joshua davis bashing by CR
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- Last post
- 201 Responses
- ********0
these threads always have one or two negative comments and hundreds of people talking about "haters"
what the fuck are you all taking about?
- say, why you hatin' on the player haters??robotron3k
- LOL********
- hahahaOSFA
- PrayStation0
Khurram it was tool not korn... but Adam Jones taught me something very important that day... that I need to love the work just as much as the client did... that if I was making work for them and not for me... something would be lost.
I respect your thoughts and opinions and I don't mind the screensaver reference... good screensavers are hard to make. screensavers aren't born out of nothing. Talented people make them.
I've done screensavers... so has Michael Place. but because there are a lot of bad screensavers doesn't make screensavers as a whole a bad word.
- neue75_bold0
The last thing I'll say and to try and encapsulate all the rubbish I've posted so far in this thread is this – we all should [<italics] act responsibly when we're the ones creating 'stuff' for public consumption. It's easy to get caught up in what makes us happy, but this whole art/design/communications thing should be a bit more than just that. There's a lot of people looking at what we produce, there's a lot of opportunity there to be taken..
- mathinc0
Hmmm. While I think the booking of JD at a type conference is a tad odd. Daniel West did a good job of taking this to a really personal level - so is this outcome surprising knowing what kind of person Joshua Davis is? I've met and drank with Davis before and the guy is energy-filled and crass, which personally, I appreciated. This field has introduced me to way too many annoyingly reserved, ill passionate and pseudo intellectuals. I doubt any of them would tell a story about their axe wielding neighbor with the sort of glee and excitement of Davis. That's him. Love him or hate him, I guess West hates him.
As far as his work, personally, the guy made me a believer in flash and actionscripting. His art is of course subjective, just the same as it is for every artist working in any medium. But to say that his work is more suited to desktops and screensavers is going a little bit too far, or actually, it's not going deep enough imo. It would be like someone going to a high fashion runway show and then reporting that 'I wouldn't wear any of that, it's rubbish.' Of course! But when you look at the commercial stuff that Davis does, it's fitting and applicable. West seems to be lacking creatively to mentally make the leap between art and design, how ideas are formulated in the art that can then be translated and interpreted in design.
Personally I really like Josh Davis and while I appreciate his energy and crassness, I can understand how the eggheads would pick him out of the crowd for public castration. But they're design eggheads, and they're not the type to ever stray far enough from the flock to ever do anything meaningful.
- mathinc0
Oh and seriously, fuck this whole 'Worst kind of American'... I'm getting a little tired of this bullshit. It makes me want to get a fucking t-shirt with a wolf and an American flag on it.
- Get some sandwiches while you're out. Big ones with extra sandwich.Horp
- I know, they're all actually pretty bad eh?neue75_bold
- are you even american?********
- Shari?neue75_bold
- I am American, and my name is not Shari. But I like wolves, beer and grilled cheese sandwiches.mathinc
- Khurram0
To echo snuggles,
Josh (may i call you Josh?), i think ultimately you should be FLATTERED that people hold you up to a higher standard than most in your field.
And that's part of what it is. There's lots of competent "talented" people in this world, doing their day jobs and imitating their heroes and doing competent work and getting patted on the back cos they did "good for them"
But there are only a select few who are "elite" in anythign they do. And they are held to a different standard/criteria, and people demand different things from them.
- robotron3k0
Joshua Davis is like the Chuck Norris of design, except with way softer hands...
- ha ha ha - great.PrayStation
- it's true, ya gotta protect yer hands. it's your bread and butter...robotron3k
- His hands are bread and butter? Poor bastard. I must send gloves immediately.Horp
- PrayStation0
tommy... October... LA... Adobe MAX... I'd like to show you more of my CRASS. hit me up on e-mail.
- Autokern0
var Autokern:Cunt = myself as Cunt;
- GeorgesII0
An old wise man once said,
If you can't pray in the bus, Pray at the station.sorry, had to :)
- ********0
"Don't these people know I was lord of 08 ? huh what's 08 ? jesus."
- Joshua Davis, QBN, May 2009
- ********0
The end.
I liked JD's work when it was for web site / screensaver stuff. As "art", no so much.
- not so much********
- How can you really say that? Are you much familiar with his work? Guess not....********
- Umm yes. I am. Personal taste. His work has its place but not with in my heart.********
- Are you going to ask me for my portfolio?********
- Do you know much about JD?********
- Is this a trick question?
Kioken.******** - K, well Im just wondering how you can fathom that his process / results are not "art".********
- How is it art?********
- Self-expression. JD creates successful client communicate to their clients through powerful self-expression.********
- not so much
- __TM0
Stop the hatin ya'll! Josh, you don't have to explain yourself, but it's good that you're here, facing the music. *tips hat.
You're cool with most of us here. In fact, you should be receiving an invitation by email to join QBNpro ;)
You can thank me by doing a piece for my birthday (today). no pressure.
- ********0
- fuck
v******** - lol, what an odd mistake.harlequino
- grabup is kinda slow, if you swithc tabs while grabbing, it will get confused********
- fuck
- ********0
- ********0
- DuhDuhDuh0
My two cents here, and I aint "hatin", I have significant respect for JD, shit, I learned how to program a real nice scrollbar class from his samples forever ago, but I wanted to comment on this part.
JD >> "maybe I've got it all wrong... but I thought working toward an identifiable visual style was something you wanted to achieve."
To clear the confusion (and you are wrong unless your intent here was to define yourself an an artist and not a designer), an artist, wants to achieve an identifiable style, most definitely, it helps with "identification" – a designer does not, it tends to leave room for the "concept". I just think you are an artist is all, especially if you are working 6 months in advance of a real job, and while I realize you deal with client issues, and tailor your work to fit their needs, it's still art at the end of the day, and not so much design.
That's an ok place to be though, and why not, Carson was a stylist, and an artist, and he killed print, maybe you killed the web?
- why the new account? show yourself!********
- This is NOEIS cos he repeated what NOEIS said.Khurram
- Yup, it's me, YOU GOT ME< OH NO!NONEIS
- who is NOEIS********
- You also outed yourself as a bigger troll for having read every single comment on every single post :DNONEIS
- Each designers have their own style.********
- who is NONEIS?neue75_bold
- exactly, usually called an 'approach'neue75_bold
- I recognize that name.juhls
- Yes Dinky, but the good ones try to resit the urge, JD, embraced his, that makes him an artist in my book.NONEIS
- Oh, i'm a HUGE troll. MASSIVE. Width of a coke can my son 8-)Khurram
- Embracing a style doesnt make you an artist. I am also an artist, my style is called crapwork********
- Well, considering how quickly you responded to my post "outing" me, i'd say 40 of OE.NONEIS
- not sure what that means?Khurram
- and by the way, i have ADD you insensitive arsehole!!Khurram
- So do I, *hug*NONEIS
- *hugz!!!!!******** fucking squirrels...Khurram
- why the new account? show yourself!
- juhls0
I dig his art and the thought and process behind it.
- yeah but you were born in the eighties...neue75_bold
- Yeah, I'm not old...juhls
- lol.Corvo2