the Democrat and generally demonstrated the sort of visceral anger and unease that reflects a party on the precipice of panic.

    The calendar is closing and the polls, at least right now, are not.

    With McCain passing up the opportunity to level any tough personal shots in his first two debates and the very real prospect of an Obama presidency setting in, the sort of hard-core partisan activists who turn out for campaign events are venting in unusually personal terms.

    "Terrorist!” one man screamed Monday at a New Mexico rally after McCain voiced the campaign’s new rhetorical staple aimed at raising doubts about the Illinois senator: “Who is the real Barack Obama?”

    "He's a damn liar!” yelled a woman Wednesday in Pennsylvania. "Get him. He's bad for our country."

    At both stops, there were cries of, “Nobama,” picking up on a phrase that has appeared on yard signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers.

    And Thursday, at a campaign town hall in Wisconsin, one Republican brought the crowd to its feet when he used his turn at the microphone to offer a soliloquy so impassioned it made the network news and earned extended play on Rush Limbaugh’s program.

    “I’m mad; I’m really mad!” the voter bellowed. “And what’s going to surprise ya, is it’s not the economy — it’s the socialists taking over our country.”

    After the crowd settled down he was back at it. “When you have an Obama, Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there gonna run this country, we gotta have our head examined!”

    Such contempt for Democrats is, of course, nothing new from conservative activists. But in 2000 and 2004, the Republican rank and file was more apt to ridicule Gore as a stiff fabulist or Kerry as an effete weather vane of a politician.

    “Flip-flop, flip-flop,” went the cry at Republican rallies four years ago, often with footwear to match the chant.

    Now, though, the emotion on display is unadulterated anger rather than mocking.

    Activists outside rallies openly talk about Obama as a terrorist, citing his name and purported ties to Islam in the fashion of the viral e-mails that have rocketed around the Internet for over a year now.

    Some of this activity is finding its way into the events, too.

    On Thursday, as one man in the audience asked a question about Obama’s associations, the crowd erupted in name-calling.

    "Obama Osama!" one woman called out.

    And twice this week, local officials have warmed up the crowd by railing against “Barack Hussein Obama.”

    Both times, McCain’s campaign has issued statements disavowing the use of the Democrat’s full name.
    A McCain aide said they tell individuals speaking before every event not to do so. “Sometimes people just do what they want,” explained the aide.

    The raw emotions worry some in the party who believe the broader swath of swing voters are far more focused on their dwindling retirement accounts than on Obama’s background and associations and will be turned off by footage of the McCain events.

    John Weaver, McCain’s former top strategist, said top Republicans have a responsibility to temper this behavior.

    “People need to understand, for moral reasons and the protection of our civil society, the differences with Sen. Obama are ideological, based on clear differences on policy and a lack of experience compared to Sen. McCain,” Weaver said. “And from a purely practical political vantage point, please find me a swing voter, an undecided independent, or a torn female voter that finds an angry mob mentality attractive.”

    “Sen. Obama is a classic liberal with an outdated economic agenda. We should take that agenda on in a robust manner. As a party we should not and must not stand by as the small amount of haters in our society question whether he is as American as the rest of us. Shame on them and shame on us if we allow this to take hold.”

    But, if it were up to them, such hard-edged tactics are clearly what many in the party base would like to use against Obama.

    • How embarassing for McCain.Mimio
    • the fringe will fray more
    • and Mccain will be the golf god of a party of louts
  • BattleAxe0

    You living in a border town, I heard Jackshit about immigration the last two debates, all i hear is we need to secure our borders , wow how generic , as of now I am not sold into any candidate , and no talk about the full blown Drug War in Mexico , I mean just across the river over 1000k dead this year alone, that is just one city(juarez) , no one cares that the war is all over getting drugs into the u.s. People flee and are displaced from any war torn country and are called refugees , you come from Mexico into the U.S and you are an illegal Alien.


    Rally supporters urge McCain to get more aggressive with Obama

    WTF? they want a fucking lynching or what... thats fucking nasty


    • Simple answer to simple question:
      Yes. they do want a lynching.