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- 33,624 Responses
- allthethings0
Issues surrounding housing discrimination, foreclosure and homelessness require a good event planner. Because Trump.
President Trump chooses inexperienced woman who planned his son Eric's wedding to run N.Y. federal housing programs
- CygnusZero43
Trump is running wild on twitter this morning lol. Totally unhinged.
- #whiningmonospaced
- winning riledFax_Benson
- Making Whining Great Again
- face_melter2
- Happy Friday!Continuity
- Lol, the deep state is still stumped... they gonna get desperate very soon.robotron3k
- How are you handling this robo, are you ok?
Do you need to call someone?face_melter - Yeah, he needs to call his mum.
Who also happens to be his sister.Continuity
- kona3
Crystal Griner risked her life to save Steve Scalise. Griner, who killed the shoter is a Lesbian and is married to another woman. Rep. Scalise is opposed to same-sex marriages.
I hope Representative Scalise makes a full recovery.
That being said - I also hope he rethinks his stance on gun regulations and gay people.
- lol @ shoter
:DRamanisky2 - haha. I'm sick as shit shaking like a leaf and it's so damn hard to type. I have no business being at work todaykona
- go home kona! don't get the rest of the office sick! they will all call you the shoter if you don't leave.capn_ron
- I'm hungover.
I have no business being at work todayRamanisky2 - Don't puke on the account girl.Continuity
- too lateRamanisky2
- didn't he also vote against preventing mentally ill people from purchasing firearms?fooler
- #gayswithgunsrobotron3k
- ^^^this guy^^^capn_ron
- Robotroll2020 is getting paid to post thiszaq
- lol @ shoter
- Continuity4
- Pence just hired HIS own lawyer for the Russia investigation.monospaced
- Was just about to post this. WTH. You couldn't make this up, latest in a seriesallthethings
- Better call Saul!Continuity
- From last month
http://talkingpoints…yuekit - http://lawyrup.weebl…Ramanisky2
- Lol more Nake Fews to sell more Nake Fews... you guys must be glued into CNN 24/7 - that's why they pump CNN free to 30k airports/malls daily, so you sux it up.robotron3k
- You're an idiot. There's nothing fake about all this.allthethings
- "source w knowledge" lolz...robotron3k
- wonder where the bill is going to be sent...formed
- ^^^this guy^^^Ramanisky2
- 2:03 pm est ...
omg is running lateRamanisky2 - sorry, what's fake robo? he hired a lawyer, and is going to testify with the man present ... what's fucking fake about that?monospaced
- I mean, will you even admit that you were wrong when that happens, or just keep your head in the sand parroting Trump tweets?monospaced
- well, 3 days later and you've got absolutely nothing ... not even a response. Conclusion: robo is a dumbfuck and prefers his sources to have no knowledgemonospaced
- Ramanisky21
- And yet still, the oddest thing about this photograph is his hair.detritus
- Josh Homme?fooler
- but it's plastic, Donald. It's clean.
- I don't care. Get me a napkin. A red one. Sea Scorpions have germs in their tails. Fascinating creatures.Fax_Benson - lol @ det - haha - so truefadein11
- I saw a docu-menterry once. Really very fascinating birds. They give birth to themselves. At night.Fax_Benson
- formed2
- "It's not being written. Because there's no consensus."
— McCainmonospaced - #winningmonospaced
- "It's not being written. Because there's no consensus."
- Ramanisky24
2:17 pm est ... omg is running late
- I have some proves that Robotroll2020 is getting paid to post here.zaq
- I will have this information released tomorrowzaq
- Ooo that's excitingRamanisky2
- oooh tell us more.fadein11
- ********-13
- over an hour late omg,
pay shall be deducted.Ramanisky2 - who are those people? Garrison really missed the point without labelling them.capn_ron
- powerful stufffadein11
- has the definition of far-left taken a massive shift to the centre recently - because I don't see any far-left stuff anywhere.fadein11
- Ben Garrison has an easy gig.BonSeff
- lol @ making meaningless celebrities into something anyone needs to worry aboutmonospaced
- Take those away and the rest is benign. "Resist", "dangerous" and protesting against a shitty leader is not only true and justified, it's downright American.monospaced
- let's not forget that there actually is no far left terrorist groupmonospaced
- just this guy mono...https://www.y...BonSeff
- https://www.youtube.…BonSeff
- is that snoop dawg?sofakingback
- is that madonna? lol********
- Is that Rachel Maddow?Ramanisky2
- If it is, she never said that.monospaced
- IN fairness to omg...I think he was participating in the kindergarten concert today. Running a bit late.BusterBoy
- over an hour late omg,
- BonSeff1
This Al Franken segment is good.
