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  • chukkaphob2

    • US Politics is now becoming a Reality Show contest.capn_ron
  • utopian1

  • Ramanisky25

    Outside Trump Tower

    • New York hates his fucking guts. He can't even come back to his own home anymore because everyone hates him here.monospaced
    • Too flattering.garbage
  • zaq3
  • nb2

    Dear protesters, chill the fuck out! You're not making things better.


    • If what I've been reading regarding these "monuments" is true. They shouldnt have been installed in the first place. "lost - cause of the confederacy " yuckdorkKn1ght
    • Ok fine, but I see a bunch of people screaming and jumping and kicking a statue like they've gone mental. Get some control over your emotions, geez!nb
    • haha ya its pretty ugly. I imagine most of the people we read about in history would've looked just as bad had youtube been around!dorkKn1ght
    • True. I just want people to calm down a little. I get why everyone is angry, but these memorials have been up for a long time and we could calmly remove them.nb
    • The civil war was a long time ago, you don't need to destroy all the remnants this week while shrieking at the top of your lungs. Am I wrong?nb
    • lulzGnash
    • You may not be directly offended by this. But there are people in this country that do not feel safe and are deeply effected by white supremistserr
    • standing by and wishing people could just calm down is not good either. Im not saying go out and create anarchy. But just dont write this off as crazyerr
    • most of those kids probably do not know what Pac Man is, and never seen a folder outside of a computer.
    • but Robert E. Lee. the man who will create a new millennium legacy of triggering snowflakes from beyond his grave to result to a death because racism?
    • This will allow corporations to take down websites. Take down white supremacists sites, fire employees for so called "hate" speech or being an "asshole".
    • people are taking down white supremacist sites. firing employees with hate speech? good riddance!pango
    • Defined by the lowest common denominator of mentally disturbed people. These new Nazis, now come in multiple colors now. Not just white. True face of globalism.
    • they should've worn "i'm not a real racist. I just like to play one on the internet" shirts. "my mom is going to be really upset if she finds out" on the back.dorf
    • omg - do you know it was the right protesters who were triggered by the statue removal not the other side? That's why they marched. But oh no you don't do youfadein11
    • because you are a dumb fuck.fadein11
    • yes pango. that's the worm on the hook. it falls in line with that circulating "don't be a sucker" video that's been played like 6 times now.
    • "These new Nazis, now come in multiple colors now" o_O
      do you know what nazi is?
    • ya... WWII is just bunch of snowflakes being triggered, bullying the nazi and their friends....pango
    • He's trolling again pango. The troll is hungry for attention and his chance to justify a bunch of scumbags behaviour.fadein11
    • yes, how many times have i said these guys are trying to preserve their heritage. That should be their right regardless of your feel.
    • Every ethnicity and immigrant have been given that opportunity to preserve their culture. How is it not racist to prevent whites from doing the same?
    • Go ahead Pango, tell us what a Nazi is.
    • I don't see how its scumbag behavior to march in peace. They had permits from the city to do so.
    • lol, omg, are you really ignoring their message? it's a pure scumbag march, with a scumbag rant, and torches, and gunsmonospaced
    • they were marching FOR racism, white power, the oppression and suppression of other races, in the name of historic slavery and hatemonospaced
    • and the fact they had permits means there was no censorship, so you're simply wrong on all pointsmonospaced
    • I'm not saying that any violence against them was right. Not at all. But saying that they were there for peace is a crock of shit.monospaced
    • as you paint them evil with torches, guns, rallying for hate. what did they burn or shoot? So much hate, yet no one was shot. nothing burned. hmmmm
    • I didn't say evil you dumb fuck.monospaced
    • They marched with a message of hate. Legally. With no censorship or rights denied.monospaced
  • utopian5

    From racism to climate change, CEOs keep turning on Trump


  • ********

    This is getting so horribly ridiculous. Battling Nazis. LOL.

    Jennifer Lawrence asks fans to help identify white supremacists at Charlottesville rally


    Jennifer Lawrence is taking on Nazis and it's not even for a movie role.

    The "Passengers" star is imploring her 16 million Facebook followers to help track down the white supremacists who marched in the Charlottesville rally Saturday.

    “These are the faces of hate. Look closely and post anyone you find,” the Oscar winner wrote on Facebook, along with photos of the marchers carrying torches and flags with swastikas.

