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  • NBQ000

    Jeff Bezos net worth: 145 Billion $

    Enjoy your weekend

    • There is substantial evidence that the rich are equally as happy as we are. Enjoy your weekend!nb
  • zaq3

  • utopian0

    Almost none of the $500 billion in a coronavirus relief fund for businesses has been spent…

    • wrong thread
    • you’re on the wrong forum shitboymonospaced
    • because that makes any sense .... sigh.... so tiresome
  • PonyBoy5

  • shapesalad2

    When are the Gov going to try to flatten this curve:

  • PhanLo2

  • shapesalad1

    • I followed his story in the past years. Quite amazing how he made over $30M and didn’t even care about it, kept living with his parents and told nobody.NBQ00
  • ********

    "capitalism. the thing that sells everything but itself."

    Is it a good thing it doesn't have a pitch? Should it have one or just be crucified by everyone exploiting it?

    • Lol @ sells itself.nb
    • its like gravity needing a pr firm
  • utopian8

    America's billonaires got $484billion RICHER during the pandemic - with the top five seeing a combined $76billion added to their personal wealth.

    New report shows the country's billionaires have grown richer during pandemic

    Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are among those who made financial gains

    Between March 18 and May 19, the total net worth of the 600-plus U.S. billionaires rose from $2.948 trillion to $3.382 trillion, the report found

    It is estimated over 38.6 million Americans have lost their jobs during the crisis…

    • Isn't that mostly based on stock value? But astonishing none the less...grafician
    • Stock and who's buying with what funds
    • The fed picking up Corp debt creates opportunities
    • Again not capitalism and better politics
    • fuck look at hertz stock . this will be interesting.. grabs popcrn
  • NBQ003

    • someone should tell him about shopify.hotroddy
    • shopify lol, their platform barely works. my dev team loves building with shopify.utopian
    • I'd almost forgot about Pocahontas, ever since Dems and eher home state rejected her, She pining for VP? Biden will choose either a ratchet or an underage girl.
    • Get yourself a different dev team. Shopify is going to own ecommercehotroddy
    • shopify barely works? sorry but you clearly haven't used it then.fadein11
    • Clearlyhotroddy
    • Shopify only works for small businesses.
      its a shite closed ecom system.
    • sure, if fortune 500 companies are what you mean by 'small business'hotroddy
    • not to mention it's empowering small business to compete against the likes of amazonhotroddy
  • utopian3

    Nothing like good oldé American Covid Profiteering.

    Let's charge them dumb American's only $1 buck for the product, but charge $9 bucks for delivery for a 1oz package.


    • add more to your cart for free shipping, Mike... & try and remember your single lil purchase will go thru 10+ hands (shipping) and cost $x.xx in gas/packing etcPonyBoy
    • For many products on Amazon it does not work that way, even if you're a Prime member. These companies find creative ways to get around the free delivery.utopian
    • Having someone hand-deliver a 1oz bottle to the location of your choice anywhere in America should cost WAY more than $9nb
  • utopian0

  • utopian3

    • Ugh, this isn't even in the ballpark of being scientific.nb
    • but even if it were, it is despicable. Fox News needs to get burned down.nb
  • formed0

    For those that would like to educate themselves on how/where the motivations for our current economy, this is a great read (insanely thorough). As they say, 'truth is stranger than fiction'.

    This is also for those that would like to learn about a 'real' conspiracy that is actually shaping our world as I type this. Fascinatingly terrifying!

    '“The United States is now at one of those historic forks in the road whose outcome will prove as fateful as those of the 1860s, the 1930s, and the 1960s,” writes MacLean. “To value liberty for the wealthy minority above all else and enshrine it in the nation’s governing rules, as Calhoun and Buchanan both called for and the Koch network is achieving, play by play, is to consent to an oligarchy in all but the outer husk of representative form.”

    Nobody can say we weren’t warned.'…

    • It's ironic that those that fall for this ideology are also the ones yelling about "freedom", "free markets", etc., etc.formed
    • msde it a bit more than half way and realizing it made not a single statement and read more like AI pulling random data i gave up and went back to hulu.
    • could u simplify your take for us? i know you didnt really sun up anything in th epost. all tease no tail.
    • what strcuk me on the tease whcih didnt pay off as far as i read is the "value liberty for wealthy" i want to know definition of such liberty of wealthy
    • and how it differs from poor. i have a big hunch puff peace of disinformation on that little note. but again it was all over the place and felt very AI with
    • pulled facts and no correlation and some ssumed positions and no backing,
    • Shocking that you couldn't make it through the's pretty clear if you read it, but that would require critical thinking...formed
    • yea it was clear to me reading half of it. i said what was clear to me. i didn't see anything there. so what is your takeaway?
  • NBQ002

  • uan0

    follow up to formed‘s post. if you are interested in the historic traces of that ‚conspiracy‘. one could easely go nuts and link it to the police brutality in the us.

  • NBQ000


    The stock market is back at the previous highs pretty much but millions and millions people lost their jobs.

