Software debacle
- Started 16 years ago
- Last post 16 years ago
- 29 Responses
- erikjonsson0
i roflzored reading this.
- ribit0
Please tell them they owe me a beer.
- Corvo20
Snitching is worse than piracy, isn't it?
- ********0
- ********0
Look at the European pricing for CS4 can you honestly say that mess of an update was worth that price? Considering Adobe don't even support CS3 on Windows 7 and OS X 10.6, I mean Microsoft still supports their software on XP and thats ancient yet Adobe won't support shit thats barely 2 years old on the latest OSes despite the fact it costs about £2K.
Ever had Photoshop moaning to you about licensing authentication problems when you've paid for that shit? Yeah hacked versions don't have any of that, no calling up adobe because their activation system fucked up again yet the DRM crap is only going to get worse with every version and the hackers will just strip it out within a week of release and only paying customers have to deal with that shit.
I mean look at these bugs CS4 shipped with…
This fireworks bug actually made Fireworks CS4 genuinely useless for about 6 months till they got round to fixing it.…
Amateur hour bullshit most users will spot within hours of installing it, yet they have the cheek to charge ridiculous premiums. Adobe is in serious need for some good competition so they'll pull their act together then maybe they'll release a piece of software thats worth what you pay for it.
- Yes I'm pretty annoyed... but I was one of the idiots who actually paid for CS4********
- Yes I'm pretty annoyed... but I was one of the idiots who actually paid for CS4
- Shaney0
^^ well said. Competition is the only thing that'll sort them out. CS4 was a huge pain until the updates and Adobe basically didn't give a fuck and let everyone wait.
- FallowDeer0
well imagine if people couldnt get dodgy copies of CS?
would they pay for a propper copy? I dont think they would.So I think adobe wouldnt have such a strong market share because if no one could use it/afford it they would turn to cheaper alternatives and that would see smaller developers gain an advantage
- If CS5 is cheaper, actually better, not just slightly different...and bug-free, people WOULD buy it...vaxorcist