- ********-7
- who gives a fuck? it wasn't the school anyway, it was some kid on the yearbook staff who had a chance to put this dumbfuck in his placemonospaced
- It is a design forum and they're using Photoshop.********
- And you posted it here because you clearly have an opinion about it. Don't act like you give a fuck about design omg.monospaced
- looks like they added a few lbs to his chin while they were at itfooler
- moldero3
this vid pretty much sums up this thread
- Holyfuck hahahahahaRamanisky2
- great!renderedred
- The sign makes a nice touchzaq
- the sign totally makes it better :)renderedred
- Lolololorobotron3k
- sofakingback4
"Lick it up, lick it up Mike... like a dog"
- ********0
How did Trump end up with such a lame cabinet anyways? You like as a former-democratic leaning person from NYC, he'd have put in at least one competent normal person.
- noone of any credibility/quality wants to get within a 100 miles of the toxic, orange, senile cunt.fadein11
- NYC hates his fucking guts.monospaced
- ********3
Does anyone watch Fox News? Does it genuinely make Trump sound like he's accomplishing anything?
- i put it on just to see what they're saying, all we have down in mx is fox, cnn and bbc, fox is a joke, their target audience are the uneducated for suremoldero
- all you have is cnn... doesn't that mean you have paid cable?********
- http://3dy8gw2t55ky2…********
- They don't try very hard to make it look like Trump is accomplishing anything. Mostly they just do damage control and try to make fun of democrats.monospaced
- I don't think i've ever watched it - aside from youth clipsGnash
- lol. youtube, not youthGnash
- ********1
Is there anything specific that the average middle class Republican has a problem with w/ Obama Care?
- A black man's name.monospaced
- ^ true that. most people were fine with ACA, lol.Gnash
- not only was it expensive, Obama Care was raping the youth and employers of unnecessary expenses many Republicans were having problems with.********
- No one cared for RomneyCare, i'm pretty sure the idea that a black man's name being an issue was made up by some dumb Libtard.********
- I thought there were loads of people who hated obama care but were happy with the ACAGnash
- While the two are said to be the same, the differences could have preferred ACA over ObamaCare.********
- dumbass they are the same thing ... asshole republicans made up the name Obamacare to make idiots like you think it wasn't the ACA, which it ismonospaced
- And to top it off, dumb shit republicans are backing a repeal and replace with a trump plan that doesn't address any of the issues they had with the ACA.monospaced
- Proving that the issue was with the name Obama and nothing else.monospaced
- obama care IS the acamoldero
- exactly.
You kinda proved the point there, omg.Gnash - Is that the Obamacare/ACA which was originally formulated by a Republican thinktank in the 90's?face_melter
- Stick to posting cartoons, omg.face_melter
- it's the little differences that matter. In Obamacare, everybody is required to buy insurance, or they have to pay a penalty.********
- Penalties ranging from $1000-$5000 could potentially double if the IRS sues you.********
- Mono probably thinks you'll get ass raped in tax prison, maybe meet Wesley Snipes there if one doesn't pay those penalties so I wonder if he paid.********
- I have insurance through my employer you dumb fucking retard. Also those penalties are for when you NEED healthcare and didn't get any.monospaced
- And ONCE AGAIN the penalties for not getting healthcare under trump are much much worse. Especially if you're a woman or veteran.monospaced
- So yeah. The difference is that under the new administration it's far worse. Thanks for making my point you moron.monospaced
- As a self-employed person I was happy to have access to care thru Ocare when I was hit by a car and got cancer 6 months apart, omg. Now fuck offallthethings
- ********0
Does Trump have any friends?
- he has many friends.pango
- https://www.youtube.…pango
- i remember trump said to a bunch of 1%rs before he won "i'm going to make you all a lot of money" anyone know what i'm talking about?moldero
- Ted Nugentmonospaced
- Many, many friends. A tremendous number of friends...unlike any friendships you've ever seen.BusterBoy
- yuekit2
When Trump says the Paris climate deal is unfair to the U.S.
