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- yuekit4
Remember when certain people were crying the fact that "the left" was supposedly encouraging violence? I wonder if they will have anything to say about this...I'm guessing not.
This stuff is getting pretty old though. The goal is to make you outraged, so maybe next time he will have to raise the bar to him literally taking a shit on his desk or something.
- WWE encourages violence, ok... and a play about Trump as Caesar was art.IRNlun6
- A congressman getting shot no more than two weeks ago barely cracks the news anymore.. but Trumps tweet!?IRNlun6
- lol.********
- If you really want to turn it into a left vs. right thing, it's simply a fact that there have been many more violent acts committed by right wingers.yuekit
- About 10 times as many actually.
https://en.wikipedia…yuekit - But the point is the President is supposed to be the leader of the country. Maybe you think it's funny that he spends all his time starting fights with peopleyuekit
- and trying to provoke the other side, but it's really just stupid and makes the entire country look bad.yuekit
- So sad when you now have to lie or spin reality to make the left look good over the right.********
- when it comes to terrorism, crime, prison population, the left wins the popularity contest.********
- it's probably the reason why they support terrorists, and criminals.********
- You'll never or rarely see their support for anything Christian. Instead, their support has mostly been for Muslims and Islamic terrorists. Never Christianity.********
- You mean like Trump and Saudi Arabia?yuekit
- I never made such ridiculous generalizations like you're making, just pointing out that in terms of politically motivated violence it's much moreyuekit
- likely to be right-wing. For a while they were competing with Islamic jihadists in terms of body count.yuekit
- After 9/11 most party affiliated terrorism has mostly been left wing, right wing terrorism seemed to mostly opposed abortion at clinics with very little people.********
- Which you could further claim they saved more lives than killed at these abortion clinics as thousands die, death by abortion.********
- However the past decade has mostly been about Islamic terrorism which could end on Trump's watch if he's successful.********
- So basically we went from "right wing is not violent at all" to "I support terrorism against abortion clinics." haha nice job manyuekit
- I never said I support terrorism. Since 1977, there have been only 11 deaths associated with abortion clinics. with 2 abortion clinics targeted per year.********
- The pro-life movement actively discourages violence against abortion providers and clinics.********
- It's long, but here's a different perspective on the supposed impending right-wing extremist narrative...IRNlun6
- https://drawandstrik…IRNlun6
- ********2
How can a German be President of the US?
- Can't.monospaced
- But Trump...********
- dual citizenship with original US citizenship is my guessmoldero
- LOL oey ... I see what you did there!Continuity
- ;-)********
- Oh. The same way a Kenyan, communist Muslim radical and Isis founder did, of course. ;)monospaced
- https://pbs.twimg.co…********
- omfg as if Obama would ever be in the same room as those asshatsmonospaced
- utopian3
'I was recruited to collude with the Russians': An unexpected player has added a new layer to the Trump campaign's Russia ties.
