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  • _niko0

    great mini doc on the rise of Bannon from the CBC


  • BusterBoy0

    The sooner the USA splits in half, the better. Talk about properly unhinged.

    • Dont know why that millennial didnt win?!robotron3k
    • How many times have you whacked off to this, robo?face_melter
    • the left and right are now just egging each other on to new levels of stupid. Wah, look at the left. Boo, look at the right. Not an intelligent thought betweenFax_Benson
    • I didnt whack off to this but i know they got John Ossoff...robotron3k
    • oh, so you definitely got a chubbmonospaced
  • yuekit0

    Some footage from inside Saudi Arabia

    This scene in particular...WTF

    • I think the harshest rulers in the middle east region kept things in a certain order. Once we deposed the region it's been out of controll.robotron3k
    • kept those savages under control Robo?fadein11
    • Fade, is there any other way to follow Sharia?robotron3k
    • Well like any religion, maybe the key is not actually following it :)yuekit
    • @robo - another sweeping generalisation spoken from your uneducated bigoted self. Keep em coming - you remind me of 1970's Brit sitcoms.fadein11
  • utopian2

    Donald Trump Is Proving Too Stupid to Be President

    I’m starting to suspect that Donald Trump may not have been right when he said, “You know, I’m like a smart person.” The evidence continues to mount that he is far from smart — so far, in fact, that he may not be capable of carrying out his duties as president.


    • need to question all measures of intelligence these days. So many things are used as qualifiers without definition of true intelligence or value
  • utopian2

    Trump likely to reveal this week whether secret tapes exist


  • CygnusZero42

    I kinda felt like he was just joking when he brought up tapes, since it's a famous thing from the Nixon situation. Obviously even if there were tapes, he would never release them because all they would do is back up what Comey said he said.

    So of course Trump, who is a raging narcissist, and has never said sorry or taken blame for anything in his 70 years, had to come up with SOMETHING to make himself look innocent, so he brought up these tapes that dont exist, or that no one will ever hear, just to put that kernel of doubt about Comey in his supporters minds that they can run buck wild with.

    He does this all the time. Drops these little nuggets of lies that he knows will fire up his base and fox news, and get them running with his narrative in support of him. Classic manipulation tool. I really think this is the only actual real skill Trump has, manipulating people. He used it in real estate to build up the company and get himself rich, and he's using it as president to control very gullible people, like his own little personal army.

    • It's funny because Obama never did anything like this. All he did was his job. Everyday, for 8 years. Trump is super insecure and fragile.CygnusZero4
    • You said it, "Obama never did anything"robotron3k
    • "anything like this"
      Cute. Can't you read properly? Or are you willfully backwards?
    • It's not like he built his company himself, he was handed the company by his familyzaq
    • That was just a troll comment, purposefully misunderstanding to be a dick and get a ride out of you, and to spread lies about he black man he hates.monospaced
  • CygnusZero46

    Did you guys see his twitter last night? Never saw a more partisan president in my life. He is STILL campaigning! Lol

    He's throwing a self-congratulations party... for what? 2 repubs just barely won 2 deeply red states, that no dem has done better than 30% in in nearly half a century. One of those dems barely being out of diapers lmao. Despite dems losing these states they had no business even competing in is showing that these states are starting to turn, and it's because of Trump!

    He doesnt even realize that he is the reason why dems were so competitive there. This is why we really need an age limit on the presidency. He's very obviously senile. 65 should be the cutoff. Many 70 year olds can barely even drive a car because their brains are deteriorating, just like all muscles do with age. How can a 70 year old run a country like this? Shouldnt be allowed. Hillary was too old too. So is Biden. Need younger people. Obama was in his mid-40s. Thats a good age. Young and energetic, brain is still working well.

    • Agree about the age, you need to have a lot of energy when you run a country. I wish we had a president as in Canada or Francezaq
    • Chelsea Clinton will be turning 40 soon. Perfect age.
    • yep - age is a big factor and there prob should be a cutoff - discrimination by age gotta be a repub thing, perhaps that will be his way outfadein11
  • Bluejam2

  • ********

    Chelsea Clinton calls out Bannon for ‘fat shaming’ Sean Spicer


    so if you say someone is fat.... that's fat shaming. ok. got it!

    • When asked why press briefings are now held off camera, Steve Bannon said "Sean got fatter." That's pathetic & undemocratic. And ironic.kona
    • https://pbs.twimg.co…kona
    • I'd stupid shame you but I think you're too stupid to realize I'm stupid shaming you.kona
    • Bannon's not exactly lean, himself.Continuity
    • And yes omg, you are correct. If someone says someone else is fat, that's fat shaming.kona
    • I'll just call fat people skinny from now on.
    • http://www.govtslave…robotron3k
    • Whatever you say geniuskona
    • Isn't she shaming Bannon while doing so?instrmntl
    • Ah there's my little brain damaged mule, lost in the desert, helpless, dumb, and in constant need of direction. Hi robo!kona
    • LOL ^Ramanisky2
    • look what plays on omg's mind day to day? ha. what a helmet.fadein11
    • lol konamoldero
  • allthethings1


    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has chosen his Washington hotel as the site for his first re-election fundraiser.

