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- mort_1
I never knew silk production was quite so murderous.
- utopian2
America You Fucked!
- utopian1
Let The Good Times Roll
- shapesalad1
2022 or 2023 - The bubble of E V E R Y T H I N G is going to crash big time...
S&P will fall 55%
Confluence of demographics: USA Boomers retire in 2022 and stop contributing, start withdrawing. Cost of capital will go up - borrowing will be expensive.
+ Fiat printing + quantitive easing since 2008 + credit mess in China (the most over credited country in human history in absolute and relative forms, massive credit bubble) + cost of energy, etc...
Expect dead cat bounces. Bounces up will be bigger in a crashing market than up days in a bull run. Tread Carefully.
BTC, 3 possibilities:
1 - Crash big time - then grind upwards until it becomes the reserve to which fiats or energy is pegged to.
2 - Or fizzle out.
3 - Or less likely, not crash and absorb cash getting out of the giant fiat bubble.
- Anyway, move to cash asap.shapesalad
- Wait, retirees only get one year to do so?
When's the next one?Nairn - Demographics - look it up. Looots of USA boomers are retiring now.shapesalad
- He's been calling for a crash for so many years it's hard to take anything he says too seriously.formed
- That said, down 50% is not impossible. There are going to be some great opportunities.formed
- Crypto will near-vaporize, though, as it was all euphoric gambling, based on empty promises, exactly like the dotcom bubble.formed
- S&P at 3000 is completely reasonable. DOW below 30k, etc., etc. Get your shopping list ready! Hope you put some cash aside a few months ago :-)formed
- This almost seemed interesting, then I saw the "crystal ball graphs" and you instantly know its horse shit.toemaas
- grafician1
- I agree, the rich are super!nb
- *CHINA's Billionaires only are billionaires if they can get out of China with their monies. Else it's just credit based on thin air.shapesalad
- I mean, if they could spend those billions inside China on cars or property or philanthropy they'd be billionaires. But I see your point.BuddhaHat
- China's billionaire's money is really the CCP's money...let's keep it real.utopian
- Money is a collective fiction, inside and outside China.i_monk
- utopian-1
- how do they live in poverty? and why is that bad? If everyone lived a USA//West lifestyle the world would be in an even bigger environmental / inflationary messshapesalad
- grafician0
- Good analogy...the sun isn't the problem, just like capitalism isn't the problemformed
- Venezuela has some of the biggest ecological disasters of the 21st century. has ruined more virgin rain forests than the 'fascist' Bolsanero in Brazil.hotroddy
- not to mention subsidizes the apathy of its citizens with cheap CO2 emissions.hotroddy
- How does that Brazilian boot polish taste, Rodney?face_melter
- unless your retorts have more substance– stick to the doodling. It's a skill that you and my 4yr nephew share but his rate is considerably lower.hotroddy
- if you were slightly more educated on S American politics you'd realize the irony in your statement.hotroddy
- I asked you a question, you fucking clown cunt.face_melter
- Salarrue2
- ...."To be honest with you, consumers are the largest proportion of the market," Steigman told Insider, adding that corporations are strictly limited by....Morning_star
- ... the types of properties they can buy. "They will squash all of the institutions combined."Morning_star
- PhanLo2
- street art, no?imbecile
- Brandalism?…
But yep, kindo street art :)PhanLo
- PhanLo0
- so he's saying, wall st protesters, anti-capitalists are... Monkey Brained fools. Yeah, I agree with that...shapesalad
- And laughing about it. Yes.PhanLo
- he said resentment can be bred by trapping unwilling participants in a system they can't escape then treating them unfairly for entertainment.imbecile
- warren buffet sums it up best: "When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results."imbecile
- utopian-1
- Last slide presumes YoY stock buybacks of $13B. That’s a silly plan. Should say $40k bonus. But also $40k bonuses don’t help the stock pricenb
- Stock buybacks aren’t expense. It’s something they can sell later if they need to. That last slide is a silly argumentnb
- All of it is silly. The arguments aren't even coherent.Morning_star
- There's a huge problem, for sure, but when things are exaggerated and isolated, it weakens any argument.formed
- futurefood3
When was the last time you dug a ditch, baby?