Your Last Concert

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  • autoflavour2

    Pharcyde - Oxford Arts Factory a couple weeks back..

    For an act that have been the same album the last 32 years, they still had it.. usually old men loose their drive..
    they were jumping around like 20 year olds..

    was good.. felt old

  • CyBrainX0

    Going back to the early pages of this thread is very interesting. So many bands that just aren't around anymore. My last show was a while ago. I think it was PJ Harvey in a very small place in Brooklyn called Warsaw. My next two are The Oh Sees in the same place and then Tedeschi Trucks Band in the Beacon Theater in September.

  • maquito0

    Comeback Kid last week with a bunch of 40 something year old dads dangerously trying to stage dive.

  • hydro742

    Not last, but upcoming & paid for..

    • Last show (Feb) Static X & Sevendust

    • (March) Ministry / Gary Numan / Frontline Assembly
    • (March) VNV Nation & Traitrs
    • (April) Combichrist
    • (Sept) Front 242

    Debating on getting tickets for Thrill Kill Kult & Lords of Acid.

    • Signs you’re getting old threadnb
    • I've seen Front 242 and Lords of Acid. Both were fantastic.CyBrainX
    • The Front 242 is meant to be their final tour. Ministry and Combichrist would be super fun to see.skinny_puppy
    • So excited for Front 242 & Lords! Combichrist should be good too!hydro74
    • I tried to get into Lords of Acid. I’ll be honest, I wanted to craft a shank and jam it in my ear. Am I missing something?futurefood
  • moogchild1

    Ben Frost w/ Greg Kubacki @ Public Records BK

  • face_melter2

    '...this song is about being buried alive by thousands of tons of molten lava...'

    Botch, with Great Falls, at Vega in greasy old Copenhagen last night.

    Y'know that thing when you buy a ticket and you just know in your balls and in your soul it's gonna be an absolute belter of a show? Then when it happens it's like, about 40 or 50 times better? Yeah, that.

    8pm. Made sure I was there for the opening band because if you can't be bothered to turn up when the support turns up to play then you need your hands smashed like biscuits. Great Falls were... great. Incredibly heavy sludge with pummeling grindcore breaks and singing directly without mics. Only realised about half way through their set I totally own some of their records - off the back of split singles and whatnot. I buy shit from bandcamp all the time, so things sometimes get misplaced. Anyway, the mad kid said they were totally cool and worth checking out - the split with Throes is particularly bludgeon-y.

    9pm. Botch were immense. Never saw them on their last swing 20-odd years ago because, apparently, I was a fucking idiot. But I love their records and I have seen Russian Circles a whole bunch of times, so seeing Brian wild out and actually talk *and* sing was fucking righteous. Dave sounded awesome, Dave played awesome, and Tim smashed the drums like a motherfucker. And for a gang of dudes in their late-40's who go on stage and just straight up break themselves into fucking pieces for a good hour-plus? Fuck me. Flawless.

    So yeah. Just pure dynamite action all round and one of those shows that people will remember for years - because, y'know, they'll never play again and are giving it one final blast just for a larf, see the world, and prove a point.

    And a *major* shout-out to the stringy pensioner dude at the front giving big licks for the entire show - I recognise him from the Liturgy show last year. I'm seeing Idles on Monday, they're going to be total fucking dogshit compared to this lol.

    20/10 - would transition from Japam to Afghamistam again.

  • face_melter2

    Idles, with some c-tier indie codswallop as support, Annexet in Stockholm

    Yeah, fucking dogshit.

    1/10 - only because the Peel Session version of Blindness, by The Fall, was played on the PA before the main act.

    • haha yeah that Fall track slays ALLGardener
    • I could never get into Idles but I love the new record. I didnt think they could pull it off live though.fooler
  • hydro741

    Traitrs & VNV Nation

  • hydro742

    Social Distortion and Bad Religion in Clearwater Florida last night.

  • fooler7

    Steve Mason (of The Beta Band) at a church with about 150 people.

    • Is this out in Brooklyn? I can never remember the name of that place.MrAbominable
    • Portland, OR. The Old Church. First time seeing a show there. I think it was supposed to be at another venue but it's in the process of moving and renovating.fooler
    • Its was cool location and sounding amazing but the crowd just acted like they were at church and just sat in the pews the entire time.fooler
    • I almost went to this show. Kinda wished I had.5timuli
    • There's a place in Brooklyn - a synagogue and shows hipster concerts from time to time. People there ALSO just sit in the pews. I saw Lamb there years ago.MrAbominable
  • hydro742

    Doing this Thurs-Sunday...