- The Shit Show Goes On...utopian
- The original post is worth reading:
- ********-6
- LOL, the jokes don't ever end do they?formed
- Their math is wrong. If medicaid growth rate is 10% - 39 Billion per year - and you only increase by 7, is that not a cut? (10% is an example)dorf
- dorf that is correct.monospaced
- OAN logo looks like a fake news channel logovwsung18t
- of course it's fakemonospaced
- the only thing real here is the massive increase to medicaid spending on the GOP plan and that Elizabeth Warren is a fat liar.********
- it's not massive relative to what will be required a year or ten years from now.dorf
- $70B is pretty massive. Not as massive as Obama doubling the national debt to more than $19T which I'd call super massive.********
- to say that 70 billion over 10 years is a massive increase is being disingenuous. you can disagree, I don't care, just call it what it is - a cut to medicare.dorf
- So if a 20% increase is not enough, based on your projections, what would be a better number?********
- Because the current plan being $393B, spending more doesn't sound like a cut. Unless you're planning on having more poor people brought into the country?********
- Or you figured out a way to create more poor people for the country. Maybe kill off the farming sector jobs because fertilizer can be bad for the environment?********
- if you look at the population trends, baby boomers will account for the largest group on medicare in the next 15 years. poor people are a small group.dorf
- I would like to see spending in line with current estimates.dorf
- By 2036, those projections are expected to peak, up by 10% for the millennials 18-34 (2015). 20% should more than cover the costs********
- where are you getting these numbers?dorf
- Pew Research********
- http://pewrsr.ch/2uj…********
- as the boomers get older they're going to use medicare therefore increasing usage. healthcare costs are rising so 7 billion per year will cover everyone.dorf
- *not cover everyone.dorf
- 2045 is a long ways away for those who were 35 in 2015.********
- I don't understand what you're trying to argue. millennials have nothing to do with this discussion.dorf
- Neither is medicare, so...********
- I mean, it could be... idk********
- fadein115
- By CNN standards, this is a war crime.IRNlun6
- no it isn't ... this is childish and stupid by their standards, the same one they hold trump and any standing president or, let's face it, any adult to.monospaced
- the sanctimony is impressive but nope, some are equating a ridiculous tweet as an incitement for violence.IRNlun6
- its certainly violent in the same way that a 7 yr old brat is when he punches his mom because she won't let him play with her cellphonemonospaced
- monoboy2
I find it odd that people are calling this silly CNN tweet the final straw whilst millions of Americans face being stripped of access to life and death healthcare.
Sure he's a dummy. Most of us know that but a lot more don't. Sadly.
But GOP politics will end up killing you and your family just to save millionaires a few quid.
Meanwhile, the virtue signalling media has set itself up by throwing anything at him in the hope it sticks.
He's not the issue, your fixed economic system is. Attack that instead.
- He's quite clearly unfit for the position but he'll be replaced by a GOPBOT fruitcake like Pence. A full on swivel eyed closeted christian soldier.monoboy
- Weeeeell, I don't know that I would characterise this as people taking a 'final straw' approach. The problem, here, is that his attacks on the media are ...Continuity
- ... frighteningly similar to those made historically and contemporarily by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Duterte & Co. Frightening in the sense that ...Continuity
- ... it's symptomatic of a much more frightening approach to governance and civil society; which is to say, the decent to fascism or some other form of ...Continuity
- ... authoritarianism. Galling is the fact that conservatives in the US routinely got away with saying some absolutely shocking and horrid things about ...Continuity
- ... Obama, so you can add infantile hypocrisy and butthurt to the mix. Makes it a bit of a powder keg, when looked upon from a bit of a distance.Continuity
- *the descent to fascism, etc.Continuity
- Keep in mind, one also needs to read between the lines: with this recent attack on the media, he's advocating violence against dissenters, something ...Continuity
- ... he'd also been doing at his campaign rallies. This isn't civilised behaviour, and poses a danger to a supposed civilised society.Continuity
- Sure, it's a tactic used to discredit dissent and position the 'people' against the media. But it won't stick. Not unless they manage to dismantle Gov first.monoboy
- So the faster we stick to the facts and move away from scoring points, the quicker we can hold truth to power.monoboy
- What we are seeing imo, is a terrible failure of the media to hold them to account. This only plays into the hands of the playmakers like Bannon and co.monoboy
- Partly because the media in the US (and UK) is funded by ad dollars and overseas interests with an agenda.monoboy
- Trump has tapped into the 'stupid' brilliantly. He's played the No1 marketing card. Know your audience. Give them what they want.monoboy
- Folks need to take the higher ground.monoboy