The U.S. did more than anyone else to create this problem that now endangers the entire planet, and suddenly it's unfair to ask to pay a few billion each year towards mitigation efforts?
- 2016 stats: China 28.21%, U.S. 15.99%,, India 6.24%, Russia 4.53%, Japan 3.67%, Germany 2.23%... and China wins!!!robotron3k
- What do you think matters more, one year or one and a half centuries?yuekit
- It's a cumulative problem in terms of how much carbon has been pumped into the atmosphere. The U.S. is far and away the biggest culprit.yuekit
- so... because there was one huge asshole some of the little guys now get a chance to be assholes too... just so we all feel 'fair' about it all? lol... c'monPonyBoy
- Set up a plan for to everyone that keeps everyone in check the same way so we're actually working toward a clean earth and not political / social equalityPonyBoy
- fadein111
At least he finally accepts Sandy Hook happened. This will be interesting on many levels.
Alex Jones cries foul ahead of interview with 'Medusa' NBC host Megyn Kelly
- Maybe I'm too cynical but this just seems like an attempt to manufacture a "controversy" on all sides for ratings.yuekit
- yep possibly. still interesting though no?fadein11
- he has so much influence now it's scary.fadein11
- i've listened to the guy since the charlie sheen 'winning' thing... AJ's take on SH has never been that it didn't happen... he called out some of the parents...PonyBoy
- ... as 'actors' showing vids of them seconds before their public press conf. laughing / goofing-off then switching on the tears for the camerasPonyBoy
- Dude always said he wasn't sure what was up but there was some mad phony shit in the reporting. He's passionate (overly) for sure but I never heard him say...PonyBoy
- ...that SH was actually a fake incident. He did turn it into a conspiracy circus and fucked up the memory of all those babies lost...but to be fair his words...PonyBoy
- ... often get misconstrued / purposely editedPonyBoy
- half the reason he has so many listeners is because idiots keep talking about him.inteliboy
- ^ yup. We need these thugs to be shouting at air and fade away. Putting the spotlight on him, even bumping this, is promoting him and giving him power.formed
- Yeah the whole is pretty sickening. I don't think any of these people including Jones are really that stupid, it's just a money making machine.yuekit
- So for attention he pretends Sandy Hook is fake or whatever. Meanwhile Mygyn Kylly pretends to be outraged by Jones so she can get ratings.yuekit
- lol @ defending AJ. and lol at saying he didn't say Sandy Hook never happened. its in his archive aplenty. Even if he didnt he enjoys spreading liesfadein11
- lies that must destroy the parents of those kids who died. wow - who cares if he's being made a circus or its a media witchhunt - the man is subhuman scumfadein11
- and he got rich off fear - his motives are not for a better america, he's for his own personal gain, much like your president ha... funny that.fadein11
- He's more concerned about fluoride than the bombs his nation drops on innocents. wow. wake up people.fadein11
- read and weep https://www.mediamat…fadein11
- @intelliboy - what? you mean the millions of Trump voters who consider his news reliable?fadein11
- @pony - the video on that link shows exactly what he said about Sandy Hook. And from the fat fucks mouth lol - no media spin on it.fadein11
- mic dropmonospaced
- Didn't defend the guy... just pointed out what I've personally heard him actually said. That media matters piece is shit btw-little clips and blips-no contextPonyBoy
- I think yuekit nailed it... making money with controversy and pretend outragePonyBoy
- *say... not 'said'PonyBoy
- watch the 1st vid on that page - he says it didn't happenfadein11
- That was clips and blips. It was one continuous video where he says several times it didn't happen and gave many retarded points in that vein.monospaced
- *wasnt.monospaced
- ugh... totally missed the video and read the article which was a hodgepodge of quotes. Never heard that clip / wasn't listening that day I guess. :)PonyBoy
- At the very end he says 'it took a year for me to believe the whole thing was a hoax'. I recall lots of 'the media is fake' shit but didn't realize he finally..PonyBoy
- ... stated he felt it was all BS. Guess I don't pay enough attention to him when listening... that's not such a bad thing now is it?PonyBoy
- And pick up that mic, mono... were you born in a fucking barn?PonyBoy
- no it's a good thing you don't listen but saying he didn't say something when he did adds to the problem. Nice to know you aren't a fan anyway - wasn't sure forfadein11
