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  • joeth0


    5 reasons not to drill for oil off our nation’s shores:

    1) Renewables and Alternative Fuels–It is a distraction from the dire need to promote renewables and move to a clean, energy independent future.

    2) Short Term Solution–We live in a country that has 4.5% of the world’s population and uses 25% of the world’s oil. Any oil found would simply be a short term solution. The time and money spent searching and drilling would be better spent promoting renewable energy and alternative fuels.

    3) Price at the Pump–We wouldn’t save at the pump for about a decade, and even then the savings would be only a few cents.

    4) Marine Life–Drilling offshore would negatively impact delicate marine ecosystems. Plus, the US government recently calculated there was a 33-51% chance of a major spill in the lifetime of an offshore oil and gas lease in the Chukchi Sea off Alaska. Thems not good odds!

    5) Climate Change–As Jerry James Stone said in a comment in his recent Red Green and Blue article “the offshore solution does not address our climate crisis. We would still be burning the same amount of fossil fuel, and that is BAD!”

    • +1 Not to mention the fact that estimates say we have an extra, maybe 2-3% in untapped oilSigDesign
  • TheBlueOne0

    "To put the proposed Wall Street bailout into perspective. $700bn:

    - Would clear the accumulated debt of the 49 poorest countries in the world ($375bn) twice over
    - Is almost 5 times the annual amount of extra aid needed to achieve all the Millennium Development Goals on poverty, health, education etc ($150bn a year)
    - Is about 7 years of current global aid levels ($104bn in 2007)
    - Is enough to eradicate all world poverty for over two years (UNDP calculates it would take $300bn to get the entire world population over the $1 a day poverty line)."


  • ukit0

  • hallelujah0

    they're going negative, baby

    • Should be interesting to see how it resonates with the "angry McCain" memehallelujah
  • ukit0

    The McCain campaign is in free fall and the Republican era is ending...

  • hallelujah0

    "As John McCain watches his last chance to be president slipping through his fingers, he's decided that it's time to go South Carolina 2000 on Barack Obama:

    Sen. John McCain and his Republican allies are readying a newly aggressive assault on Sen. Barack Obama's character, believing that to win in November they must shift the conversation back to questions about the Democrat's judgment, honesty and personal associations, several top Republicans said.

    John McCain is afraid to run on the war, he's afraid to run on health care, and he's terrified to run on the economy, so he's going to go for fear and smear. It's all John McCain has left. And as McCain campaign manager Rick Davis once said:

    The premise of any smear campaign rests on a central truth of politics: Most of us will vote for a candidate we like and respect, even if we don't agree with him on every issue. But if you can cripple a voter's basic trust in a candidate, you can probably turn his vote. The idea is to find some piece of personal information that is tawdry enough to raise doubts, repelling a candidate's natural supporters. [...]

    It's not necessary, however, for a smear to be true to be effective. The most effective smears are based on a kernel of truth and applied in a way that exploits a candidate's political weakness.

    Davis wrote that in 2000, decrying George Bush's smear campaign against John McCain during the South Carolina primary, saying that:

    Rebutting tawdry attacks focuses public attention on them, and prevents the campaign from talking issues.

    And of course today, the last thing John McCain wants to do is to talk about the issues."

  • mcLeod0

    Palin: Obama pals around with terrorists


    seriously? this is some high school election type behavior on the part of Palin. who wants to allow her to be one step away from being preseident?

  • monkeyshine0

    Wow. I must be naive because I am constantly surprised by how low McCain sinks every day. Aren't the next two debates "town hall" style? If McCain starts lying about O's background, all he has to do is look McCain in the eye and ask "can you really look me in the eye and tell me you believe in your heart of hearts that I am all this?" OR...ask the audience if they really want him to spend time defending lies most know to be untrue or spend time talking about his plans to get us out of this hell we're in.

    • they've lost it, and will try anything nowhallelujah
    • to a lesser degree, the same thing happened with Hillary Clintonhallelujah
  • ukit0

    One month to go to Nov 4!

  • TheBlueOne0

    Compare and Contrast: Reaction to being asked to be VP

    "When Obama phoned in June to tell him he wanted to vet him, Biden said OK, but that he might well decline. He consulted with longtime advisers Ted Kaufman and Ron Klain and went back and forth on whether the vice presidency was really the best place for him to have influence with an Obama administration. It helped that all spring Obama had called him every other week or so to get his thinking on varied matters (like how to question Gen. David Petraeus when he testified). They both knew that the role of the veep under Obama would not be like Dick Cheney's, but the terms remained to be worked out....Biden, who had stayed neutral in the Democratic primaries after dropping out in January, told Obama that he was "ready to be second fiddle" and sought no specific portfolio—but only if he got a guaranteed hourlong, one-on-one session with the president every week (like Al Gore's lunches with Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush's with Ronald Reagan) and a presence at all important meetings. Obama said yes, that he wanted him for his judgment and for his help in enacting a big legislative agenda. And so the job was defined: "My role will be to say, 'Boss, here's the way I'd go about it'." "

    "I -- I answered him yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink".

