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  • PhanLo0

    • McDonalds operates a franchise model which puts part ownership and management in the hands of...well, anyone who qualifies.Morning_star
    • McDonalds has also strategically increased the costs of it's meals to help support it's healthier approach to the food it sells.Morning_star
    • If they really cared about customer's health they should strategically cease to exist.MrT
    • Or...people should take a bit of personal responsibility and regulate the amount of crap food they consume.Morning_star
    • but it tastes so good apparentlyMrT
  • utopian1

    • I guess letting the government attempt to control the means of production and manipulate the market failed. Communism really doesn't work.Morning_star
    • So all artificial constrictions or promotions on the capitalist model are bad?Nairn
  • PhanLo1

    • this admittedly demi accurate- hitting wankfest is hampered by some very weird edits.Nairn
  • PhanLo0

    • part one…PhanLo
    • Doesn't give me much faith in FDA approval.PhanLo
    • this whole family and any one that protects them needs to be blowtorched. fuckers._niko
    • that's fucked, at 35:00 it talks about oxycontin being prescribed to patients with back pain, then when you stiop taking it, one of the withdrawal symptoms is_niko
    • ...backpain, so the patient is caught in a feedback loop unknowingly. This is what happened to my wife's aunt, she injured her back a decade ago, then was on ox_niko
    • ...oxy for the next 10 years and it absolutely ruined her. We buried her a couple of months ago._niko
    • Yeah, the stats about how most of the adult population were on vallies was pretty fucked too.PhanLo
    • I knew a stomemason that also had severe backpain, I can't remember what he got prescribed, but he ended up getting sacked from his job for become addicted to..PhanLo
    • the pain meds. It's grim.PhanLo
  • PhanLo2

  • utopian5

    • this dumb fuck is like a retarded caricature of Lex Luthor, Dr Evil, Daddy Warbuck and a cock._niko
    • Taking tips from redcross playbookAQUTE
  • utopian0

  • _niko0

    Not folowing this too closely but he ended up killing two people and wounding another because he came in from out of state to help protect car dealerships?

