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- akrokdesign0
the truth is, most people don't need all the shit they have.
we could live better with half of all the things we have, where's my ipad. buy, buy, buy.
- bliznutty0
ever since i saw this i cannot get over how fucking retarded michael moore is. he is quite possibly a dangerous socialist too.
here is where michael moore fall short: capitalism is not bad, corporatism is - HUGE DIFFERENCE - and socialism is a HUGE FAILURE.
everyone wants to blame freedom and free markets saying they have failed and that is why we need big government programs.. this utter nonsense, and it is your government that has failed by embracing corporatism and socialism
- ********0
bliz i don't think micheal moore is some anti-capatlistic stooge or something. He's a critical documentarian and media whore. Socialism is a dominant systematic attitude all over the world in fact and it works with capitalism, these are not conflicted ideologies in reality, only when they're abstracted to their extremes.
- you don't understand economic theory nor libertarian philosophybliznutty
- You obviously don't understand my point********
- pr2-1
he gives away a huge chunk of that money away.
if you knew anything you would do your research, i have read the contact he drew up when selling "Roger & Me" his break through debut - he stood by his principles. Despite being a nobody he asked that if flown anywhere he won't fly on Continental - a union busting airline at the time, despite being nobody he asked that the distribution company sets up an outreach program to help the lay off workers transition into new jobs, despite being nobody he made sure that EVERY worker from the GM could see the film for free. If you knew anything about negotiations you would know that EVERY of those points cost him heavy $$ and yet he stuck to his principles.
- his socialist principles.. which make no economic sense as a whole.. his heart is bigger than his brainbliznutty
- even if so, what do you have to show for to say that you are smarter then this jelly fellow?pr2
- bliz posts unsubstantiated generalizations********
- I have a clear understanding of free markets and negative impacts of govt intervention (corporatism, socialism)bliznutty
- and you like posting big words when you feel intellectually threatend********
- please explain why there are so many thriving social democracies right now in this modern world?********
- same point Micheal Moore that fat ass brought up********
- free markets aren't free at all.akrok
- pr2-1
And on an artistic level the opening scene where he intercuts film about falling of Rome with modern-day America was just brilliant.
- bliznutty0
what i feel the bleeding heart liberal (such as Michael Moore) is missing from the equation is that HUGE GOVERNMENT DEBT is now a major problem across all of these supposedly 'free' countries (Greece, Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe, UK, USA, etc.. it goes on and on).. And that GOVERNMENT DEBT = SOCIAL PROGRAMS. Now ask yourself what makes more economical sense, a free society with free markets or a society that consistently asks for big government programs to solve problems but instead create huge global fiscal problems?
- ********0
THE DEBT IS FOR CAPITALISTIC ENDEAVORS. WHERE ARE ALL THESE BILLION DOLLAR "SOCIAL PROGRAMS"? TIT Instead you get the trillion dollar industry led Iraq War and huge ass corporate bail outs for failure they're profiting from. How much debt is that responsible for? HOw much debt is the world bank and corporate global expansion responsible for? "Social programs", give me a break.
- ukit0
Although I lean to the left politically, I will concede that Michael Moore is a one-sided ideologue
But so are modern day "libertarians"
Every successful country in the history of the world has had a mixture of capitalist and socialist elements. People longing for the day when we abolish all government programs have about as much relevance as civil war reenactors.
- ********0
Simple view for simple minded.
- identity0
while I can't argue whole-heartedly for it..
Capitalism - for about 95% of us on here - allows us to come on here and complain about capitalism.
- capitalism = freedom?********
- let's just say you can't have capitalism without freedom..bliznutty
- perhaps I mis-spoke.
What I mean was that most people in and on here come from countries who believe in capitalism.identity - capitalismidentity
- Now, do I say 'not true' or 'true'
Do I want to argue today?******** - hahaidentity
- you guys have democracy and human rights confused with capatalism********
- human rights is ideological and not practical. damn hippy********
- you guys are brain washed. capatalism THE MOST ABSTRACTED ideology there is. Human rights is about HUMAN REALITY********
- ...HUMAN REALITY********
- still doesn't stop you people from thinking capatalism some how got you rights and 'freedom'...that is bullshit propaganda********
- Could you write a letter to my Poli Sci prof? indicate that he has brainwashed me that I am scarred for life.********
- capitalism did NOT get you freedom, freedom got you capitalismbliznutty
- capitalism = freedom?
- ********0
Besides we dont have true free market or true capitalism anyways.
- that is true - rampant, unchecked capitalism would be absolutely crazy...identity
- checked market always holes, capitalist try to capital on those holes to make capital for themselves********
- ...has holes********
- i know.. and that is the point michael moore should be making. make a movie called 'Corporatism'bliznutty
- there will always be holes - there will always be smart peopleidentity
- Yah its not about capitalism, its about greed and corp. But he covered that issue with GM.********
- BUT its the latest buzz word! MM makes money on simplifying issues to simple people********
- ********0
I am just more mad at every tom dick and harry getting stuff that they cant afford.
- How about a movie about that? Chasing down people who defaulted.********
- How about a movie about that? Chasing down people who defaulted.
- bliznutty0
Dodecahedron, what you need to understand is the difference between capitalism and corporatism. Corporate bailouts are corporatism/socialism not capitalism. Iraq War is also socialist/corporatist as it taxes liberty to spend on private venture elsewhere - that is corporatism. Capitalism being spread at gunpoint is no longer capitalism, its corporatism. These huge credit bubbles of our current economic housing crisis (and other bubbles) are created by direct intervention by the government through subsidies and other programs. let's face it though, if we are talking about corporatism then we both agree. we need to understand how corporatism and big government affects free markets and society. that should have been the point of Michael Moore's film, not how we should adopt socialism and think of 'capitalism' as a bad word
- now you are putting socialism and corporatism together...fucked********
- add fascists and you got a party.********
- you could easily put socialism and capitalism together. Already is in Canada and parts of Europe********
- is it not socialist to make the taxpayers pay for bailout programs. is it not corporatist to have the state in bed w/ the capitalistsbliznutty
- capitalists?bliznutty
- no these are all corpratist things. socialism has nothing to do with it, this is americanized rhetoric you are regurgitating********
- So what about UK? Isnt it monarchy?********
- now you are putting socialism and corporatism together...fucked
- ********0
Capitalism = private ownership as means of production
Socialism = public ownership as means of production
- identity0
I'm sorry - i usually stop listening to people's opinions when they tell me I'm spouting "American rhetoric"
- ********0
Corporatism = " the process of licensing and regulation by a state for incorporating social, religious, economic, or popular organizations into a single collective body"
- bliznutty0
Corporatism = will protect BP
Free market capitalism = should eliminate them by suing the fucking shit out of them to the tune of trillions- And let banks fail.********
- If that happened, MM will make a money about how gov f-ed up.********
- And let banks fail.
- ********0
ameriCANIZED rhetoric is what I said. Bliz has the same attitude that confuses the recent health insurance thing with universal health care. The US doesn't have universal health care and never will. A lot of americans don't know what socialism is because they don't have it. Its not the same thing as corpratized Librals infesting the whitehouse
- we have social security, welfare, socialized medicine, big govt programs the same as youbliznutty
- public schools are a form of socialismbliznutty
- right but you still confuse them too often like with your previous comments********
- i've now lost your point dodebliznutty
- you were putting coratism and socialism together like they were helping each other or something********
- you were saying socialism is what cause the corporate bailouts and thats wrong********
- corporatism is not about companies.********
- thats what americans think because you're brainwashed . you don't realize what socialism is. except when you can come up with examples********