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- 1,399 Responses
- PhanLo5
- Paul and many others have no clue about taxes or how money works apparently...grafician
- <Yeh? well Alan Partridge is shit ;)Morning_star
- A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years.akiersky
- Whoa @ math.ideaist
- The tax money still just goes to pay for war.BabySnakes
- That's how you stay rich bro. Fight for every dollarplash
- PhanLo3
- have you seen what they do with tampons?sarahfailin
- capitalism can't challenge the notion that individuals should expect shit for freehotroddy
- neverscared3
- just kiddin ...neverscared
- His investors are certainly going to get the message. These antics are making me consider selling my Tesla stock....formed
- PhanLo3
Sacklers to pay $6 billion to settle Purdue opioid lawsuits
Also punches for.
-- who gets that cash? surely not the homeless that Oxy put them there in the first placeYakuZoku
- my nephew was a crane operator, hurt his back then they gave him Oxy, 1 year later he was jobless, homeless and on HeroinYakuZoku
- to this day hes still in and out of prison and rehabYakuZoku
- They should execute the entire Sackler familyPhanLo
- That's heavy what happened to your nephew. An old mate who was a stonemason was the same. Backpain at work led to opiods and job loss.PhanLo
- Yankee Doodle Dandy!utopian
- I’d vote in favor of execution for the Sacklers. Make an example of themnb
- Same with an aunt of my wife. She hurt her back, they gave her oxi, one of the side effects is back pain so the cycle was endless. She was dead within 2 years._niko
- I think execution is too good for them, they been to be water-boarded for a day for each life they ruined._niko
- It's refreshing to see that too much power does have its limits. But yeah, all that money should go back into the community to help those most fucked by OxyIanbolton
- Getting those kind of painkillers here in Portugal is almost impossible, only when you're in the hospitaldmay
- neverscared2
Greedflation: corporate profiteering ‘significantly’ boosted global prices, study shows
Multinationals in particular hiked prices far above rise in costs to deliver an outsize impact on cost of living crisis, report concludesAnalysis of the financial accounts of many of the UK’s biggest businesses found that profits far outpaced increases in costs, helping to push up inflation last year to levels not seen since the early 1980s.
The report from the IPPR and Common Wealth thinktanks found that business profits rose by 30% among UK-listed firms, driven by just 11% of firms that made super-profits based on their ability to push through stellar price increases – often dubbed greedflation.
- PhanLo9
- Who would stick around if they were stood up??formed
- Are there no restaurants under socialism or does everyone eat from a communal pig trough?hotroddy
- yespango
- Captain America to the Rescue.utopian
- "I may be a restaurant, but the only reservation I want tonight is in your heart."kingsteven
- I sleep well at night knowing hotroddy is such an awful piece of human shit he has no chance of reproducing and will die alone like a fucking loser.monospaced
- And that level of absolute stupidity will not reenter the gene pool.monospaced
- I was too thinkin about u I hope you bought your kids a Christmas tree. Navigating life with a deranged father must be challenging enough for your poor kids.hotroddy
- still better than hotknobby who might just sacrifice his kids for the economy. like pinochet.pango
- I imagine it's better to be the hero of stupid than the hero of incompetence
hotdoddyneverscared - Yes I bought a Christmas tree and we covered it in lights and the kids loved it. We had a fire and hot chocolate too. So derangedmonospaced
- How is your takeaway from this 'durr, no restaurants in socialism???'?i_monk
- then what is it? there are no dating apps in socialism? or people don't get scammed in socialism? durr, which is it?hotroddy
- oh I get it, the shallow misconception that once socialism is implemented it will miraculously eradicate greed from society. LOLZhotroddy
- does it hurt you to be this stuoid? like, do you get a headache trying to think and then you just shit blurt out “socialism” like some retard?monospaced
- I mean, we get you’re so low on the ranks of human beings you have no concept of dating, but I’m really trying to wrap my head around how you’re so cluelessmonospaced
- mono one day we'll have a substantial argument but so far your exchanges have revolved around accusations of stupidity, racism, etc.hotroddy
- i know it can be challenging to apply the same critical thinking skills you skillfully apply for religion (sarcasm) ..hotroddy
- It seems that the American educational system has failed youhotroddy
- lol, wowmonospaced
- do you really think you’re being a critical thinker here? Omg that’s hilarious , but what do I know, I only have one advanced degree from a top university.monospaced
- You still need to explain what you even mean before you can start talking about educations. So far you’re the one who looks like the dimwit.monospaced
- then instead of having one of your classic temper tantrums, you should realize the absurdity of blaming capitalism on this chick.hotroddy
- lol hotknobby. the great defender of capitalism.pango
- it was a joke until Mono got offended and started spewing his trademark psychotic rants.hotroddy
- It's just a prank, bro.palimpsest
- There’s no way this story is truenb
- @nb - of course not, but just look at the 'interaction', so it clearly 'worked'.formed
- "I'm not stood up. Just no one is joining me for dinner tonight. I'll have the ice cream."robthelad
- utopian3
Families were cheated’: Low-income Americans are about to receive $40.6M after chicken and tuna 'price-fixing conspiracies'.