    That's what the last video I posted was all about.

    • Remember that video of an innocent man being assaulted and dragged off a plane that went viral a year back?monoboy
    • It happened simultaneously as another airline cut 1000s of jobs.monoboy
    • Can you guess which one had stock rises, whilst the other had losses?monoboy
  • NBQ000

    Ballerina reveals she rakes in £75k-a-month selling her ‘smelly’ sports shoes and used underwear online…

    • once a stripper always a stripper.utopian
    • I know a girl paid for her degree doing thisnb
    • buy hertz!
  • NBQ002

    20 year old commits suicide after owing $700K+ in losses to Robinhood trading platform because he didn’t know he was trading options on margin.…

    • Apparently it’s that easy to open an account on margin w Robinhood and trade with money you don’t have and amass great margin losses.NBQ00
    • Some stocks/ options must’ve really made extreme moves in the opposite direction of his trades to amass $700K+ margin losses, yikes.NBQ00
    • Easy if you ignore all the warnings and don’t read upmonospaced
    • There should’ve been a limit in place. I know that ThinkorSwim/ TDAmeritrade has limits in place and locks the account if the margin losses are at certain %NBQ00
    • I bet this kid had couple grand at most (if at all) in his account. To amass $700K+ margin losses is insane and shouldn’t be possible with little $$ in accountNBQ00
    • Always amusing to click View Comments on that site and inevitably its a bunch of nutcases ranting about the jews..yuekit
    • I don’t see any jew comment this time :)NBQ00
    • You didn't scroll down far enough lolyuekit
    • This is America!utopian
    • Read that kids, think 10-12 are on Robinhood now day trading, while gaming just in the evenings lolgrafician
    • Yeah how the fuck can teens under the age of 18-20 even sign up for trading accounts.NBQ00
    • They can’t even get credit cards!monospaced
    • They can have FAcebook at 13 I think and sure, robinhood at 12 no wonder the stock market is up with 20 mil. jobless pplgrafician
    • ups, make that 40 mil jobless, https://www.nytimes.…grafician
    • Fishy...I've never seen anywhere that let you trade more than 50% of your assets, then the margin is called when asset prices go down and 'poof'!formed
    • What's to stop somone from trading $100's of million, then declaring bankruptcy? I don't know this "zerohedge", but I can't believe that could happen.formed
    • @formed it seems "there's an app for that" case with Robinhood lolgrafician
    • Who knows, maybe it was this https://www.bloomber…NBQ00
    • I still don't buy it, though. What's to stop someone from pumping stocks, betting millions, etc.?formed
    • If it is a glitch, then the kid wouldn't be liable.formed
    • @formed so all the adults can do Robinhood under their kids names and if they mess up "oh, it was my kid day trading" smaaartgrafician
    • i find the most interesting thing about this phenomenon is ppl switchign from sports betting to day trading. never been a big difference. always said
    • gambling.but somehting id never have thought of in shutting down sports. one of those. oh shit moments, on centrally planned actions outside markets
    • do the day tradrs also expect a bailout and why they dive in. will the sec step in? they signed off on hertz for bankruptcy caitapl raise,,, it makes no sense
    • unless they expect the fed to buy them out. its absolute nonsense all around and threatens soemthign americans have taken for granted forever.. reserve currency
    • 20 yrs ago we lightened up on china to shift to westernized ways. they smiled and went pseudo free markets, or facism in controllign industry and are destroying
    • it using human capital, and fae monetray growth,,, well not destroyign it they suffer own bubbles. and showing signs of planned progress collapsing with skeleto
    • cities and depreciating property value. its a very interesting time for us and world issues. since 2016 i realized no matter how smart i am and plan idiots get
    • in the way. money to skim for day to day trade, but its not real growth and absolutely ruins markets.
    • So this was a case of bad UX somehow, a negative balance before the app would update latest trades?grafician
    • More info https://www.forbes.c…grafician
    • Nobody is talking about day trading deathboy you stupid fucking cunt. Your entire rant is meaningless as usual because of your stupidity and ignorance.monospaced
    • Robin Hood isn’t day trading your retakes.monospaced
    • Retard.monospaced
  • grafician-4

    Think the World economy must drop the US because the amount of financial stupidity and negligence going on right now in the States will drop on us like that asteroid dropped on the dinosaurs...the fallout from another full market crash will put us back 20-30 years at least!

    And with coronavirus going on up until the 2022 at least, we will be doomed for real this time

    WW3 will be an economic one...

