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  • Nutter0

    IGN reviews of Cyberpunk 2077
    PC: 9/10
    Playstation 4: 4/10

    Playstation 4 review

    • I just bought this for my GF for X-Mas. It's sitting wrapped under the tree. Should I steal it back and return it or wait to see her disappointment on Xmas?jmckinno
    • Yikesscarabin
  • section_0142

    Here's my $0.02 on the Cyberpunk fiasco.

    First, all new software has bugs. Especially a game of this size and complexity. You can test and test internally, but until the majority of users get their hands on it, many of those bugs won't surface.

    I ran into a bug in this game where I took a mission item after I could actually use it. That caused me to not be able to pull out any weapons. Had to backtrack saves until I figured it out. Why did that happen? Who knows? But doing something outside of it's intended design was an edge case that the game couldn't deal with. Bugs are mostly edge cases (in my experience).

    Second, these guys are a public company. People at the top, and big investors, pushed this game out before it was ready. They put on the pressure to announce it prematurely. And, made the decision to not release PS4 play. All of which was most certainly protested by developers and people actually working on the game.

    I feel bad for PS4 and older Xbox players. But, AAA games that launched on console first (and worked great) are almost always a shit show on PC. GTA V, RDR2, both were fucked on launch. I returned Horizon Zero Dawn it was so buggy.

    • Reminds me of that time Hello Games released No Man's Sky and everybody got pissed off. All CD Projekt has to do is follow their example ...Bluejam
    • ... heads down, ignore the hate, fix, improve
      and release ...
    • People have memories like dead goldfish - Witcher 3 was polluted with bugs and optimisation issues.face_melter
    • Difference is Hello Games were/is a small company (26), CDPR is not (1.111). Their game also relied on procedural generation, so you change maths and add moreNutter
    • animals and subsystems. CP2077 is a handcrafted world thats been in development for at least 5-8 years where individual bugs can be due to deprecated code.Nutter
    • So fixing one bug may spawn 3 new ones.Nutter
    • So i should buy this for PC, not PS4?scarabin
    • yeah avoid PS4 like the plaque. If your PC ain't beefy then look into Stadia.Nutter
    • the game is also a mess on PCernexbcn
  • pango6

  • Bluejam3

  • NBQ00-9

    Do you feel bad playing video games in your 30's, 40's, 50's, +?

    • ... only a sense of loss as reflexes fail, eyesight lets you down and complex in game menu systems begin to confuseBluejam
    • Yesinv
    • "feel bad"?ben_
    • As in "wasting time", "too old for gaming", etc.NBQ00
    • entire gaming industry is alive because of us.pango
    • you should feel worst watching media you cant interact withGuyFawkes
    • like that fat dude that cries about eating while hes eatingGuyFawkes
    • Short answer, no. Long answer, also no. Similarly to aging out of design convo. Most of us grew up with games. The first games. Why should one associate guilt?DRIFTMONKEY
    • The art form continues to mature. No shame in appreciating the work of artists across the globe.jtb26
    • I’m not proud of how many mindless hours of Apex Legends I’ve played. But I respect the craft and effort in it. Balance.jtb26
    • No. If I enjoy it and it makes my mind work, then I am not wasting my time.cannonball1978
    • Yeah. I'm in my mid 30s, healthy, able-bodied, but I'm spending so much time collecting loot boxes. I even know if I enjoy playing. It's a habit.trondlandvik
    • Do you feel bad for watching movies or a TV show? Its just a different form of recreation.Nutter
    • If a game is bad and I've paid for it - yes, I feel bad. If it's good then it's another work of art, never a waste of time.rzu-rzu
    • If it’s solitaire then no. Anything else. Yes.shapesalad
    • I'm too old to deny what brings me happiness. sure ain't hanging around with people. I'll likely die alone with a controller in my hand loljaylarson
    • Video games are a form of art, engaging most of the senses, made by some of the best talent man has to offer. Why should i feel bad about enjoying that?scarabin
    • Only feel bad when you neglected other responsibilities.pango
    • Started on the Atari 2600 in 1978. Haven't stopped. Im about to turn 49.ArmandoEstrada
    • why? its the koolest artform... if u dont play games u better opt in now coz u missing alotneverscared
    • just dont play too much.. people who are gaming all the time are clowns too..neverscared
    • Same @armando love the artwork from back then. Too bad the games couldn’t look like itjaylarson
    • not at all, I just get to play less hahernexbcn
    • I never feel bad about playing a video game, I think I balance my priorities, haha.ben_
    • I kinda feel bad that I can't play enough.ben_
  • SteveJobs1

    Interesting vid comparing Cyberpunk 2077 from the 2018 demo vs the 2020 release. Despite the console release and numerous bugs, this is more of an upgrade rather than the standard downgrade we often see from trailers to release:

    • GOG is the CDPR shop, isn't it?rzu-rzu
    • i think it's just a platform like steam. Wish I'd known about it sooner as it sounds like there's less background software running when buying through them.SteveJobs
    • yeah GOG is by CDPR peopleNutter
    • GOG's great - I buy most of my games, when I do, from them. Steam's fine, but I prefer DLing direct and not having to update every time I want to playNairn
  • spl33nidoru1

    I'm tempted to play Cyberpunk on Stadia or Geforce Now as I don't have a console or gaming pc.