- a while :)fadein11
- And I totally agree it's a shame we have to talk about the piece of shit but millions of your citizens believe what he says so it's quite a big issue.fadein11
- he's doing 3 for 2 on fluoride free toothpaste at the mo though - I bagged myself a few tubes (shipping to UK was $50 though).fadein11
- lol... it is good toothpastePonyBoy
- I can't believe you listened to this dumbfuck asshole for years. He's a waste of air.monospaced
- did you pick up that mic yet?PonyBoy
- you mean the one fadein dropped?monospaced
- and no, I wasn't born in a barn .. that comment makes absolutely no sense, but I suppose some Alex Jones devotees were in fact born in barnsmonospaced
- You're the one who admitted to listening to this professional hater and conspiracy theorist, not me. That's embarrassing for you. Them's the facts.monospaced
- lol. easy boys. pony didn't know he's said sandy hook never happened for years - it went under his radar.fadein11
- well, then he had every reason to defend Alex Jones and say that the accusation wasn't true then, despite the evidencemonospaced
- Mono... at least close the door to your barn... you're letting the heat out. Btw... you have the most selective reading skills... I'm in agreement W/u, idiot.PonyBoy
- I see you calling omg a troll on a daily basis yet you troll the fuck out him and anyone you slightly disagree with... close the barn door, hypocritePonyBoy
- And you wrote 'mic drop'... lol... don't blame that nonsense on fadein. Whining about a cliche caloquilism like 'born in a barn' and yet you opt say 'mic drop'?PonyBoy
- *giggle... your are the EPITOME of troll quite often, mono... you need to go back and reread yourself from time to time, hypocrite.PonyBoy
- I felt fadein made a strong point, strong enough to change your view. That's a mic drop moment. Also, your barn thing makes no fucking sense. wtf?monospaced
- Up until i wrote that, I hadn't said a goddamn thing, so yeah... i blame it on fadein, to whom YOU were ranting and defending Alex jones to.monospaced
- AFTER all that, you said some nonsense about a barn, and I didn't whine about it either. It simply is nonsensical.monospaced
- Did fade need your help, troll?PonyBoy
- I'm not an idiot, either.monospaced
- I'm not a troll. And no, he didn't need my help. I offered no help. i simply said mic drop because he dropped it. holy fuck.monospaced
- I'm not a hypocrite, and if you go back and read yourself, you'll see for yourself. By your logic, you are the one trolling both fadein, and me now ;)monospaced
- I didn't call anyone a troll that isn't one.monospaced
- you troll on a daily basis, mono... you wander through threads correcting people or just being a snob in general... mono's opinion or no opinion. :)PonyBoy
- And my 'born in a barn' comment is a reference to an old Kids In The Hall sketch... bummer you're offended by it... it was a funny sketch.PonyBoy
- Once again, not offended by the barn comment, just didn't understand it because it made no sense to me ... I also don't go around correcting people.monospaced
- You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not the "they're their there" guy or anything. I have opinions, but so does everyone here.monospaced
- I'm allowed to share an opinion. In this case, I didn't share one at all. Alex Jones believe(d) that the SH thing was a hoax. That's just fact. :)monospaced
- You listen to Alex Jones. You also think your opinion is right and will defend it. That's not trolling, it's engaging.monospaced
- I listen to AJ from time to time... I watch Rachel Maddox from time to time... I think it's good to know what idiots are rambling on about.PonyBoy
- You mentioned I was defending AJ... didn't do anything like it.. only mentioned I'd never heard him go full hoax... and fade kindly showed the way.PonyBoy
- Point being: your (mono's) trolling 'mic drop' assistance wasn't necessary... And your presence wasn't playful... it was your normal mono snobbery.PonyBoy
- lol... autocorrected 'Maddox' was supposed to be Maddow... apparently Siri thinks Rachel looks like your run of the mill baseball player... go figure.PonyBoy
- come on it's cool. I started it. we all are kind of agreeing in a roundabout way.fadein11
- but omg is a troll and I also call him one. It has nothing to do with differenc eof opinion. We prob differ a lot but I would never consider you a troll. youfadein11
- don't post flippant idiotic videos/pics/statemen... on terrorist tragedies like omg who does so on a regular basis.fadein11
- he is the epitomy of a troll - he posts to cause hostilities - the definition of a troll.fadein11
- :) fair nuffPonyBoy