    Car dealerships. not even his own or his family's.…

    • look at that man babyGuyFawkes
    • He's just a good ol boy, never doin no harm.
      I doubt he'll get locked up. Was just a misunderstanding.
    • Still gonna be acquitted. Especially after the ‘volunteer paramedic’ with the Glock admitted to pointing the gun at his head before baby-shooter shotGnash
    • He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.PhanLo
    • 100% Guaranteed Acquittalutopian
    • His nicocado avocado impression is on pointscarabin
    • the guy he killed was convincted child molestor molesting 5 kids from ages 5-9 who was looting businesses. this kid did society a favor.hotroddy
    • good thing he didn't kill any black criminals because it would have been pegged as hate crime.hotroddy
    • it's funny to see people claiming the child molestor was a victim. post in America is fucked thread.hotroddy
    • He testified he was protecting his community. Not that he lived there. But his community. Ergo he’s a communistnb
    • way to defend the serial child rapist looking for a car to hijack. if anyone deserves a bullet in the head it's the fucking clown that was shot.hotroddy
    • Play stupid games, win stupid prizesscarabin
    • niko lives in a country where minorities don't resent him for having his own business. #whitepriviledgehotroddy
    • dumb fucks everyone involved. dumb fucks all around.pango
    • I’m not disagreeing with his self defence argument, I saw the vids, he did what he had to do. But he decided to arm himself and go out and defend cars. Cars._niko
    • He’s defending a society that was spiraling out of control. People lost their businesses and ability to put food on the table for their familieshotroddy
    • But the left wants you to be dependent on food stamps anyways. It’s how they get re-elected!hotroddy
    • Bullshit the businesses were all insured, his being there was pointless. And what dies it say about a society that relies on vigilantism?_niko
    • do a little research, plenty of business never reopened. BTW, is your car insured? If so, can I swing by and steal it?hotroddy
    • And you talk about putting food on the table imagine no longer having a child to put food on a table for._niko
    • My child can protest all he wants. but I wouldn't let my child loot. I hope you wouldn't let yours either.hotroddy
    • regarding vigilantism, to me it says the society has gone to shit. what does it say to you?hotroddy
    • Hotroddy did you find all that that out watching Shapiro or Tucker Carlson?Projectile
    • Forget what ONE OF his victims has done, bc he didn't know. He went (far) into a situation armed to feel like a big man, ended up killing protesters.Projectile
    • I didn't believe it at first because the media won't report it. I think I first saw it from youtube comment.hotroddy
    • I have no sympathy for anyone involved. From the white males carrying ak47 to the people protesting the death of a convicted rapist who was defying..hotroddy
    • police.hotroddy
    • the city should be held accountable. they created this mess by editing the footage of jacob blake and making him appear more innocent than he really was.hotroddy
    • @hotroddy
      You're giving government more power than it should have, you're veering into socialism.
      It's all about personal responsibility.
    • corrupt district attornies using populism narrative to get into power sounds like the kind of socialism I'm familiar withhotroddy
    • Yeah hot toddy so we agree that society’s gone to shit and we have no sympathy for everyone involved._niko
    • And if you want my car bad enough come take it, I have insurance need a new one anyway, hope you can drive stick! What I won’t do is shoot you over it_niko
    • Awesome. I don't need one but email me your address and I'll have someone pop by. Let me know if you have anything of value in your home too.hotroddy
    • Lol knock yourself out it’s a rusty 06 accord. And lolz at equating personal possessions to multimillionaire owned and insured car dealerships._niko
    • This tool was willing to risk his life and the lives of others to protect cars ffs. Not his car, not his neighbour’s, but random cars in a dealership far away_niko
    • kid is too brain washed with idealism.pango
    • I get it now. So you don't deserve to have your house broken into, but it's justifiable multi-millionaire. talk about idealism. fuck the rich!hotroddy
    • i starting to think ur an insurance salesman w that logichotroddy
    • yeah fuck the rich!pango
    • If the multimillionaires can’t be bothered to hire security or move their car off the lots why the fuck should this nimrod risk his life or others for them?_niko
    • They don’t give a shit, they have insurance. We’re still talking about metal in inanimate and replaceable objects here right? If killing yourself for material_niko
    • ...possessions, or other peoples possessions to be exact makes sense to you, then I don’t know what to say. And sure fuck the rich but more than that fuck_niko
    • The morons who risk life and limb to protect them, prop them up, vote them in , refuse healthcare, social programs etc at their own expense._niko
    • That’s not capitalism it’s called masochism. Look it up_niko
    • Socialism works when it's citizens hold one another responsible and accountable. not when they freeload for free TVs and disrepect other people' properties.hotroddy
    • The last I checked, Norway's car lots don't need security guards with guns or iron gates like some fucking third-world country.hotroddy
    • and then people complain when businesses don't invest in poor income areas. El Mundo Al Revéshotroddy
    • This is why businesses invest in America.
      Businesses have our best interest at heart.
      - Clown Applying Makeup.
    • its why businesses are leaving blue stateshotroddy
    • and people moving to red stateshotroddy
    • lol dude that's funny and I agree with what you say, it starts with respect and accountability. And I think Norway got to where it is because of socialism._niko
    • they helped the poor get a leg up, a free education, free healthcare etc, so they wouldn't feel marginalized or need to loot and riot, then the respect and_niko
    • "He’s defending a society that was spiraling out of control" Too bad Batman wasn't available.yuekit
    • accountability and peaceful coexistence with no need for iron bars or armed guards.
      But the US is a long, long way from that.
    • Norway got to Socialism because of who they are as a people. Norwegians didn't begin respecting eachother because of socialism.hotroddy
    • USA will end up with the variant form of tropical socialism because that's who we are as a people.hotroddy
    • well a homogenous group of people with a shared history and mythos and a population of a few million is hard to compare with the US but I get your point_niko
    • Doesn't Scandinavian "socialism" require middle class paying fairly high taxes? I doubt Americans will be able to grasp the long term benefits of that.yuekit
    • aaaaaaand the Emmy goes too...mapleT
    • Population, skill and education gap in the USA is too large for 'socialism' to work on an efficient level.hotroddy
    • it's a cultural problem, not an economic one. Middle-class families are already paying high taxes in CA and other blue states.hotroddy
    • I pay the same amount as my Canadian counter part and I have to pay for health care on top of it.hotroddy
    • In global terms USA is nowhere near the country with the least welfare, it's a rich country and much closer to Europe than developing countries where there isyuekit
    • no social security, no food stamps, no unemployment benefits etc.yuekit
    • Spending on welfare as percent of GDP...France 30%, USA 20%, China 8%, India 2%.yuekit
    • lunatics with rifles...neverscared
    • A lying "a bullet's a bullet" 17-year old with a fucking AR-15. Taste the freedom.
    • Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney wants a judge to allow him to argue that one of the men his client fatally shot during a Wisconsin protest was a sex offender, sayincanoe
    • it supports a defense theory that he attacked Rittenhouse and intended to take his gun because he couldn’t legally possess one.canoe
    • ...what a fucking sad tragedycanoe
    • "He was released from the Kenosha County Detention Center after donor cash was used to post his $2 million bond." ffscanoe
    • Yeah right...the Judge Jury and Executioner, gun toting, patriotic, man child knew that one of his victims was child molester.utopian
    • All three men he shot were lowlife losers with criminal records. Battering and strangling their girlfriends and raping little children.hotroddy
    • It takes a special kind of lowlife to 'protest' 'police brutality' for their selfish moral exculpation.hotroddy
    • When the wasabi hits the nostrilsFNP14
    • you get gratify your sociopathic tendencies and feel morally good about it all in the same day.hotroddy
    • Yikesnb
    • They all went looking for a fight. They all fucking got it.
      Jail all of them.
    • @hotroddy, he didn't know anything about anyone he shot. And NONE of them were murderers, like this cunt. And none of them deserved to die.monospaced
    • inciting violence came from the left on a false narrative about Blake. 3 sociopaths got a taste of their own anarchy.hotroddy
    • What was the narrative about blake?
      Also who's Blake?
  • PhanLo0

