The Useful Thread
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- Last post
- 1,718 Responses
- yurimon-1
- HijoDMaite0
Dammit! I've been straining my pasta water in the sink my entire life!
- i thought everybody knew that.ApeRobot
- Don't feel bad, most people I know do it wrong. Drives me crazy.ETM
- this was new to me. good info though and i will try it soon.capn_ron
- New to me, too. Also new to me was what he describes as a "little bit" of butter.nb
- how did martha or julia do it?bklyndroobeki
- butter? are you crazy??Irafis
- Nice one.instrmntl
- georgesIII0
if you're ever in Germany,
know that you can drink and carry an open bottle of alcohol as long as you don't go over the limit,- when I’m abroad I always forget that I can’t just walk around having a beer until I realize people are looking at mepressplay
- HijoDMaite0
If you type the words: "Purchase Orders" into Google search (while logged in) all of your online purchases will appear.
- didn't work for me at all. i was logged in and i even tried on chromeJG_LB
- that's weird. try typing "my purchases"HijoDMaite
- are you using a diff email address for your purchases?HijoDMaite
- works for mezarkonite
- doesn't work for medbloc
- i searched 'HijoDMaite's purchase orders' and i seen everything, oh my!moldero
- interesting.Hayoth
- georgesIII0
- Flowers? Got one for veggies?HijoDMaite
- Not so useful if you are in the Southern Hemisphere? Also, yes to veggies - can't eat many flowers.sausages
- ********0
- niceletterhead
- word!organicgrid
- I use http://www.blindtext…SimonFFM
- InDesign has an add placeholder text function.uan
- sausages2 - a grid system for humans
Been using this for a while, makes responsive layouts super easy without messing up your markup with presentational classes. For stylus and sass.
Also, - Kinda like compass for sass but this is for stylus. Woot
- MrT2
Delete images from multiple InDesign frames in one go:
Select all the frames, [shift] + [esc] then [delete].
I didn't know this and arrogantly assumed it worthy of a post!
- sausages0
Another one of those build your own layout for Wordpress widgets/plugins
Wouldn't consider it for decent projects but might be just right for small tightarsed clients.
It's free
(Disclaimer: Haven't tried it so it could be shithouse)
- georgesIII0
Awesome tool to plan massive displays
- ********2
- breadlegz1
This might be useful:
- Al_dizzle1
UX project checklist
- akiersky0…
download compiled version here:…