Breaking Bad
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Brilliant show, really got hooked on it.
Good thing Rescue Me start in a few weeks or I would be out of good shows to watch.
- toe_knee0
Nah Jessie didn't shoot him. They NEVER do what you think they are going to do in this show.
And when they were planning to do something to Gayle they never used the words 'kill'.
- ********0
Hmm... I think the show has jumped the shark.
I reckon it's become a bit cheesy these past few episodes. Literally - anything _could_ happen .. it's not grounded in the same kind of reality it had in the first two seasons. Previously I could always understand what was happening via the motivation of the characters - but now, I think the story is going all over the place .. it's messy writing.
Maybe I'm being too down on it - but it's left me a bit disappointed.
- no way man, this show keeps getting better and better in my opinion. Maybe next season is a flop, but so far..Miguex
- always topped itself, even when you thought the last episode was the best (fly episode was not as great)Miguex
- well, I agree it has moments of absolute genius .. but I wish the writing was more consistent.********
- ukit0
Am I the only one here who hopes Jesse capped aging hipster Gale between the eyes? And then fired another shot into the stereo where he was playing the fuckin Ukrainian folk music or whatever it was.
- BonSeff0
lol - yeah, i laughed out loud when walt pulled up to the laundry and did the double take - shake head at the reclining bike on the subaru in the parking lot.
- indian_pole0
kinda obvious that jesse turned slightly at the end. i reckon he shot him in the arm and disabled him, that was the plan all along (walt mentioned making it look like an 'accident'). great stuff.
- its not an accident if that is their trump card over Gus..e-pill
- eh? no... 'Walt' said: "i think i can make it look like an accident" is what i mean.indian_pole
- so a bullet hole in the arm is an accident.Miguex
- that wasn't the original plan, Walt was going to do it himself but the latino dude picked him up before he left!!!!!indian_pole
- toe_knee0
/\ yup, agree. at no stage did they mention killing Gayle
- indian_pole0
more cool pics here:…
- ********0
they gonna nap him
- cuke4260
gail is dead, poor jesse. at the beginning of the season he said 'i'm one of the bad guys' but clearly he's not a bad guy, but he's created this world and made these choices that forced his hand and are bigger and worse than he was ready for.
i think the characters are being reckless, it'll be interesting to see what happens next season! it's better to burn out than to fade away, hope they end it at an appropriate time.
- Ramanisky20
Heisenberg = The New Pablo Escobar
Its all about the Rise to Power
- applepirate0
man o man. the 1hr:51mins record time on the DVR really had me fooled. i agree that the only reason the ending felt rushed is that i was expecting a near 2 hour episode.
was really hoping gale would be brought back into the show when walt fired him.. this was not what i was expecting. I want a cup of his coffee!!!
- eighteen0
ARRRRRGH, I made the mistake of getting into this show too late so I'm used to watching 12 episodes in a row, it was bad enough waiting a week every time NOW I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE FUCKING SEASON........this is why i stopped watching 24.
- ukit0
I dunno, I'd say it's done a surprisingly good job of not jumping the shark...most shows, even good ones, get kind of cheesy or over the top after a few seasons (see: Six Feet Under, Lost, X Files...etc etc)
- You might be right .. but I think next season they need to rein in the writing - otherwise it risks becoming an expensive soap opera.********
- You might be right .. but I think next season they need to rein in the writing - otherwise it risks becoming an expensive soap opera.
- ********0
No Breaking Bad for a Whole Year
In an interview with SceenJunkies, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan dropped a huge bomb on all of us Breaking addicts by saying that Season 4 of what's pretty much the best show on TV won't be back until July 2011. Over a year from now.
"We are going to get back in the room in early July and we're looking forward to doing that. We're going to go back on the air in I think July of 2011 so it's a little ways off but we've got a lot of lead time to hopefully make the best show we can make."
- Hombre_Lobo0
You lot love this stuff, i might have to watch it...
- Hombre_Lobo0
Tried to watch the US office (steve carell) and didnt really enjoy it. Just finished 30 rock, which is ace, so need a new series to get into.
Flight of the conchords is still the funniest thing my eyes have ever seen! :D
- I love flight of the conchords .. haven't seen 30 rock, but love tina fey - so might start watching********
- I agree about US office (can't really get into it at all)********
- yeh man FOTC is just untouchable. 30 rock is ace and tina fey is hot! you know this Lukus! :DHombre_Lobo
- I love flight of the conchords .. haven't seen 30 rock, but love tina fey - so might start watching
- ********0
My theory is a bit of a wild one...
The Gayle/Gus scene at his house was a foreshadowing and was actually taking place at the time of Jesse going to the house. This has a bit of a plot hole in that Gayle was quite insistent that he needed another cook to get all he needed.
Jesse goes to the house to kill Gayle but at the last minute he sees Gus and takes that opportunity to end it all by killing him.
Alternatively Gus could have been making a second visit to Gayle's. I don't want to see Gus dead but I don't see how Gayle being killed or impaired can extend the lives of both Jesse and Walt for any decent amount of time.
- Why would Gus go back? If there was time shift written into the script -> what's the purpose behind confusing the audience?********
- audience? I'm not sure this is so plausible.********
- Breaking Bad frequently uses foreshadowing and I thought this could be one of those times.********
- Gus would have gone back to say that Walt is dead and he expects Gayle to take on the job immediately.********
- Anything other than killing Gayle still means Walt is not needed. Gayle + an assistant could work the lab.********
- and Gus now sees Walt as disloyal and as loose a cannon as Jesse. I vaguely recall 'He is at ADDRESS' being said, not 'Gayle' explicitly.********
- Gayle explicitly - I may be wrong on this, but this could also explain the otherwise reasonably irrelevant scene with the chemical thievery and awesomeness with the asians.********
- with the chemical thievery and awesomeness with the asians.********
- This seems less wild the more I think about it.********
- ... maybe, but when Gus spoke with Gale, they agreed in principle to one more cook together .. we got to see that one more cook.********
- extra cook -> Gale was quizzing Walt more than usual.********
- Why would Gus go back? If there was time shift written into the script -> what's the purpose behind confusing the audience?