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- 33,624 Responses
- utopian1
Jared Kushner faces derision and calls of 'Lock her up' after registering to vote as a woman for eight years.
- lock her up!GuyFawkes
- i don't know whether to go with a voter fraud, gender fluidity, or gross incompetence jokedigitdaily
- My vote goes to gross incompetence. Who gets their fucking gender wrong?allthethings
- this is no news.********
- http://www.snopes.co… FALSE. come on guys, we're supposed to be better than they.sarahfailin
- I thought CNN originally posted this fake news story.********
- ********-13
- you're such a snowflakemonospaced
- That's actually funny.monoboy
- In a kinda self-parody way.monoboy
- I GET IT! San Francisco has a significant gay community. BRILLIANT!BonSeff
- lmao it's sad when even giant millionaire jocks are being called snowflakestwentyfive
- ironic that most of these perfectly describe trump and his team. tantrums, ingrates, reds, snowflakes, pinky-9ers (jarod is a female?!?)kona
- keep up the comedy omg! you're like our private version of a jerry springer show's guest!kona
- More bone-jarring insights from Zyklon Ben.face_melter
- this is too ironic. I bet Ben Garrison is going to turn out to be Banksy or some shit taking a piss out of all the Trumpers.scruffics
- allthethings3
- bwahahafadein11
- LulzRamanisky2
- LOL! tonight is going to be great. mon-wed my FB feed was blowing up with NFL boycott posts. Guess all my Packer and Bear friendskona
- from the Illinois/Wisconsin area forgot those two teams play tonight. It's going to be a bloodbath should one of those fuckers post something about the game.kona
- allthethings1
Unreal that we let them get away with this. He'll win, too.
Senate Republicans have never heard of Roy Moore
Numerous GOP senators said they were not familiar with the Alabama Senate candidate’s controversial views — but they want him elected.
- ********-4
- he's a bit of a whiney snowflakefadein11
- those red hats are the new dunce cap.capn_ron
- lolAl_dizzle
- Dey took 'er haaats! https://yt3.ggpht.co…scruffics
- These Neo-racist hat theive not only hate America, but they don't care about your freedom of speech, just theirs when they call whitey a bunch of mass murders.********
- 2017 .... back to the future promised us flying cars... we have to watch these videos?
I want my hover board.mugwart
- nb4
- fuuuuuuumonospaced
- damnGuyFawkes
- Millionaire Trump Adviser Says Americans Can 'Buy A New Car' With $1,000 Tax Cut
https://www.yahoo.co….utopian - Wow!! pngs are never wrong!robotron3k
- here's the plan. look under itemized deductions.
https://www.axios.co…dorf - Doesn't omg live in New York?
#MAGAyuekit - Hope was worth shilling for Trump, now pay an extra 5 grand/year for rest of your life.yuekit
- Find your state:
https://www.youngcon…******** - So the average New Yorker makes between $200,000 to $300,000. That's 2.5% for them.********
- ^ omg's a socialist now. Fucking lol.monoboy
- The median household income of New York City is a little over $50,000 per year.nb
- lol @monoboynb
- according to this chart, it looks like folks in the AGIRange of $50,000 will only pay $423-$1299.********
- You will be paying thousands extra in taxes every year so that Donald Trump can pass on more of his money to Ivanka and Barron Trump.yuekit
- $423-$1299 in ADDITIONAL taxes with this plan.dorf
- LOL omg can't even readnb
- ********-9
- What rot, omg! I can only imagine you and your fellow jackbooted ne'er-do-wells find this piffle hilarious. Off to the toilet with you!face_melter
- let's see your pic, omgscruffics
- you are one sorry sack of shit omgkona
- omg, hiding in the shadows acting cool. keep it up big guy.capn_ron
- This pop culture meme went over my head... Who's this lady in the headset??robotron3k
- Linda Sarsour Exploits Hurricane Harvey to Fund Community Organizing
http://www.nationalr…******** - link failfadein11
- http://bit.ly/2yApEk…********
- Bluejam1
"The battle over "yo" began on Wednesday, when Senator Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the Senate, appeared in a GOP video to support President Donald Trump's tax proposal and claim that it would help average Americans."
- Bluejam1
"For starters, Trump would benefit from the abolition of the alternative minimum tax ..."
- allthethings1
It was Steve Mnuchin, at the Treasury Building, with the backspace.
Asked about the curious case of a paper at odds with the administration’s point of view, a Treasury spokeswoman told the Journal, “The paper was a dated staff analysis from the previous administration. It does not represent our current thinking and analysis.”
- ben_0
/\ look at this shit - http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/26/po…
- fucking bastards. all of them.
i'm going to enjoy watching the poor who voted for trump drown.kona - Uh oh, someone skipped their yoga class this morning...robotron3k
- i do pilates brotatokona
- have fun paying more taxeskona
- Is today Pilates?! Then perhaps you should vent your Trumpstration at tonight's extatic dancing event after your mindful meditation class.robotron3k
- zoomba is thursdays snowflakekona
- only dumbfuck assholes aren't bothered by the Trumpster fire, remember thatmonospaced
- fucking bastards. all of them.
- ********0
The rich rule.
Have some compassion, rich.Give us some more.
- Bluejam2
- more info
https://www.vice.com…Bluejam - Dotard should fire these fake news sayers!utopian
- more info
- utopian0
Betsy DeVos Says She Did Math on Trump’s Tax Plan and It Will Save Nation Eleventy Krillion!!!
- yuekit0
Trump tax plan slammed by both Bernie Sanders and the Drudge Report
- yuekit0
He does a good job of breaking down the details here. Honestly the tax reform was the one thing I had some hope for with the Republicans but it looks like the middle class will gain very little from this.
- He doesn't know the details until the details are released.robotron3k
- ^LOLOLRamanisky2
- Ramanisky21
I'm overdosing on all this winning
- allthethings1
Tom Price resigns as health secretary after tumultuous eight months
- Resigning was cheaper.allthethings
- TL ;)Ramanisky2
- Drain el swampo.robotron3k