    Giving Stadia a go on my mac with their free trial and I like it enough to go buy a controller, happy to find RDR2 there since I have yet to play it, not crazy about their other titles.

    Geforce Now seems more powerful and has more games I'd be into, doesn't have RDR2 though but it feels like a less limiting option on the long run vs buying games on Stadia that I can only use with Stadia.

    So Geforce Now it is ?

    • GeForce Now has had (severe) problems with licensing rights. They work by allowing you to access games you already own on other platforms - Steam, Epic etc.face_melter
    • Publishers went wild and pulled a bunch of titles because they weren't getting any money.face_melter
    • if it's on GFN use that, you get to keep the copy for playing on PC, on stadia it's trapped there foreverernexbcn
    • But if you pay for Steam games then what are the devs complaining about?NBQ00
    • ^ I could see how GFN running a copy locally to stream it back to you (and charge you) could require for a specific license.spl33nidoru
    • Picked up a controller, will go with GFN for nowspl33nidoru
    • the devs aren't complaining, it's the publishers because they are the money-grubbing cunts who put profit above all else.face_melter
    • wait Stadia isn't working like that?
      they just give the infrastructure for your purchased games?
    • With Stadia you buy games via Google. With GeForce it's via Steam or Epic and such.NBQ00
  • sarahfailin3

    i just bought Stadia for $99. since I don't have a 4k tv, i won't need the 'pro' subscription ($10/mo) and can stick with the free one.

    looking forward to playing Cyberpunk and getting great performance :D cost compare to $399 for PS5 or a $1200 PC.

    • I hope it works out for you, but I'm supremely suspect of the inherent lag times with stuff like Stadia.Nairn
    • more like a $1200 RTX video card and a $XXXX.XX PC ;)SteveJobs
    • I've no doubt the rendering is good, but we have physical boundaries in play here. If you have a good connection and are close to their cloud, then cool.Nairn
    • If you're not, then .. you're not.Nairn
    • What Nairn says is true, perhaps I'm lucking out but it feels pretty good on what I'm running Stadia with. (I do have 4k).ben_
    • That's fascinating. I'd imagine even with fat pipes there'd be noticeable image compression, input lag, or some other form of latency. Very niceSteveJobs
    • There’s lag here and there but nothing crazy. If I get around to it I’ll take some screenshots and maybe even a vid.ben_
    • It’s nowhere near what you see coming from gaming rigs, but I’m not THAT picky either, it looks great and plays great. Mind you I’m 2hrs in.ben_
    • Ended up going with Stadia too, after trying it out for a few days gotta love the all-in-one immediate experience.spl33nidoru
  • SteveJobs0

    If you want to run Cyberpunk 2077 on a potato PC, here ya go. Some pretty cool h4cks with config files to reveal lower thresholds and hidden settings:

  • dkoblesky1

    I usually download all the free Epic Games and try them all a bit. I downloaded Cave Story+ from the Epic Games giveaway.

    Having a lot of fun. It is my favorite one so far. I tried Pillars of Eternity but it seemed ridiculously complicated. I guess I am just a Cave Story kind of person.

    typical Cave Story screen

    This is what Pillars of Eternity screens look like

  • ernexbcn1

    Sony has delisted Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store. They are also giving refunds to those who want.…

    • Shots firedduckseason
    • I'm keeping mine. It'll be a collector item in 20 years...ok_not_ok
    • this is the first time this has happened to an AAA game?Milan
    • I'm sure this game will be brilliant in 6-8 months. If anyone can fix it it's CDPR, but their reputation definitely took a hit.Milan
    • delisted? until bugs fixed?NBQ00
    • CDPR really not doing good with the PRNutter
    • This is ET for the Atari 2600 all over again, isn’t it?Continuity
    • Yes, except this time there are trillions of copies of Cyberpunk 2077 buried somewhere on the moon.SteveJobs
    • Nothing like ET. That was the last gasp of a saturated market and Atari over-reached themselves, causing huge financial losses. CDPR made a bad product.face_melter
    • What if the bugs are exactly how life will be in 2077drgs
    • so dramatic, people need to relaxprophetone
    • haha drgsMilan
  • HijoDMaite2

    So I got a new Vizio 4K TV with a Vizio sound bar. I’ve been so stocked on the new setup that I decided to bust out the Xbox One that my daughter had in her room. (I haven’t played video games in 15-20 years)

    I wanted to experience video games with the new TV and sound bar so I researched around on what to get and found that Cyberpunk was the best game out. But then I learned about the problems with it on an old console and how gnarly and graphic it was in some parts so it didn’t sound like a cool game to play with it daughter lol.