    Campaign director Michael Glassner confirmed the location to The Associated Press on Wednesday. He calls it a premier and convenient choice.

    Trump officially kicked off his re-election campaign on Inauguration Day by filing Federal Election Commission paperwork, making it the earliest such effort by a sitting president.

    Through the end of March, Trump’s campaign had raised more than $7 million through small donor appeals and the sale of merchandise. The June 28 fundraiser in Washington will be for larger donors.

    The Trump Organization completed a $200 million renovation of the government property weeks before Election Day. Trump has since distanced himself from the finances of the hotel, but critics say conflicts remain.

    This guy.

    Fucking nuts.

    • already campaigning (taking peoples money) for the next election when he's done jack shit since the last election. makes sense to omg!kona
    • He chose a location and filed paperwork ahead of time. hmmm... why would it make sense to be on top of things AND generate extra financial income?
    • lol, omg, you're such a donkey.dorf
    • is there any public record about how much he spent last year on the campaign?sted
    • Not as much as the competition, that's for sure.monospaced
  • utopian4

    Trump just sold us all out on drug pricing.

    The New York Times reports that the Trump White House is about to put out an executive order on drug pricing, and it looks as if the whole thing were basically written by big pharma.


    • swampyinteliboy
    • trump and big pharma pinky promised to keep prices down. win!dorf
    • no way, the ONE thing I actually thought he would do is cut a better deal with pharma on drug prices ... he fuckin promised it on his campaign!monospaced
    • He has full bipartisan support of making sure drug prices go down. He said the competition from his plan would make that happen. What the fuck!?monospaced
  • Ramanisky20

    idiocracy LIVE

    • ahaha that bellysted
    • what are they spending all this money on rallying for?inteliboy
    • needs his ego rub fix I guessinteliboy
    • watched a few minutes after 2:00... he is saying absolutely NOTHINGinteliboy
    • "they love us, we have the best people, the smartest people, the best, they love us, they love our policy"inteliboy
  • yuekit1

    Trump's much hyped visit to the U.K. appears to be have been cancelled due to it being too controversial for Theresa May to go through with


    lol @ the U.S. president not being able to visit the U.K.

    • I'm not exactly sure it was even officially scheduled, let alone canceled.monospaced
    • They are trying to put the best face on it but the U.K. government did state earlier that he would visit this year.yuekit
    • I am sure Trump considers all meetings with anybody as tee times.BonSeff
    • UK politics is such a blind orphan bus-fuelled car crash at the moment, having the Mango Sentinel as a guest would only add nuns to the carnage.face_melter
  • ********

    • if it's fox then it's truemoldero
    • Obama inherited the crash and subsequent crash from the previous administration. Trump inherited what Obama fixed. Derp, nice try.monospaced
    • Market crash and jobs crash, that is. Look at any chart in existence to see.monospaced
    • What exactly did Obama do that would have created that many jobs in first 100 days, and then having it double right after?
    • As I remembered, Trump inherited a mess. Now all of a sudden as things pick up, it was inherited from Obama. lol
    • actually, statistically Obama inherited a mess.inteliboy
    • imagine trump taking reigns after the GFC. holy shit.inteliboy
    • another amazing post omg. win!
    • LOL Trump inherited a mess because Trump said he inherited a mess.scruffics
    • Its entertaining to me how threatened white conservatives are by black people. They must have nightmares about them.sofakingback
    • I thought Trump inherited a half decent recovered economy from Obama? Obama had the nightmare of the 2008 meltdown to deal with.fadein11
    • 50% approval among the mentally-wobbled, brain-baked, and uncontrollable drool brigade.face_melter
    • Of course, omg is doing this for shites and chuckles. But imagine the effort of having to trawl through the cesspit of /pol and reddit to do it.face_melter
    • And all to get a rise from, what, three or four people on a fairly small design-led messageboard? I mean, I like wasting time but this is on a new level.face_melter
    • oh he just regurgitates what he reads else where. I've never read one bit of critical thinking from him. Its just this, posting troll content.sofakingback
    • I mean, who doesn't know the new presidents numbers reflect the previous presidents exit numbers. Lets see his numbers when he leaves.sofakingback
    • Also, Trump hasn't done anything to influence job creation, so end of conversation.sofakingback
    • @sofa nice </end_of_omg>fadein11
    • https://www.google.c…monoboy
    • A simple search reveals the truth. The GOP kill jobs and prosperity to line the pockets of the few.monoboy
    • FactsMatter®monoboy
    • He added a dozen new mining jobs, folks!!!11!one!Continuity
    • Trump didn't inherit a jobs or economy mess! He inherited 7 solid years of gains you stupid fuck.monospaced
    • Do you not recall the housing crisis and recession that tanked the economy and job market in late 2008? By the end of 2016 it was record high again. Derp.monospaced
    • There are blockbuster movies and a dozen documentaries on the subject, political movements too. It's all well documented, especially the turnaround Obama pulledmonospaced
    • omg, in all seriousness, if you want to know what actually happened, and what he inherited, you might start by reading: http://www.npr.org/2…monospaced
    • I love that someone had to make a graphic to brag that he still has the lowest approval rating of just about any president this early in his presidency.mg33
    • lol "mmmm... lets just go with 50%, it's vague enough. Not a win, not a loss."sofakingback
  • BusterBoy2

