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- BusterBoy0
John McCain knows what evil is...
- sea_sea0
a team of mavericks!!!!!
- a team of milf'sJnr_Madison
- dallas?emukid
- that mccain, he's hot.emukid
- hahahamatt31
- monkeyshine0
dose of reality from wasilla? does that mean public funded meth labs?
- Jnr_Madison0
He spends a lot of time at home depot.
- monkeyshine0
doggonit god bless her her reward is in heaven?
- Jnr_Madison0
Do I get extra credit with the 3rd graders for watching this?
- tedismyfav0
I can't believe looking like a slang slinging fool seems like a good idea to these people. This isn't for a spot as a stand up, its for the vp of the USA! WTF? Is it wrong that I want to poke her eyes out with a spoon?
- BusterBoy0
Debates like this really tell you nothing. It's the in-depth one on one interviews that really tell you something where the interviewer can probe and probe to see if they really know what they are talking about.
"Debates" like this are more about who can memorise the answer the best.
- And even then, it’s not even answers, just a script that bears scant resemblance to the question.MrOneHundred
- i agree, she was secluded @ McCains ranch for the past week or so.sea_sea
- TheFatBaron0
Why am I a lesser American for living on the east coast?
- SteveJobs0
i hope many of you are enjoying your palin bingo and have had plenty of maverick, reform, and backward-pointing drinks - but the problem is, sarah palin is holding her own. maybe not in the eyes of a liberal, but certainly her party, her supporters, and probably many of those mid western swing voters.
be scared.
- she did well I'll give you that, but this election is over. Obama 08.moveinspace
- ETM0
Shes holding her own (or appears to be) because she only speaks on the few issues she knows anything about and dodges the rest.
- 2cents0
Apparently she's a maverick.
- matt310
Go Joe!
- TheFatBaron0
Holy crap. He almost cried.
- matt310
BURN! He's no maverick