    “You can't hide with the internet you pathetic cowards!”


    • they already identified themselves by attending a public rally wearing fascist and nazi symbols.lowimpakt
    • who cares.inteliboy
    • yeah prob best to focus on the actual problem not some Hollywood numpty's ramblings. But of course you will be trying to distract right now omg.fadein11
    • You can't dismiss her popularity here. Her recruitment into this raid on symbolic fashion is quite disturbing.
    • what lowimpakt doesn't get is their free rights to speech and not respected and kept to the stage of debate and conversation.
    • Does it makes sense to disagree with someone's beliefs, and think it's okay to go to their house and rape their family?
    • Because that's what they're doing by getting them fired and provoking with illegal protests and not letting them their constitutional rights.
    • i didn't say she was right/wrong. I said they already identified themselves by marching. People like these used to wear hoods/masks so it's their choicelowimpakt
    • I can't help but think this is Jennifer Lawrence taking out her anger on the internet for exposing her nudes.
    • yes you can't help having idiotic thoughts, in fairness.lowimpakt
    • lowimpakt. does that not strike you as the same logic a klansman or ISIS terrorist would come up with?
    • oh that's why you should be wearing a mask.... duh
    • so some retard thinks these guys are having idiotic thoughts defined by snowflake rule #254, so fuck the constitution, it doesn't say I can't disrupt the rally
    • they all think we all want to watch them tear down statues and watch them with their cute panty hoses on their faces rather than hear their side.
    • and they'll turn it around you, call you a nazi sympathizer because instead of America first rule, the constitution they're off battling fuckin Nazis in Germany
    • Asshole retards can't burn books, so instead, they're censoring internet data. Wake up and look in the mirror.
    • fuckwitfadein11
    • Did you just refer to swastikas as symbolic fashion? Did you just blame nazis for releasing her nudes? You're an idiot.monospaced
    • Also there's no censorship happening.monospaced
    • Hahahha, omg is bent out of shape. The real snake is revealed. Go back to /pol/ you muppet and jerk off to those topless pics of Alex Jones.face_melter
    • hey omg ... they exercised their right to free speech, and were protected by the government, so your whole angle about censorship is totally pointlessmonospaced
    • the idea that someone would be fired for being an asshole is unrelatedmonospaced
    • omg spends all this time talking about Jennifer Lawrence, and not at the hundreds of other posts pointing out Trumps embarrassing exploits.inteliboy
    • says it all reallyinteliboy
    • You should be happy she's on this. She's fighting the censorship by helping publish their "peaceful message."monospaced
    • It must feel extremely pathetic to have to bring JL up as a distraction and deflection from reality. OMG, are you afraid they'll call you out in the crowd?formed
    • at the very least, you are cheering it on and a part of the hate. I guess we have to destroy America before it can be great? Is that the plan?formed
    • mono. I was referring to Google/ GoDaddy censorship of white supremacist websites. Which is happening in the wake of these events.
    • omfg mono. in relation to these events, JL is talking about finding the kids caught on camera and getting them fired. One person already fired from hot dog job.
    • formed. what? Firstly, why do you event start off by ignoring JL's Hollywood credentials, along with her 16 million followers on FB?
    • formed secondly, i have no idea what you are talking about anymore. you drew so much delusion, i have no idea where to start with you.
    • inteliboy, if anything in particular, please state it, otherwise I'll save myself time and skip over any useless dribble in the form of sassy voiceovers
    • They should be fired. Turns out people don't like employing racist fucks, nor do they have to.monospaced
  • Gardener5

  • Bluejam3

  • yuekit5

    Steve Bannon: my site is the "platform for the alt right"


    #1 Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller was friends with and helped organize events with Richard Spencer just a decade ago


    It took the media three days simply to get Trump to condemn racism, but when are they going to demand Trump fire these people?

    Otherwise it's not an exaggeration to say you have white supremacists and their sympathesizers at the top levels of the U.S. Government right now.

  • inteliboy4

  • utopian3

  • colin_s3


    US government demands details on all visitors to anti-Trump protest website

    The US government is seeking to unmask every person who visited an anti-Trump website in what privacy advocates say is an unconstitutional “fishing expedition” for political dissidents.

    The warrant appears to be an escalation of the department of justice’s campaign against anti-Trump activities, including the harsh prosecution of inauguration day protesters.