    I fucking hate Trump with a passion. Absolutely the worst type of person to lead a country. AN absolute cretin.


    Democrats need a new fucking story other than "BUT TRUMP". The more this plays out, the more anti-establishment gravitate towards him, as absolutely stupid as that is. He's more establishment than virtually any President in history.

    I understand many of Trump's disastrous policies are yet to fully kick in...and when they do, he's probably fucked. But Democrats can't rely on him self destructing, or on the Russia investigation.

    They need to fight back with positive policies that drown out this goon. Otherwise, they'll probably dive in the 2018 mid terms and the 2020 general.

    • they need an alternative to the neolib BS being offered up before.fadein11
    • I've said it before, and I'll say it again: as long as you stick to a two-party system in your country, this is the sort of shit you can expect.Continuity
    • There is virtually no distcintion between your two parties (assorted wings of them notwithstanding). So your choices are shit, and more shit.Continuity
    • If you moved to a Westminster system, instead on relying on the French system that was in place in the 18th century, you would open up the playing field to ...Continuity
    • ... more political parties and, thus, a broader spectrum of political ideas.Continuity
    • < 100%sofakingback
    • EXACTLY. This is what I said at the outset of Trump's election and being sworn in. Democrats need to remind people to takemg33
    • stock of their lives and their wallets in the early phase of his administration, and connect with everyone in a way that easily tells themmg33
    • "you might think you dislike dems, but X months, years into a Republican president, how's your money doing? How's your healthcare doing?"mg33
    • They can do that in a broader way that doesn't target Trump, but draws a distinction between Dem / GOP strategies and outcomes.mg33
    • God willing, even the dumbest, most toothless SOB can examine something tangible like that and say "yeah, you know what, I am still poor, or more poor."mg33
    • "Maybe the things I enjoyed before Trump took office are gone because of him and Republicans."mg33
    • I'm sure it's a pipe dream, but one can hope. My point is, Dems need to find a way to speak in simple terms, and connect with people no matter who they are.mg33
  • sofakingback1


    Couldn't agree more. Instead of complaining and dwelling on stupid shit, why don't they just do what the people need or what their party stands for... not everything needs to be a law passed by the president to be effective.

    I love how even though the president and his followers are hell bent on stopping climate change and sustainable energy progress... companies and states are saying: "fuck you and we're doing whats right anyway.

    It was highlighted when the Paris agreement thing went down. Certain companies have already committed to improving their practices.

    The thing about people that fight progress for short term gains and closed minded ideology is... they are the minority, they are on the losing side, climbing up hill against progress. They will be phased out, they will be left behind and they will learn the hard way.

    If this country follows leaders like trump, then the whole country will be setback and no longer will it be relevant in leading humanity to its next phase.

    Which, might be a good thing... who knows. No one said the US was the good guy or the hero in the story. ;)

  • Bluejam1

  • lowimpakt0

    These Philando Castile videos are fucked up and political

  • Bluejam2

    Donald Trump Under Investigation for Obstruction of Golf Etiquette


  • kona3

    These Tweets About FBI Investigations Have Not Aged Well At All


    Some gems...

    Kellyanne Conway ✔ @KellyannePolls
    Most honest people I know are not under FBI investigation, let alone two. https://twitter.com/foxnews/stat… ...

    -- Do you think Kellyanne still stands by this statement? I bet she doesn’t.

    Sarah Huckabee ✔ @SarahHuckabee
    When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing https://twitter.com/politicalwir… ...

    -- You said it, not me.

    Mike Pence ✔ @mike_pence
    .@realDonaldTrump and I commend the FBI for reopening an investigation into Clinton's personal email server because no one is above the law.

    -- Quick question: how do you guys feel about the FBI now?