jumpy video

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  • 10 Responses
  • camer

    HELP-I'm sure I saw someone else bring this up: why is my internet video jumpy? Sound and picture are always stalling and it's REALLY starting to piss me off. I'm paying good money for high speed internet and it should be smooth. I'm running safari 4.0.3 on a imac g4 power book with 10.4.11 and a high speed shaw cable connection. (not sure my connection speed)
    No router, running apple's built in firewall.


    ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated...


  • locustsloth0

    Is teh download bar on the videos overcoming the play bar? If so (ie, the whole video has completed downloading, but it's still playing jumpy) it may be your processor. A G4 is no spring chicken. But if your playbar is moving and then having to wait for more vid to download, that's more of a connection problem. You can test your connection speed at speedtest.net

    These are more logical conclusions than they are facts that are known to me. In other words, it could turn out that i'm just talkin out my ass.

  • camer0

    Okay. Is a spring chicken good or bad? My G4 aluminum is older but I never had any problems before. This jumpy video is a recent problem. I'll check my speed. If I need a new processor play video, that's whack. It's got to be something with my connection...

    • today's prevailance of higher connection speeds mean that people can push envelopes as far as data rate and throughputlocustsloth
    • which means that if you're not running a spring chicken, you may be dinnerlocustsloth
    • not really, but i really wanted to use that metaphorlocustsloth
    • nice one, thanks.camer
  • Chief0

    with the increase in internet speeds, the bitrates of internet video have steadily continued to rise. h264 and flv's can really make your computer's processor work overtime. it's not uncommon for my mac pro to use more the one core when watching hd videos on vimeo. open up activity monitor and see what's going on while you're watching it. it's more than likely your imac.

  • camer0

    speed test results:
    download = 13.28 mbps
    upload = 0.46 mbps
    ping 21

    it says to
    - 5mb mp3 file is 4 secs
    - 35mb video clip is 22 secs
    - 800mb movie 8 mins
    says one and a half times faster than others (yeah right)
    - 1mb email attachment 18 sec
    - 8mb photo gallery 2 min
    - 35mb video clip 10 min
    says half as fast as others (if not less)

    someone could help me understand this. Is my service provider limiting me? Can my processor not handle that speed? Internet streaming video is too huge for this computer? I've looked around (to no avail) on the internet to find solutions - mostly dealing with flash content... nothing helping me though.

    I still need help with this...

  • lambsy0

    do you have a bunch of other programs open at the same time as safari? i.e. illustrator, photoshop, etc?

  • MrDinky0

    If your connection is good, either you need more ram or you need faster processor.

    • Or both.MrDinky
    • yep, your shit's all retarded. you should upgradelambsy
  • camer0

    Okay, but why is this problem more recent, like in the last couple of months. I never had problems before.
    Only programs running are:
    I have Extensis Suitcase (never been a problem- and still problems when I quit this)
    Audio and Midi setup
    M-audio Firewire Audiophile - (should try with out this - needs a restart to do it but I'll check it)
    and Safari

    As far as my processes window shows these programs aren't heavy on the cpu so there should be lot's of power to stream vids

    I have 1 G of RAM - checked out fine and was recently updated from 512 MB RAM

    Still need help...
    gonna restart with out the sound card and try some vids
    I'll be back

  • MrDinky0

    What videos are you watching?

    It maybe the your porn provider may have upgraded their videos and higher quality maybe feeding in.

    Is it from all porn websites or just one?

    I would launch Activity Monitor and check on network. See if the spike / jump correlate with one another OR see if CPU usage correlate OR RAM.

    • hehe. i sees what you did therelambsy
    • Alternately, smut magazines would be cheaper than a RAM or computer upgradelocustsloth
    • actually a craigslist hooker would be the same price as a ram upgrade.lambsy
    • the way i see it, you're paying for memory. i'd rather remember a night with a hooker than 100101011010lambsy
    • successMrDinky
    • hilarious!
  • camer0

    Okay, thanks. Funny shit!
    It's all videos, not just porn... I was trying to watch the video with the midi scoring machine. Listening to Beethoven skipping all over the place is really annoying.

    Anyway, I think I fixed it. Sadly, it seems to be working now that my external sound card is unplugged. So now I only have to get a new soundcard.

    But I have another question. I thought that an external sound card was needed to lighten the load for heave audio processes (such that are needed to make music) I also thought that Macs had a very good sound card with optical outs. So aside from needing to split my audio outs (one to stereo monitors, and one to headphones) why would I need to run the sound card all the time unless I'm recording audio? Maybe I just answered my own question...?


  • camer0

    yeah, f*ck it's working without the sound card
    thanks QBN

    • I think you only have your self to thank but I think you already do that.MrDinky
    • yeah, no thanks to youcamer