Best surreal artists
Best surreal artists
- Started 17 years ago
- Last post 16 years ago
- 84 Responses
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Gottfried Helnwein
- http://www.helnwein.…********
- Really interesting. He's good with so many mediums.Mimio
- Yeah, he's insane. I saw one of his shows in Amsterdam. Blew me away.********
- http://www.helnwein.…
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- uan0
- ukit0
- Jaline0
- d_rek0
stanislav szukalski
- miesvan0
Luis Buñuel, Andrè Breton, De Chirico, L. Aragon, Boris Vian, and Jean Cocteau. Joan Miro sometimes...
- d_rek0
I <8 surrealism.
Makes me want to draw a piktur!
- uan0
- uan0