The Useful Thread
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- 1,718 Responses
- utopian9
Pulled over while connected: Siri can quietly video record the police.
Just say, "Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over."
One of the latest apps to hit the iOS 12 mobile highway is Shortcuts. With it, users can plot out a series of actions and trigger them by signaling the voice-assistant. One savvy user created an add-on called Police that can give drivers added security during traffic stops.
- Nairn0
Pay $5 a year for someone who hates you to post all your shit memes and oh my god i'm so clever and/or funny images for teh QBN.
It's what I use, so if it's good enough for me, it's something you should probably well avoid.
- er.. 'host' your images. it's not for posting shit on QBN. Although that could be fun. Who's going to make the first QBN shit poster bot?Nairn
- I can imagine a Devil's Alliance where drgs and robotron3k team up to make the ultimate ML-based über troll.
*rubs hands gleefully*
2022, maybe.Nairn - Will we still be alive in 2022?CyBrainX
- some of us will.Doris_McSquirter
- webazoot0
Was looking to quickly recreate the 80's/90's MTV Music video text for something and found free Premiere template here...
- Bluejam0
- I would only about 6 of them.utopian
- eat only 6?
personally, wouldn't touch 8, 10, 22,
34 or 40Bluejam - They're missing my favourite: https://en.wikipedia…shapeaspect
- So odd. Graphics look 1957, Sandwiche selection looks 2017.Nairn
- You eat toast with toast? That's odd.SimonFFM
- Most of these are disgusting.CyBrainX
- Gyro? You mean DONER!Beeswax
- webazoot0
Adobe is looking to talk to people who do drawing of any kind using their iPad.
This research study would be run over the next 3 weeks, where you would spend 2-3 hours per week with fun drawing assignments. Participants will be compensated $300.
- codespa0
Download High Quality 2500 Images from Space (Free by google)
- https://earthview.wi…
direct linksausages - Good man, Sausages.Nairn
- How much longer will it take if I have to download them from space ?Gnash
- General speeds to orbit are quite high, but it's the latency that's a fucker. Gotta make sure you're not DLing 1000s of individual files... .Nairn
- https://earthview.wi…
- webazoot0
Real-time information about coronavirus travel rules and the status of infections in each European country.
- (But not the UK because Brexit).webazoot
- Then each EU country would be more accurate?Doris_McSquirter
- Gardener2
- Can you move the result upstairs to the original position for reincarnation?CyBrainX
- hahaha as ifnb
- Hey this is the useful thread not the dumb ideas thread :)nb
- saves candles, that is useful, I think...Gardener
- endless source of energy has been foundBeeswax
- fuck fossil fuel, finally!utopian
- Paraffin refinery owners hate himdrgs
- If this worked (physically) then the 4th pic would burn forevernb
- utopian2
Online letter count / character counter Yep, I have to google that every time I need it because I never remember the url, ditto Case Converter; https://caseconverte…webazoot
- face_melter0
How to topple statues using science and engineering.
- grafician0
One can "pause" a .gif just by opening it in the Preview app on a Mac.
Each frame from it appears in the Sidebar panel.
Note: do not use this knowledge for nefarious reasons.
- grafician1
If you're into startups...
- grafician2
"How to email a busy person & get a reply
Still relevant, btw just launched too...
- grafician1
Pixel art for iPad
- frame by frame drawing & animation app too: https://iorama.studi…grafician
- Nairn0
So.. this is a thing.
- TransphobicGnash
- That site was promoting/going before the current wave of #BLM hit.evilpeacock
- Sure. I didn't want to post it in any of those types of threads. As a blue-skinned under-represented ginger guy though, I find shit like this a bit ... odd.Nairn
- I mean - I don't care. I just find it odd.Nairn
- I mean there's a TV channel called BET toodbloc
- I'm not getting into betting.Nairn
- SimonFFM4
How to make Turing Pattern Effect in Photoshop:
- I used to do shit like this, but with a different technique. Can't remember what, zactly, but lots of repeated Levelling, or something, as per his F2'ing here.Nairn
- I'd also start off with dense 'sacred' geometric forms as the 'seed' and make them fat enough to laser cut out of thin woods. Should sell that shit!Nairn
- Nairn0
- This is a clumsy 8½ minute effort.Nairn
- And 18 minutes later, a section taken as a circle and cut out of 1.5mm plywood.…Nairn - numbers guy?imbecile
- @imbecile - I'm thinking about that LCD-esque stencil you mentioned, btw. I'll send you one if anything comes of it.Nairn
- sweet, i'm definitely getting 45 adapter vibes from the animation / cutout.imbecile
- does it affect the quality / time cutting these using a raster base instead of vector? as I would presume live trace adds unnecessary nodes / unevenness?imbecile
- the gif here is all done in raster, as per the video. I then take that and livetrace it, meddling with the settings. it came out q. clean first time anywayNairn
- the advantage with things like this is the livetrace output is very forgiving. as long as everything is rounded, it 'looks ok' because there's no hard referenceNairn
- ..for how it 'should' look. As opposed to livetracing something like a logo or a font.Nairn
- ah, hold on - you meant on the laser-side? ok, no - you always cut with a vector. you can etch with raster, and i guess right through 'to cut', but thatNairn
- ..would be hugely inefficient.Nairn
- I know you always cut with vector, having felt with vinyl cutters, I know that additional nodes can slow cuts.imbecile
- My question was... are those additional live trace nodes having a noticeable impact on cut time?imbecile
- Ah, no. that sort of level of fuckedness doesn't come in til you make 'each arc' more than like 4 points. Sometimes it's good to do that to slo machineNairn
- like, if you're cutting something paper thin and are going at '100% speed'. Sometimes it's good to add in more points to slow a curve down to cut neat.Nairn
- On any material beyond a couple of millimetres or so, it doesn't make much difference.Nairn
- *couple of millmetres *thickness*, idiot.Nairn