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- imbecile4
- But I thought it was bootstraps and hard work that earned you the monies?MrT
- Job cuts = stock rising, higher pay = stocks go lower. Capitalism.formed
- I reckon airlines should have happy staff before happy shareholders thxMrT
- The Onion?maquito
- I reckon as a commercial business they should probably aim for happy customers first.Morning_star
- ^ absolutely, and shareholder returns are not on the route to that either. Just ask Qantas customers...MrT
- colin_s0…
apple executive on the wga strike
there are not enough guillotines in the world
- PhanLo1
- how i feeI walking into the grocery store. wonder if Biden printing 3 trillion dollars of monopoly money have anything to do w it.hotroddy
- ^ Desperate GOP reaching.CyBrainX
- or those trillions Trump/Bush handed out to the wealthiest, eh hrod? 57% of the increased debt.formed
- $10 trillion in wealthy welfare. Fucking disgusting and criminal.formed
- Biden doesn't live in my country but the cinemas are equally as pricey.PhanLo
- riddle me this - what do you think would happen if you distributed $10 trillion to everyone? Are we initiating another cycle of inflation?hotroddy
- it worked so well with the pandemic PPP loans ;). Why not, right?hotroddy
- Overpriced heart attack theater food has been the case since day 1.CyBrainX
- Distributed plenty money to the banks not so long ago. That worked out tippedy fucking topPhanLo
- distributing money to banks is not the same. The more money in people's pockets the less it's worth. Not a hard concept to grasphotroddy
- Hotroddy I think you're possibly retarded for capitalism.PhanLo
- A direct consequence of witnessing your family's entire life savings is pulverized due to inflation/socialism.hotroddy
- The gov't knows it and is not a priority as keeping you poor will only make you depend on their policies even more.hotroddy
- Pensioners and children work in minimum wage jobs, just to get by in the country you currently live in. Sorry you moved from the 3rd world to the 3rd worldPhanLo
- Distributed money didn't cause greedflation, corporations raising prices did. Freeze prices.i_monk
- damn those corporate farmers raising eggs and milk prices. to the guillotinehotroddy
- You know most farms are corporations, right? They aren't quaint family plots like in the commercials. And if the store doubles the selling price, why wouldn'ti_monk
- they increase the price they sell to the stores?i_monk
- fertilizer costs are significantly higher then they were before the pandemic. Who's fault is that?hotroddy
- I bet you would argue for putting price controls on everything. And producers will stop producing if they can't turn a profit.hotroddy
- Deflection, deflection...PPP was successful. I know plenty of businesses, myself included, that wouldn't have survived without (and wouldn't have jobs now).formed
- As to 'what I think would happne with the money...". As real data shows over nad over, if you give the lower/middle class, it goes back into the economy.formed
- Give welfare, a la socialism, to the wealthiest and they hoard, if lucky to us, they invest in the markets. but that's pennies.formed
- So if you're 'ok' with giving the handouts to the .01%, at the expense of everyone else, then you are clearly a socialist.formed
- utopian2
Bank of America hit with $250M in fines and customer refunds for ‘double-dipping' fees, opening fake accounts.
Bank of America will reimburse customers more than $100 million and pay $150 million in fines for “double-dipping” on overdraft fees, withholding reward bonuses on credit cards and opening accounts without customer consent.
Combined, it is one of the highest financial penalties in years against Bank of America, which has largely spent the last 15 years trying to clean up its reputation and market itself to the public as a bank focused on financial health and not on overdraft fee income and financial trickery.
BofA must refund $100 million to customers, pay $90 million in penalties to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and $60 million to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. “Bank of America wrongfully withheld credit card rewards, double-dipped on fees, and opened accounts without consent,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, in a statement. “These practices are illegal and undermine customer trust."
Empowered by a broad mandate from the White House, Chopra and the bureau have focused heavily in the past year on the issue of “ junk fees ” — fees charged to Americans that are often seen as unnecessary or exploitative by banks, debt collectors, airlines and concert venues. Banks such as BofA, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and others have been a target for the bureau under the Biden administration.
Part of the fines and penalties come because Bank of America had a policy of charging customers $35 after the bank declined a transaction because the customer did not have enough funds in their account, the CFPB said. The agency determined that the bank double-dipped by allowing fees to be repeatedly charged for the same transaction.
The fees often came when customers had routine monthly transactions, like a gym membership. If a customer had too low of a balance to cover the transaction, it would be declined and BofA would charge the customer a $35 fee. The business, who hasn't been paid, often would recharge the customer's account, resulting in another $35 non-sufficient funds fee.
The bank ended this practice last year, but will still have to repay customers who got charged before the policy was changed.