    • Who are you most excited to see? Mine would be Living Colour, QotSA and HELMET.fooler
    • I would love to see Primus againYakuZoku
    • @fooler sadly it’s Nitzer Ebb and Red Fang and maybe Limp.. Couple others for that ‘one song’, rest will just be fun to see.hydro74
    • Red Fang FTW!fooler
  • fooler0

    Pearl Jam. Sounded and looked amazing for a big box concert. They hired the visual designer that worked with NIN.

    • damn!!hydro74
    • Imagine how much fun it would be to work on those graphics.CyBrainX
  • hydro743

    Saw: Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, The Chats, Baroness, Red Fang, Nitzer Ebb, Limp Bizkit (their set sucked..) Slipknot, Sum 41, little Cypress Hill, but that spot was packed! Bad Omen, Primus and many others

    What was funny, Primus was using my design from 8 years ago as their 2024 tour shirt.. damn, best $400 they spent. also Saliva was there and using the logo I did back in the early 2000's.

    some pics:

  • face_melter0

    In Copenhagen for Colossal Weekend - a bunch of bands playing at VEGA from Thurs - Sat. Only *really* here for BIG | BRAVE and Witch Club Satan but there are a few others i'm curious to see, like Katla and Kollapse who are playing tonight.

    Katla were heavy as shit, like, proper internal organ rupturing heavy. So they were cool. Unlike Gaerea who are on at the moment - some fucking clown show outfit with too many gimmicks and guitar players and a drum sound that can only be classed as 'bilge'. AND the singer has fucking autotune. Horseshit.

    Kollapse are on in a minute to save us all from this fucking pantomime malarkey.

  • Morning_star6

    I checked my watch and we we're 35 minutes into the show when they began the forth tune. Fuck me, I've seen these devils lots of times and they never cease to confound and amaze. The sound is a crisp, soul-quakeingly heavy, deep and heaving maelstrom.

    That's Tool folks!

    It was a great show, they played Lost Keys straight into Rosetta Stoned and it was magnificent. Flood and Intolerance from Undertow were a glorious reminder of how far they've come. Jambi, Descending, Fear Inoculum, The Grudge, Invincible all beautifully dark and embracing.

    I guess age is a mind-set but I just don't know how many more times they'll perform live. Danny is 64 and at times was puffing and blowing like your mum on a Friday night at the docks. Maynards voice is still magnificent but it's his 60 year old voice trying to achieve what his 30 year old voice once did and I just don't know for how long it'll be possible.

    It can be difficult to admit in polite society that you're a Tool fan. Side eyes, glares and 'oh really?' often follow the admission. Like heroin, any initial foray so often leads to an overwhelming immersion and perceived enlightenment. Particularly when you discover The Holy Gift sequence of Lateralus or the true identity of the Scarlet Lettermen. And like the Sex Pistols at Manchester Free Trade Hall EVERYONE was at the gig where Maynard fought a fan during Push It.

    When you're outside looking in all these types of things are peak fan-boy wankery BUT they are the myth and lore of a group of men who's music product I will consume like the gluttony guy from Se7en.

    - Stands up -

    Hello everyone, my names Morning Star, and i'm a Tool fan.

    • i've seen them 3 times i think, and the last time I didnt really liked it, something was off.. i told myself 'ok, this is the last time' Still love them.HAL9001
    • Hi my name is fooler and I'm a Tool fan too.
      More a fan of the music and visuals than Maynard and his side projects. I've seen them 4 times and its always great
    • The first Perfect Circle CD was great but I cant stand Puscifer or maynards silly outfits.fooler
    • Hello everyone, my names skinny_puppy, and i'm a Tool fan.skinny_puppy
    • Also a big fan, saw them here in Vegas in February. Seen them a couple times, always amazing experience. Also saw the Sessanta show in March this year.dasohr
    • Hello, friends. I am nocomply and I like tool. The time I saw them (circa 2007) was a highly memorable, full-body experience. I regret not seeing them more.nocomply
    • love you man, but ... Toolmonospaced
    • I listen to them regularly but haven't seen them live since lateralus days. My daughter loves videos of Danny drumming.sausages
    • The only thing I know about Tool is that hilarious video where the fan rushes the stage and the lead singer..garbage
    • ..hip throws the fan, puts him an and RNC, and keeps singing the entire time. So fucking funny.garbage
    • @garbage He's a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and makes a decent but overpriced wine.fooler
    • Makes sense, that was an automatic motion and he also had the wherewithal to not fully commit to the RNC in order to keep the show going.garbage
    • If he didn't pull his punches that fan would have been out in a few seconds, dude looked beastly.garbage