David Thorne - Genius

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  • 32 Responses
  • airey0

    jesus christ some of you fuckers are miserable cunts. i mean i'm as cynical as the average miserable cunt but you guys. you guys take the fucking cake.

    in my opinion the guy's fucking great. the only reason his shit gets read is via viral like this thread. (and the book he sells). and it's getting a fair amount of reading. now, it may not be your cup of tea. you might not like it. fair enough. you aint have to. but much like anal sex, i say if it's not your thing don't do it (except you ukit, i know you need the rent paid so all dues there brother). but at least be slightly aware that maybe it is ok, just not your thing. (again, a bit like ukit in general really).

    now, you know what he does and yet, you try to be too cool for school and say it's getting old. maybe. maybe not, but either way you don't have to read it. especially as you're pre-educated as to the guy and his delivery. if you don't really dig his stuff yet read it anyway and then feel ripped because it still wasn't your thing then something's fucked and it's closer to home than a writer in melbourne.

    also, the argument that 'he does this shit to get known / famous / whatever'. no shit. of course he would and should. it's funny and if he can make some cash outta it then more power. he's in the advertising game and this shit would make him someone people want to have in their shop. i say 'well played sir'. why, do you prefer the current 'age of celebrity' that awards no-talent, no-effort fucks like paris hilton et al who gain and keep some assemblance of fame by simply being famous?

    and to anyone who thinks it might be fake. fucking lol. no shit. what, you watch entourage and wonder why there's all this hype of james cameron's 'aquaman' but it hasn't been released at your local shopping mall yet?!? it's god damned enter-fucking-tainment. and at least witty entertainment. written by a wordsmith. or wordslinger if you prefer. or simply someone good with words. whatever.

    personally i think it sure beats yet anther 'creative' with a fucking blog posting inane 'design' related shite that he / she / it got off one or more of the other 'design' blogs they read.

    just my 2cents. i'm probably wrong.

    • probably need to go outside or something dudetoe_knee
    • probably.airey
    • alright, went outside. have 4 beers. still agree with myself. no surprise there.airey
    • you do perform some cunning stunts sometimes, airey... hahahahaBuddhaHat
  • BusterBoy0

    ^^ get fucked...if i think his stuff is getting old and tired that's my fucking opinion...just like all the "i fucked your mother" lines you pedal day in, day out...getting fucking old mate and lowest form of humour there is. now go and have your brisbane fucking drinks or whatever the fuck it is you do up in that hick town.

    i could be wrong though...hang on, I'll ask your mother, except she can't talk right now...

  • neue75_bold0

    he's still a good laugh, mind you I've not followed every thing he's done... went back and had a look at the spider one today, pretty fucking brilliant.. but I am simple like that...

    • and I've only nailed airey's mum once.. I'm no Rand...neue75_bold
  • BusterBoy0

    as i said, the first couple were funny...when you get to episode 67 of the same shit, it gets tiresome. just my opinion...if you like that kind of stuff, great.

  • monoboy0

  • webazoot0

    Used to find him funny. Then ordered his book. Never received it, had a polite email stating a small delay. Then nothing. That was a couple of months back. It seems there are many people in the same boat who have paid David Thorne money and never got the book they paid for. Dissapointing. There was even a facebook group about this but he has had that removed. Not cool.


    • you should write him an email. post the whole conversation here, please.pizzafire
    • sorry. that sucks, indeed.pizzafire
    • I have send 6 so far, no reply following his 'delay in printing email, which wasn't so funny.webazoot
  • Miguex0

    "By the power of Greyskull that is a lot of money "

  • Miguex0

    I thought it was hilarious

  • sureshot0

    From: George Lewis
    Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 9.33pm
    To: David Thorne
    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

    If you livd close by gaycunt I would be over your place with five friends tonight.
    From: David Thorne
    Date: Thursday 2 September 2010 10.08pm
    To: George Lewis
    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

    Dear George,
    I knew we would get along well. We have only known each other for one day and already you are organising a party. I am not sure where Gaycunt is but if I did "livd close by" to it, I would definitely be up for that.
    We could all sit outside on banana lounges discussing the best way to rebuild a 4WD transmission and agree, through shared stories of conquests supporting our assertions, that there is no basis to the proposition that those least assured of their persuasions are the first to condemn others for theirs. Although the ideal would be for everyone to be capable of love without fear, restraint, or obligation, clearly this does not apply to homosexuals.
    At no time during the night would you comment on how much you liked my Abercrombie & Fitch pants or ask "is that a Marcel Breuer couch? I love the fabric selection" and when we danced, we would all leave our tops on.
    Regards, David.
    From: George Lewis
    Date: Friday 3 September 2010 1.18pm
    To: David Thorne
    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

    no fag I live in Charleston west virginia the best country in the world. I wasnt sying it would be a party. we would smash your fucking skull in and if you are calling me a fag you can get fucked becasue I have a girlfriend.

  • BusterBoy0

    Always thought this bloke was a one trick cockhead. Well now he's a one trick cockhead fraud.

    How the world turns.

  • dopepope0

    nah, he's actually going to use all the complaint exchanges for book #2. It's brilliant.

    • This is, nobodys going to give him money for it because they got scammed once already.webazoot
  • BusterBoy0


    • I'm a one man hate campaigner against him.BusterBoy