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- akoni0
Fact Check: Would McCain's mortgage plan aid banks and cost taxpayers? - True
- ukit0
- hahahahahahahahahaaa...MrOneHundred
- hahahahHAHAHHA how was this shot even possible?_salisae_
- there must be at least another shot of this, judging by photographer in the background********
- i am rarely in a situation where THAT much of my tongue is exposed._salisae_
- befuddling_salisae_
- He couldn't figure out which way around the table to shake the moderator's hand. Hence, the face.ETM
- ... or he just missed trying to grab Obama's ass.ETM
- The truth is that McCain keeled over and died immediately after the debate and was quickly replaced by his double while the camera was focusing on the crowdukit
- ahhhh .. thank you! ETM_salisae_
- Haha - Love it. I actually hit rewind on the cable remote to see it again after I saw it the first time.AngArtist
- WOW!!! That is not the first time he has done that. WTF???DCDesigns
- _salisae_0
I like that after the debate Joe the Plumber was interviewed and when asked who he was going to vote for he replied ‘that's for me and a button to know.’
- ********0
Joe the Plumber seems like and has all the markings of a GOP plant.
- ukit0
Apparently Joe is not even registered, rendering the whole debate null and void.
- ooooohhhh say it ain't so joe!
*in palin voicesofakingbanned
- ooooohhhh say it ain't so joe!
- ********0
Joe The Plummer
Fantastic! Another racist non-voter for McCain.
The video really doesn't do McCain any favors though. I'm watching it, and Obama does a really good job, makes it clear Joe doesn't agree with him, but states his policy clearly and respectfully.To call Obama's response a "tap dance" isn't giving Obama nearly the respect he gave Joe... and again, I'm no expert, but isn't calling a black guy a tap dancer up there with expecting him to eat fried chicken and watermelon?
Posted By: | October 16, 2008 at 12:44 AM
- ********0
Joe may not be registered, but RICHARD Wurzelbacher of Ohio is a contributor to a right wing conservative PAC.
Posted By: Wurzelbacher | October 16, 2008 at 12:45 AM
- sofakingbanned0
my brother in law is a plummer and his name is joe.
The Joe the Plummer I know does not approve of McCain and this message. :)
- I'm Joan the Plumber and I approve this message._salisae_
- sofakingbanned0
what was up with McCain and all his weird faceses and rapid arm movements? He always looks awkward and just weird...
As always he looked frustrated and angry.
Obama was cool and collected.- 3 more weeks of that shit and it will be all over thankfullyakoni
- ********0
- hahah yes!sofakingbanned
- “Aaaaaaaaasssssss”MrOneHundred
- braaaiiins arrrrETM
- You killed the zombie McCain...
He was a zombie?ETM - photoshop battle!********
- priceless_salisae_
- sofakingbanned0
so what are these "tshirts" McCain speaks of that are equally as offensive as being called a terrorist and someone asking for your death?
must be some crazy T's :)
- I saw a guy with a "Palin Is A Cunt" tee yesterday. I laughed out loud.TheBlueOne
- that t-shirt is a bit too extreme. I don't like "textual" t-shirts to begin with...Jaline
- ********0
any vids available on how obama crunched mccain? thnx
- ********0
- ********0
For a good laugh (Part 3):
I'm voting Democrat because I think we should raise income taxes on all the people who can afford Cadillacs, even though it means Cadillac workers will lose their jobs.
I'm voting Democrat because I think it's a good idea to raise Social Security taxes on anyone who earns more than $97,000, and tack on a 2-4 per cent surcharge, even though he won't get a higher retirement benefit because of his additional taxes.
I'm voting Democrat because a big raise in the minimum wage will give some people higher paychecks, even though it will result in higher prices nationwide and will cause a lot of people to lose their jobs and not be hired in the first place.
I'm voting Democrat because I think it's a good idea to leave all of America's oil in the ground, never to be accessed, in order that we can buy more from the Middle East and our friend Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
I'm voting Democrat because I think we need to keep tariffs high on Brazilian ethanol based on sugar cane so that Americans can’t buy it, even though it's too cold in America to grow our own sugar cane.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of blocking the construction of new nuclear power plants that we will need so that we can plug in all those electric cars we've been hearing about for 40 years.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of requiring employers to give workers up to 12 weeks of paid time off for "family leave" and I don't think that would make it more difficult for American businesses to compete in the global economy.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe the estate/death tax should stay in place and even be increased, so that when the owner of a business or farms dies, his family has to sell it to pay the taxes, rather than keep it in the family where it can support their livelihood.
