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  • ********

    I am really hoping that Obama will bring about the change that this country so desperately needs. The last 8 years of a fascist and corrupt Neocon Republican regime needs to end here and now! The GOP has single handly destroyed the entire global economy for that we thank you! So to all the sheep that we call Republicans stop all of your whining about the media, they are spot on about the massive failures of the GOP machine, period!

    • you're so uneducated it's not even funny.
  • monkeyshine0

    For those who feel bad for McCain now that this morass is spiraling out of control, I almost felt sorry for him too and was glad to hear him say the right things...but you shouldn't feel sorry for him. He has sold his soul...apparently Palin never had one to begin with.

    The divisive harm he has perpetrated is unforgivable. He's taken a stereotype of middle America and turned it inside out. I am southern; my family comes from Eastern Kentucky and while there are definitely some idiots in my extended family, my grandparents were staunch Democrats who had integrity and humility, and tried to see through the crap to the truth of things. I think I have strong values, stronger than many people I observe around me, and they came from these roots. My grandparents would be deeply, personally offended by these McCain tactics. I am deeply offended because it feels like a slap in the face to the people I know who are being used as pawns - just so McCain can make it to the white house.

    Okay...phew. I had to get that off my chest. :)

  • ukit0

    If Obama gets elected...this racist, nativist strain will not go away. You have to wonder what effect it will have to the GOP over the long run.

    • Also with whites becoming a minority sometimes in the next couple decadesukit
  • locustsloth0

    My level of distrust for this whole process is as such that i wondered for a second whether those questions in the town hall clip up there ^ were plants so that McCain could respond as he did and try to mitigate the negative perception (make that reality) his campaign has.
    But then i watched the vids of the lines of people going to and from Republican events.

  • GeorgesII0

    • SHOCKING!!!!
    • it needs clarification obviouslyKwesiJ
    • And thus we raise the level of discourse in America.TheBlueOne
  • locustsloth0

    "Palin denies she abused power"


    "The lawyers representing Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, issued a three-page attack on the investigative report, including the contention that Ethics Act violations can only involve financial motives and financial "potential gain, or the avoidance of a potential loss."

    "Here, there is no accusation, no finding and no facts that money or financial gain to the governor was involved in the decision to replace Monegan," the lawyers said."

    So she's not disputing that she used her power for a personal issue, just that it had nothing to do with money. It's like you're doing the Dem's work for them, Sarah. Thanks!

    • truth be told, i had actually written off Troopergate as a non-issue until the report came outlocustsloth
    • If she had an ounce of integrity insead of being filled with nothing but raw ambition and ignorance she would have bowed out by now...TheBlueOne
    • of bowed out now as gracefully as possible.TheBlueOne
  • IRNlun60

    I commend McCain for rejecting the hatred being directed toward Obama. He rejected the implication of a supporter, stating that Obama is in fact not an Arab but a good family man with a difference of opinion. To me this still isn't good enough; this still suggests that Arabs cannot be trusted. McCain didn't reject the blatant racism of her comment, he just corrected her presumption of Obama's ethnicity.

  • GeorgesII0

    Look at paulson, I think his ulcer just started itching again

    btw: what does a "global 'meltdown' warning" means?

  • ********

    Although I believe it's been mentioned before, it's funny how one-sided everything is in this thread. When someone brings up valid points on the disfunctionality of the Democratic party, they're lambasted.

    Hey but that's like cool, anyone for ACORN flavored Kool-Aid?

    • Is it possible for you to post a link to a non-partisan account of Obama's alleged involvement?locustsloth
    • And BTW, if the demographic here were slanted toward the right, rather than the left, you'd find the same behaviorlocustsloth
    • alleged involvement in ACORN, that islocustsloth
    • Go ahead and do the research below, there's plenty of evidence Obama supported ACORN. A check was made to them.
    • It's a matter of degree really. The republicans have gotten us into one unneccessary war and bankrupted the country..TheBlueOne
    • ..but go ahead and compare that to some made up ACORN bullshit...you go right ahead...TheBlueOne
  • ukit0


    Civil rights icon and Georgia congressman John Lewis is accusing John McCain and Sarah Palin of stoking hate, likening the atmosphere at Republican campaign events to those featuring George Wallace, the segregationist former governor of Alabama and presidential candidate. McCain's campaign has responded with a statement in the candidate's name, urging Barack Obama to repudiate Lewis's comments.

    "What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement issued today. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

    Lewis didn't accuse McCain of imitating Wallace, but suggested there were similarities.

    "George Wallace never threw a bomb," Lewis noted. "He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama."

    Lewis's sharp words may be dismissed as those of a partisan Democrat in a campaign season. But the former head of SNCC and hero of Selma is somebody who McCain has lavished praise upon over the years, including admiring him in a book on courage and bravery and repeatedly invoking Lewis's name in public appearances.

    Appearing with Barack Obama at a forum at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in August, McCain included Lewis as one of "three wise men" he would consult as president.

    "He can teach us all a lot about the meaning of courage and commitment to causes greater than our self-interest," McCain said of Lewis.

    Now, Lewis is castigating McCain in the harshest of terms.

    “As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all," Lewis said today. "They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better.”

  • ********

    Two Ohio voters, including Domino's pizza worker Christopher Barkley , claimed yesterday that they were hounded by the community-activist group ACORN to register to vote several times, even though they made it clear they'd already signed up.

    Barkley estimated he'd registered to vote "10 to 15" times after canvassers for ACORN, whose political wing has endorsed Barack Obama, relentlessly pursued him and others.