  • yuekit1

    Trump’s lasting legacy is to embolden an entirely new generation of racists


  • utopian2

    The chief executives of Merck, Under Armour and Intel all quit a presidential manufacturing council on Monday after Trump took two days to denounce white supremacy.



  • utopian2

    Trump has attacked just about everyone on Twitter.
    But not white supremacists



    • and thanks Putin. Can't forget him thanking Putin.capn_ron
    • look at that Orange FucknuggetRamanisky2
  • monoboy2

    I think it might be a good idea to introduce a simple exam for all president elects.

    Just a few simple questions about the constitution, maybe a bit about world politics, history, geography, maths and science.

    Just high school stuff. Pass rate of 70%. Nothing daft.

    I think it might help if the leader of the free world wasn't as thick as shite and stupid with it.

    In fact, I'd love the press to throw in some daft questions each press conference... Mr President. What's the capital of Sweden?

    ‘‘I love Sweden. They've got some pretty hot women. Amaright guys. And IKEA. Meatballs. who doesn't like meatballs.’’

    • "Melania calls me the dancing queen. Noone dances like the Trumpster, believe me"fadein11
    • ‘‘I love that chef guy. Remember him folks? Put the chicky in the oven. Bork, bork. Cracked me up I tell ya. Next question.’’monoboy
    • Mr President. Could you name any of the noble gasses on the periodic table?monoboy
    • ‘‘Sure I can, I know lots of noble gasses. They're best ones believe me. They do so much. The Germans invented them. Great genes you see. Next question.’’monoboy
    • They should take and pass the same tests as someone applying for citizenship.monospaced
    • Mr President, in what month was the revolution of October?
      "Great. Great Revolution. Maybe one of the greatest ever. The best. I could do one better though."
    • Mr President. Name a book written by Truman Capote.monoboy
    • ‘‘Truman, great guy, loved his show. There's a guy who knew how to work a story, the camera. That ending though. right. Always watching. Like my internet guys’’monoboy
  • allthethings10

    • brilliantzaq
    • Except for the fact that the white house isn't occupied by Democrats anymore.
    • omg, you really have tunnel vision right up trumps ass.capn_ron
    • HAHAHA
      Good one omg .. gooooooood one
    • omg doesn't realize that the racists shifted from D to R starting with Brown v Board of Ed in 1954, Goldwater in 1964 and Nixon's 'Southern Strategy' of '68allthethings
    • omg forgets his rootskona
    • omg never in his life had so much attention.zaq
    • hey omg, ALL LIVING WHITE SUPEEMACISTS AND NEO NAZIS voted for republican for trumpmonospaced
    • ^ 100,000% ALLRamanisky2
    • You get the point. Omg is in major denial.monospaced
    • White House is occupied by conservative assholes. And conservative assholes have always been behind the KkK and racism.monospaced
    • "But Hillary's ema... er freedom of speech... er anything to stop me looking like a total prick on a public design forum"fadein11
    • Dems denounced this crap decades ago. Republitards embrace it like it was yesterday.BusterBoy
    • Decades ago was white pointed caps, today they're wearing masks in all black.
    • no omg, those are different groups completelymonospaced
  • ********

    Good luck to these book burning leftists who think they can tear down this statue.

    • Please explain why 'they' would want to tear it down?kona
    • Kona forgets his roots
    • ??mathinc
    • At most, they'll spray paint anti-republican garbage on his feet.
    • it's time to get that GED, omgzaq
    • lol, look at omg and his fear mongering nonsense ... and continued support of the current idiot presidentmonospaced
    • trollcapn_ron
    • what stage of grief are you in omg?severian
    • who needs school when you gots the internets to give you your education:
    • omg forgets history. As the last book burning was by the Nazis, & Lincoln ended slavery & the Civil War. If anything, your neo-nazi brethren would tear it downkona
    • and the parties were flipped back then.severian
    • Sad Sad Kona.
    • HAHAHA
      Good one omg .. gooooooood one
    • first off. lol@the federalist.
      second. trump supporters burned harry potter books
      third: 61% of america thinks its ok to burn trumps 'book'
    • I'd wipe my ass with it if I had a copy.
      You'd jerk off to it.
    • Keep trolling omg. Be on the wrong side of history, again.kona
    • http://www.history.c…Gnash
    • oh yurimorazalmoldero
  • instrmntl1

    Seems little untimely