- I think it's more that such conduct is patently out of line for someone of his position, whereas all his other shit is 'policy'.detritus
- No one is being stripped of access to healthcare. No hospital will turn anyone away no matter if the have health insurance or not.IRNlun6
- There may no longer be a mandate to purchase insurance, and many will choose not to due to high costs and poor coverage. Many already choose to take the fine.IRNlun6
- Saying people will be throw out into the streets and left for death is hardly the high road or a reasonable position to negotiate a health insurance bill.IRNlun6
- Yeah, it's better when they CHOOSE to die on the street instead of going to a hospital, because they CHOSE to opt out of decent coverage because of the cost.monospaced
- Why gamble your nations health for profit based insurance? Don't get it. The outcomes are terrible, economically, morally and clinically. Defies all logic.monoboy
- Unless you want the poor to expire once they've outlived their use as a labour resource and don't have the balls to admit it.monoboy
- There will always be a level of government insurance like Medicare/Medicaid. To frame it as people dying in the streets is purely political.IRNlun6
- Having to rehash this issue every decade or so, resulting in poor and expensive solutions is argument enough to try a different approach.IRNlun6
- Food and water are the most critical commodities to sustain our lives/health. We're fortunate to never be short in supply.IRNlun6
- Failing your people is a political decision. The one thing you haven't tried is a national health service free at the point of use.monoboy
- It's not only cheaper, but more effective for the longer-term socio-economic wellbeing of your fellow countrymen and women.monoboy
- Denying people healthcare (through prohibitive cost or policy) just so some folks can get richer is hardly patriotic. In fact, it stinks frankly.monoboy
- Or is being callous and selfish a pre-existing condition for which there is no current insurance policy?monoboy
- detritus3
Aldrin's my new hero. I wonder if he's standing there calculating the odds on his likelihood of swiftly breaking Orangina's arm and repeatedly pummelling his head into the podium.
(re-posting vid so that you don't have to watch the full 8 or 9 minutes as I did yesterday, trying to find what bilge exactly it is he's reacting to)
- CygnusZero45
Hey boys! It's a new day in the US. What will our president do today that will completely embarrass us, and lower the dignity of the office he holds?
Oh, yeah, a couple minutes ago he whined about the fake media not posting job numbers.
Welp, thats because new presidents dont get credit for that until after the fiscal year ends. Most of this is still credit to Obama, since most of these jobs were well in the works before Trump was sworn in. That's how it works champ.
- R_Kercz1
“Not in my lifetime,” scoffed Gephardt, when asked if the United States will ever adopt such a system.
- Whoa, we have the "greatest health care system in the world, bar none.” Good to know.garbage
- utopian2
Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support
- nice, coming soon to a theater near you... "The end of the Democratic party" Don't miss it!robotron3k
- Bluejam2
New Jersey governor Chris Christie lounges on beach that he shut to public
- This is analogous of any modern day politician and the people they serve.instrmntl
- One side is far more hypocritical, though. Cut, cut, cut for America, take, take, take for the .1%.formed
- Pretty much.instrmntl
- Always thought he was a doughy pushover but the balls on this guy as he goes down is flames is impressive.IRNlun6
- yuekit2
Is it kind of weird that Trump is so obsessed with CNN in particular? He says fake news but how is it fake when Trump and his supporters get their news from places like Fox, Breitbart, Drudge Report and Infowars?
Maybe CNN had to retract one story, but if Breitbart or Infowars followed the same standards as CNN in terms of retracting stories, there would be nothing left -- just a blank page.
One theory I heard is that it might have more to do with the fact that the president of CNN Jeff Zucker is actually Trump's former boss. Zucker is the guy who put him on The Apprentice in the first place. Same thing with Joe Scarborough, who used to be friends with Trump.
Considering that Trump seems to hold personal grudges very strongly, it could be that he is sitting there in the White House watching TV furious at the fact that his former boss, who he probably thinks he made a lot of money for, would not be giving him the same kind of coverage Fox does.
- Trump has personally cited such sources as the NY post and the national enquirer so we must take his fake news tantrum with a boulder of salt.monospaced
- the fact that he would even mention the enquirer is a joke in itself. The same paper that talks about alien abductions all the time.capn_ron
- Even CNN's own producers know how fake CNN is. From "The Russian Nothing Burger" to Donna Brazile passing the questions to Hillary Clinton.********
- Wow omg, all of those two people?monospaced
- See it's a timeline from last year, to last month.********
- What Trump say, omg do.inteliboy
- no it's isntmonospaced
- lowimpakt2
oh right, so that gif that trump posted of him wresting CCN was actually made by an alt-right racist shithead on Reddit.
why am I not surprised ?