    • but, but who will fill out tour buses?!?!_niko
    • I suppose ideally people drop dead the year after retiring.PhanLo
    • Not ideally, provengrafician
  • utopian0

  • Morning_star2

    Interesting discussion, some very good perspectives.

  • utopian6

    • Nice to see tax dollars used for something positive. What would you call Lockheed Martin's fortune? 100% gov funded and we don't even know where it goes.formed
    • sending rich people to space is not too postiveneverscared
    • Bootstraps not working so well eh?MrT
    • < Lol, i saw this on the internet, it must be true!kaiyohtee
  • _niko2

  • PhanLo0

    Space slave colonies it is then.

    • Cool man, you take your fucking company into space. I'm staying here it's great herenb
  • utopian0

  • NBQ001

    • BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment management corporation based in New York City.
      they aren't owners of these businesses.
    • They manage investment funds for a lot of people with one of the best track records since the latest financial crisis.sted
    • They influence, and do/have owned thousands of apartments/homes, etc., but they are investors.formed
  • PhanLo8

    • competitive pay and meal discounts LOLutopian
    • Just what grandpa and his high blood pressure needs, a 4,000 calorie a day diet!Akagiyama
    • Jesus, is this how it ends?mort_
  • utopian0

  • utopian0

    • The CEO of a $25bn corporation earns more than one of it's part time store workers. What's your point?Morning_star
  • utopian0