    • Bro, do you even know capitalism? :)

      “World economy must drop the US...” what? World system without the US would be fucked.
    • That's what I'm saying unfortunately...
      Dropping the $ would be WW3 on an economics level
    • couldn't we just wait 20-30 years till all the owners of that debt die out and start a new balance sheet meanwhile?uan
    • Pull everything and buy real assets fast, until the $ value goes to shit. Printing trillions unbacked by real assets & giving it to the rich without helping...grafician
    • ...the real economy is madness and can't be sustained much further...bro!grafician
    • instead of starting war about some numbers?uan
    • @uan mate there was a time when the $ was backed by gold - then the US said "no more" and starting printing "fake" money and here we are...grafician
    • and no, debt is inherited through generations, basically all the trillions printed now are backed by "future generation's work's worth"grafician
    • btw billionaires like Gates or Bezos don't really own billions (expect the real assets they own), they own in part debt. The entire system is based on debt now.grafician
    • it was maybe necessary to make us grow, but we have enough knowhow about economy now to implement a better solution.uan
    • the problem might be, there is no 'we'. or at least I don't see one atm.uan
    • except* their real assets...Anyway we just pass along debt now, the system is built on debt now, not real money/value.grafician
    • There is no "We the people" no more, correct. There are only central banks that control currency and so forth debt. It's all a big "I O U" system now...grafician
    • and no, you can't really reset the system either, as it will crash! Only solution would be to freeze it somehow and build more real assets to cover the debt...grafician
    • ...but that will take generations, think billions of ppl to work nonstop to cover the debts of past generations, for decades! Unreal...grafician
    • we need a 'we the humans'. make lives worth living. let us (as in gov) pay us for living. and make an economy that grows without destroying the planet.uan
    • and ikr, it's just some late sunday hippy yoga idea. as a designer looking at the economy, trying to put it all together in order, it's what I would suggestuan
    • Capitalism is a system that promises infinite growth based on real life finite assets. Unsustainable. The planet is already sold.grafician
    • We literally use all the resources the planet can offer in a year, in 2-3 months! The rest of the year is actually living on borrowed time.grafician
    • We actually need to just hold on long enough until we build a post-scarcity society where all the needs are met. Not in our life times unfortunately...grafician
    • Here you go: Michael Venuto
      The Bank of Japan owns nearly 80% of all ETF assets in the country.
    • We actually work in the society just to pay the interest on future debt. We don't own shit.grafician
    • And the financial system is so convoluted to intentionally keep the regular folk in the dark so they don't get the big picture.grafician
    • you got a house, food, cloth, electricity, phones, internet...even if you don't own shit. that's not scarcity no more.uan
    • While the ppl that actually get it and go ranting about it seem like mad men to regular folk. The truth just hurts, "eat the rich" won't be a joke for too longgrafician
    • and that's why my friends, we can't have nice thingsgrafician
    • @uan mate, you have those now, but on the expense of somebody somewhere else that doesn't have those things! This is thehard truth, but enjoy it while it lastsgrafician
    • we will only know peace when having zero or having enough are equal, that's the real hard bottom line.grafician
    • I suppose Romania is bustling enough to keep it going without the USmonospaced
    • @mono nope, we don't even qualify anymore for the Euro zone, politics, economics...But happy you got a new house man!grafician
    • @mono btw, come here for a weekend, we have the same beers for cheaper, faster internet for cheaper, all that, bring your mask tho'!grafician
    • @mono I'd be happy to discuss economics with you, Bucharest is basically Berlin or Paris, but way cheaper, because money and debt and capitalism.grafician
    • @mono btw you can get a cheap flight from NYC to Paris to Bucharest for like 2k to do a corona test that costs 50$ here, way under $18k cost in NYC lolgrafician
    • @mono tell all your friends, cheap coronavirus tests in Bucharest, no need for bankruptcy in the States if you're not covered by insurance...grafician
    • didn't the Romanian gov sell its territory to NATO to place land-based ballistic missiles?uan
    • @uan we didn't "sold" anything, we are part of NATO, EU country and all that lolgrafician
    • so you didn't get any money for this?uan
    • @uan we actually bought more second hand F16s from Portugal I think, but some of our corrupt officials still have Swiss bank accounts, care to elaborate on thatgrafician
    • @uan we put most of them in jail, but you know the money they stole still sitting in Swiss bank accounts paying interest for you guys, funding your lifestyle...grafician
    • ...but what can we do, it's all capitalism right?grafician
    • Just so you know, the Swiss only export banking and maybe chocolate and tourism? If the final balance comes, you guys are left with absolutely nothing lolgrafician
    • Just don't get mad at me, I'm only saying it like it is, the Swiss are not even part of EU, you only have better trade deals than the fuckers in the UK lolgrafician
    • bit weird you end up in Nationalism...ok I triggered it, but still! I‘m willing to discuss Switzerland with you, but not in sidenotes!uan
    • A corona test is free in the US. You’re getting ripped off.monospaced
    • And the US is cheaper than Paris for most crap now I hear the euro is so damn weak.monospaced
    • Finally. That rare for a flight to Romania is robbery. It’s about 4x overpriced.monospaced
    • on the flip side graf to the US monetary policy is other nations that can and do take advantage of it. if the us doesnt do it you have the upcoming china
    • who can be your controller. its all kind of funny and i hate the us monetary policy from one perspective but also see good guys finish last
    • @mono if the corona test would be free in the US then how come ppl getting bills over $18k for a test? Might be free for you if you have insurance but it's notgrafician