  • ********

    And look who used to drastically fund it. Herb Sandler, who you'll remember was in a bit of controversy himself:

    Predatory Lending
    On 4 October 2008 NBC's Saturday Night Live ran a skit which caricatured the Sandlers as predatory lenders who scammed unsophisticated borrowers into purchasing homes they could not afford. SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels spoke with the Los Angeles Times on October 7 and said he had no idea the Sandlers were real people and that there is "absolutely no evidence" that the Sandlers engaged in any wrongful behavior.

    Organizations funded by the Sandlers:
    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
    America Votes
    Center for American Progress
    Human Rights Watch

  • ********

    Except someone must have edited the page. It used to say: Allegations of Predatory Lending
    On October 4th, 2008, NBC's Saturday Night Live ran a skit which caricatured the Sandlers as predatory lenders who had scammed unsophisticated borrowers into purchasing homes that they could not afford. This skit stemmed from criticism that the Sandler's Savings and Loan had accumulated billions of dollars in sub-prime mortgages during the sizzling home markets of the 1990's and early 2000's. When the Sandler's sold Golden West to Wachovia in October 2006, these unstable loans would become the basis for Wachovia's meltdown in September 2008

  • ********

    In some locations, ACORN employees have allegedly submitted false voter registration forms rather than obtaining registrations from actual eligible voters.

    In Ohio in 2004, four ACORN employees were indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms.
    In January 2005 two Colorado ACORN workers were sentenced to community service for submitting false voter registrations.
    ACORN's regional director said, "we find it abhorrent and do everything we can to prevent it from happening."
    On November 1, 2006, four part-time ACORN employees were indicted in Kansas City, Missouri for voter registration fraud. Prosecutors said the indictments are part of a national investigation.
    ACORN said in a press release that it is in part responsible in these individuals being caught, has fired them, and has cooperated and publicly supported efforts to look into the validity of the allegations.
    ACORN was investigated in 2006 for submitting false voter registrations in St. Louis, Missouri. 1,492 fraudulent voter registrations were identified.
    In 2007, five Washington state ACORN workers were sentenced to jail time. ACORN agreed to pay King County $25 000 for its investigative costs and acknowledged that the national organization could be subject to criminal prosecution if fraud occurs again. According to King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg, the misconduct was done "as an easy way to get paid [by ACORN], not as an attempt to influence the outcome of elections."
    In 2008, the Michigan Secretary of State office told the Detroit Free Press that ACORN had been submitting a sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications to vote. Oak Park town clerk Sandra Gadd said they have been seeing "lots of duplication from ACORN in recent months. They've been very cooperative and they're willing to go door-to-door to do whatever they have to do to take care of this."
    State authorities in Nevada raided ACORN's offices in Las Vegas in 2008, alleging that its canvassers produced forms with false names, fictional addresses, or famous personalities. Neither ACORN nor any employees, however, have been charged with fraud or other crimes.
    October 8, 2008, Missouri officials announced an investigation into alleged voter fraud concerning some ACORN registered names. Some names were listed multiple times, had fake/missing addresses, no drivers licenses, bad social security numbers, etc.
    As of October 9, 2008 the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections was carrying out investigation into possible voter fraud by ACORN in Ohio amid allegations it was paying voters to register multiple times.
    On October 9, 2008 officials in Lake County, Indiana, said ACORN submitted 2,100 bogus registration forms.

    • The timing of raising this issue is pretty suspect. Plus they're just voter registration cards. You sill have to prove your identity before voting...IRNlun6
    • ...your identity to vote.IRNlun6
  • turk_1820

    I bet if I tried hard enough... i could copy and paste more info than both of you combined.

  • KwesiJ0

    i'll always remember my visit to philedelphia when some guy walked up to me while i was having a beer on a patio and asked me if i wanted to register to vote. I said "I can't...." and beofre I could say "I'm not american." he said "it doesn't matter" and took the forms and a pen out and sat down with me. So I further elaborated what I was trying to say and he didn't seem to know what to do and just got up and left like I was bothering him.

  • ukit0

    ACORN = a bunch of broke college kids wandering around trying to get people to register. Inevitably, there will be some mistakes and people putting bogus names on there. But so what?

    • I saw the guy earlier and he was walking around like he had a quota to fill....anything to fill that I guess.KwesiJ
    • so naivesputnik2
  • KwesiJ0

    I'm sort of kicking myself for not registering because it'd be awsome to be an officially registered voter in a foreign country. I could single handedly change the course of American history...all the way from some obscure northern colony.

  • ukit0

    Where do you live?

  • ukit0

    Looks like the rescue plan has been rescued...


    WASHINGTON — As international leaders gathered here on Saturday to grapple with the global financial crisis, the Bush administration embarked on an overhaul of its own strategy for rescuing the foundering financial system.

    Two weeks after persuading Congress to let it spend $700 billion to buy distressed mortgage-backed securities, the Bush administration has put that idea on the back burner in favor of a new approach, which would have the government inject capital directly into the nation’s banks — in effect, partially nationalizing the industry.

    While the Treasury department says it still plans to buy up distressed assets, the scope of that plan is unclear. And the federal government meanwhile has directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-controlled mortgage giants, to ramp up their purchases of troubled mortgage bonds, in what could be a speedier and less formal process than the reverse auctions proposed by the Treasury.

    The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which last month seized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and placed them into a conservatorship, has ordered the companies to buy substantially larger amounts of mortgage securities — mostly subprime or other classes of mortgages in default.

    The new plan to buy stock in banks, which has become the administration’s primary focus, comes closer to a partial nationalization of the banking system than at any time since the Depression. In exchange for providing capital, the government would demand some kind of nonvoting minority stake.

    The surprising turnaround by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., announced Friday as part of a coordinated plan to rescue the financial industry, has raised questions about whether he squandered valuable time by trying to sell Congress a plan that he and other administration officials had failed to think through in advance.