    • One has to ponder it deeply,the other thinks you can't blink.TheBlueOne
  • ukit0

  • ukit0


    Palin, asked about her relationship with the media, said, "What I need to do is commit to not be so annoyed and impatient with mainstream media. And I will make that commitment because I do understand that that is how I speak to the American people. In a position like this, I speak to you and through you, and that way, that message is received by American people. So, I apologize for the the, I guess, flippant response that I gave through that interview on a couple of questions.

    "But I would ask also, then, that the media tries a little bit harder also," Palin went on. "And that this is a two-way street, that there is fairness, just objectivity and fairness and truth. That's all Americans ask for."

    "Objectivity?" Cameron asked. "Fairness?"

    "As we send our young men and women overseas in a war zone to fight for democracy and freedoms, including freedom of the press, we've really got to have a mutually beneficial relationship here with those fighting the freedom of the press, and then the press, though not taking advantage and exploiting a situation, perhaps they would want to capture and abuse the privilege. We just want truth, we want fairness, we want balance."

    Can someone decipher that last paragraph for me please??

    • um. "i have no clue what i'm talking about, even when getting an alley-oop from fox news."colin_s
    • some one put her out of my misery, please....TheBlueOne
  • monkeyshine0

    wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall of Katie Couric's inner circle? I would LOVE to hear her behind closed doors response to all this...

    The press should try harder? If they tried harder, Sarah Palin's head would explode from the difficulty level imposed upon her.

    • i'm a grad student in journalism now and the general feeling among professors is this is all insanity.colin_s
  • TheBlueOne0

    @ukit? So she mentions a supreme court case that she didn't like finally and it's the Kelo case???!! She says ""that affects me as governor. It affected me as a mayor, also. Property rights are so precious in this nation and for the Supreme Court to have sided with government instead of the people, the property owners on that -- that was frustrating."

    WTF? When she mayor of that podunk town she USED eminent domain powers to build her train wreck of a sports center that fucked up the town??!! She's a complete and utter tool...


    • Well, that case was obviously fed to her by her handlers.ukit
    • but..but...you can't be more fucking hypocritical...what a lying sack of shit..TheBlueOne
  • ukit0

  • colin_s0
    • hahah this was great, SNL is killin it right now. That last joke were she mentions the drinking game is awesome.sofakingbanned
  • GeorgesII0

  • BannedKappa0

    • just a matter of time there are fake nude pics and porn with her lookalikes on the net
  • hallelujah0

    "For decades, experiments have shown that even many whites who earnestly believe in equal rights will recommend hiring a white job candidate more often than a person with identical credentials who is black. In the experiments, the applicant’s folder sometimes presents the person as white, sometimes as black, but everything else is the same. The white person thinks that he or she is selecting on the basis of nonracial factors like experience.

    Research suggests that whites are particularly likely to discriminate against blacks when choices are not clear-cut and competing arguments are flying about — in other words, in ambiguous circumstances rather like an electoral campaign.

    For example, when the black job candidate is highly qualified, there is no discrimination. Yet in a more muddled gray area where reasonable people could disagree, unconscious discrimination plays a major role.

    White participants recommend hiring a white applicant with borderline qualifications 76 percent of the time, while recommending an identically qualified black applicant only 45 percent of the time.

    John Dovidio, a psychologist at Yale University who has conducted this study over many years, noted that conscious prejudice as measured in surveys has declined over time. But unconscious discrimination — what psychologists call aversive racism — has stayed fairly constant.

    “In the U.S., there’s a small percentage of people who in nationwide surveys say they won’t vote for a qualified black presidential candidate,” Professor Dovidio said. “But a bigger factor is the aversive racists, those who don’t think that they’re racist.”

    Faced with a complex decision, he said, aversive racists feel doubts about a black person that they don’t feel about an identical white. “These doubts tend to be attributed not to the person’s race — because that would be racism — but deflected to other areas that can be talked about, such as lack of experience,” he added."


  • autoflavour0

    • you winking at me bitch.. cause i will cut you upautoflavour