    So we ended up getting Halo 5 and I’m about to pick up Assassins Creed Valhalla. Halo 5 because I heard it’s very good, plus it’s the last game I played when I owned the OG XBox in 2003, and Valhalla because its the game my daughter wants. But doooood... I got Forza Horizon 4 and holy shit!!! Game is soo dope! I’m hooked on it! and we’re both enjoying it together. I’m teaching her all about mods and different manufacturers and models. I can finally afford all the mods in a game that I can’t afford in real life!!

    Last night I went to bed early and my wife was like, “you’re done? Aren’t you going to play the game?” I just explained to her that I don’t want to ruin it. It’s too dope, I don’t want it to become a problem so I’m going to pace myself lol.

    • Good for you man, glad you found your game :)Nutter
  • Gardener1

  • NBQ001

    Just downloaded this game on the iPad. And all I can say is wow. Console level quality (when you download the additional 5GB+ update). Feels like Zelda BOTW. Super fun game and its free too on iOS.

  • drgs0

    I left a bad review for Alien: Isolation in this thread, and while gameplay is tedious, the atmosphere is bar none. This is the game I compare all other sci fi games to.
    Epic made it free today:…

    • I love this game but there are parts where you get stuck due to bad design. Like i didn’t know i was supposed to open an invisible hatch in the bar?scarabin
    • Took me three days of controller tossing before i found the bloody thingscarabin
    • Thats one of the parts which frustrated me the most…
    • It legitimately made me feel fear in some parts though, which was coolscarabin
  • NBQ000

    • Been enjoying this game since launch. Fav of 2020. The best retro-futuristic visual experience for me ever. Lucky choice going PC, BUT the bugs are just wow..SteveJobs
    • Can't believe something so ambitious, so well done, yet so unfinished got released. Hope the backlash and sour taste doesn't prevent dev of new features & DLC.SteveJobs
    • I've been enjoying it as well on ps4 pro. Bugs have been far from game breaking, for me.duckseason
    • I crash on xbox one all the time. All kinds of glitches.cannonball1978
    • Wow, never heard console bugs like that. I've encountered two PC game-breaking bugs that required a restart & lots of nude t-pose and audio glitches.SteveJobs
    • Sad, all of this could have been saved with another launch delay and only suffering mild repercussions. Wonder who's hand was ultimately on the launch button.SteveJobs
    • I think the closest thing in my experience has been the entire fallout series. So ambitious, so buggy. That said, I'm having a great time with it on Stadia.ben_
  • NBQ00-3

    It’s weird that Nintendo still hasn’t announced the Switch successor. PS5 and new Xbox out but nothing from Nintendo.

    • I feel Nintendo largely marches to the beat of their own drum with consoles these days.duckseason
    • According to Nintendo, the Switch is at the middle of its lifecycle.spl33nidoru
    • Nintendo aren't anywhere close to being in the same market as MS and Sony. They stopped competing after the Gamecube.face_melter
    • Sony tried several handhelds and got royally fucked each time - Microsoft didn't even try.face_melter
    • The PSP was nice. Wish I hadn't sold mine.dasohr
    • The Switch still outsells PS4, PS5 & XBOX combined 10:1 in Japan.Milan
    • Apart from just beefing up graphics (which their games don’t even really rely on) I can’t imagine making the switch any betterscarabin
    • and unlike PS5 and XBox, Nintendo games won't be available on Google Stadia. PS & XBox and even PC gaming are gonna take a big hit to streamingsarahfailin
    • Scarabin there's a lot to improve. A bigger screen, smaller bezels, better graphics (but not to compete with PS5), 60fps, maybe 4K support on TV, etc.NBQ00
    • The Switch is the best console I have ever owned. But I have kids so slightly different I guess. I will rephrase that, the console I have used most. It's a nearfadein11
    • perfect device and Nintendo are not trying to compete with XBox and Playstation. A completely different animal.fadein11
    • Didn’t say they need to compete with them but doesn’t mean they should keep the same tech forever and never improve.NBQ00
  • duckseason0
  • NBQ000

    Another reason to get a M1 Mac.

    Developer Successfully Emulates Nintendo Switch Games on M1 Mac:…

  • dkoblesky0

    Epic games is giving away a free game every day over the holidays....just saying

    • usually its once a week, & the games are shitGuyFawkes
    • well over the holidays it is every day....and I don't play enough games to know....i just appreciate they are free and I try themdkoblesky
    • i made a point to log in every monday for the free weekly game to unlock it incase i ever wanted to play itGuyFawkes
    • since the games were shit (unless they announce something special via email which is rare) I stoppedGuyFawkes
    • who knows though, I probably missed a bunch of cool free gamesGuyFawkes