I'm voting Democrat because I'm sure that if we raise tariffs on imported goods no other countries will do the same in retaliation.
I'm voting Democrat because I'd rather send my children to a poorly-run public school with terrible teachers who can't be fired than have a voucher system that would let me shop around for a better school.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the proposal of free college for anyone who maintains a "B" average because that probably can't cost very much in additional taxes and I don't anticipate any problems with professors suddenly becoming more generous in their grading.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of a "fairness doctrine" that would force radio stations to give equal time for all opposing opinions, even though the stations will lose money when no one listens to those broadcasts and will end up canceling all the talk shows I now enjoy.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of resurrecting an air traffic controller's union so that the safety of airline passengers can be compromised by the threat of a strike or a work slowdown.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of a national health care plan where illegal immigrants can get the best medical care my tax dollars can provide, and because I like the idea of doctors leaving the profession after the government reduces their fees in an effort to keep the program from going bankrupt.
I'm voting Democrat because I like the idea of prohibiting insurance companies from having exclusions for pre-existing conditions, even though it means no one in their right mind would buy insurance until they get sick and that will put all the nation's health insurers out of business.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe in equal pay for the sexes, that pre-school teachers should be paid the same as high-rise construction workers, that all men should be paid the same as Oprah and all women should be paid the same as Bill Gates.
I'm voting Democrat because I want to put an end to racial profiling; I don't think it's fair for the police to know that the guy who robbed the liquor store is a young black guy with a beard, and that the police are more likely to apprehend him if they also have to stop and question old women, whites, and Hispanics who don't have beards.
I'm voting Democrat because I don't think the United States, Israel, or Europe needs a missile defense system to protect against nuclear missiles from Russia, Iran, or North Korea.
I'm voting Democrat because I don't think we need the F-22 Raptor, V-22 Osprey, Virginia-class submarines, or the DDG-1000 destroyer.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe the primary responsibility of our Armed Forces should not be to defend America in time of war, but to rescue fat, stupid people from the roofs of houses during hurricanes.
I'm voting Democrat because I would like to see deep cuts in America's nuclear arsenal, even though crazed dictators around the world are desperately working to build up their own arsenals.
- i am not going to read it, we have better things to do, like posting weird imagesjanne76
- HA HA! Touche********
- and right you are janne.********
- can you tell me in 3 words what you said here in 3000********
- Surely, it's sarcastic banter for why I would never vote for what they call the Democrat Party********
- Don't they grow sugar cane in Hawaii??DCDesigns
- janne760
he is trying to puke out the devil inside him
- lowimpakt0
seriously though. what is the deal with the tongue?
- monkeyshine0
So, Joe the plumber...
- not registered to vote
- related to Keating?
- lived in Arizona at some point?
- janne760
- http://en.wikipedia.… almost in NJ which you Dutch********
- hahahahahajanne76
- Vorhees. And that was the name of my Namibian dog. Vorhees (Eyes). Afrikaans.********
- http://en.wikipedia.… almost in NJ which you Dutch
- janne760
Ralph Nader isn't surprised that Obama and McCain agreed with Bush and were so eager to bailout their friends and campaign contributors on Wall Street with taxpayer money without any meaningful public discussion about it. Mr. Nader believes investors can bailout Wall Street through 0.1% tax on the 500 trillion dollars spent on derivatives speculation as an alternative.
Nader points out that some of the deregulation was proposed by the Republicans, but signed into law President Clinton with the blessing of Henry Paulson. He is skeptical of claims that this is a once in a century occurance, noting that a similar bailout ($400 billion in 2008 dollars) for runaway financiers occurred with the Savings & Loans Crisis of the late 80s and early 90s.
- http://flickr.com/ph…janne76
- Ohh of course, but if you ask mrdobolina he'll tell you EVERYONE on Wall Street is Republican. o_O********