- PhanLo10
- Come on Mark. Give us some of your money so we don't have to fix things.robthelad
- Why don't the 650K+ Americans build their own app and become filthy rich, Bernie?NBQ00
- Let's be clear. Zuckerberg didn't build Facebook singlehandedly did he? Bezos didn't do Amazon all by himself.SlashPeckham
- I was being sarcasticNBQ00
- rob wasn’tmonospaced
- Well why didn’t you do anything about it Bernienb
- Of course Bernie but what do propose to do about it, The forced redistribution of wealth? Retrospective taxation?
It's all posturing and virtue signalling...Morning_star - ...all mouth, no trousers.Morning_star
- Even if Zuckerberg had built Facebook single-handed, all his wealth comes from exploiting others.i_monk
- 95% for the 1% .. even that woul be to less...…neverscared
- https://americansfor…neverscared
- i guess its gonna trickle down.... not into his fresh designed bunker though...neverscared
- On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed into law the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 trillion tax bill favoring corporations and wealneverscared
- thy Americans.....neverscared
- biden should invert it... i guess not.neverscared
- What solution do you propose?Morning_star
- Yeah but how else can people with micropenises get laid on this world?_niko
- guys is it gay to fix things with money?doesnotexist
- how many jobs did the $100 million create? Architects, handymen, landscapers, dozens of third party contractors, etchotroddy
- Bernie wants Zuck to send the money to bureaucracies so they can distribute 'more effectively'. Worked so well with the homeless, and highspeed railhotroddy
- Captain America to The Rescueutopian
- Here come the nazis to complain about rich peopleHayoth
- hotroddy that is a false equivalency.doesnotexist
- How? Fucking tax the cunt properly.
It worked 60 years ago.Nairn - How much? Who? Where's the threshold? Is it retrospective? Does this tax regulation exist in all states? In all countries? Is it just personal or business too?Morning_star
- Is it on earnings, dividends, existing stock, income, growth.
My point is that the wealthy are subject to all the same tax laws as everyone else. If they're...Morning_star - ...rinsed in the US they'll move to the UK or the Camen Islands or Switzerland. The benefit to the US of having Zuck, Bezos etc base themselves in the US far..Morning_star
- ...outweighs the negative impact if the fucked off to another country and took their business with them.Morning_star
- I don't understand the obsession of some to defend these sociopaths... They are not your friends and they don't give a shit about you!OBBTKN
- I'd imagine that 99.9999% of this planet doesn't give a shit. You think Bernie cares? I don't understand the shallow bleating fucks that point at a problem andMorning_star
- ...offer no practical solution. Virtue signalling cretins.Morning_star
- I feel you're just being contrarian.
*shrug*Nairn - it's not a false equivalency. the moment you grow the gov't is the moment you're doomed.hotroddy
- How so? Since we are playing devil's advocate, tell me. You mean we should cut our defense spending? Agreed, smaller govt, it's fucking ridiculous.formed
- Or because healthcare is so great private? And please spare us the regurgitated 'people will have to wait in line' lies.formed
- Or maybe education? 'Cause private colleges are clearly helping and affordable. No?formed
- Or maybe infrastructure is something we should cut back? 'Cause it's so great now, right?formed
- You cut 'govt' and it simply goes to the same people as 'private' with ridiculous price tags. But hey, that's 'less govt', right? *YAWN*formed
- It's always gone on. These cunts make money disseminating cunty truths so everyone stays angry on their cunty platforms and generates more money.MrT
- But someone was employed to fit each one of Zuck's 85 toilets in his new panic room, so everything's fine!MrT