America's Top Designer Tv Show

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  • Iggyboo

    Just some social commentary on a new tv show being hosted by CMYK |

    The social commentary can be found here…

    Excerpt on some concept ideas I had for the show:

    "I hope they do CMYK: ATGD right ( and this is what I would do ): Create 4 studios, and take on real design project bids for the season (rfps). I don’t think they need to finish the projects just the bids for them, they could hire a production team for the show to assist in execution. Execution of the work could be done off air and online so that viewers of the show could see the content come to life and create a following for the artists/writers!.... There would be a secondary component to this format which would showcase individual quick fire rfp challenges. These individual challenges would add to the total amount won by the designer’s with their splits from the team challenges. The end result you get someone who is both a team player and profitable on solo projects. "