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- 27 Responses
- honest
Client hasn't paid for website, three months overdue. What would Scooby-do?
A) Take down the site?
B) Take out a loan to cover lost earnings
C) Take down his entire family and people who owe him money?
- vitamins0
Start taking kickboxing classes
- rson0
- Masterramos0
a and b
It's it's a small to medium contract... half upon signing. Other half upon completion. If they don't pay. TAKE DOWN THE SITE.
be more honest next time
- bigtrickagain0
hold on - give them a warning first. i.e. "if you don't pay in two days i will take down the site." if you take it down without warning, there is a chance they will hate you forever and try to screw you even if it means increased hassle for them.
- ********0
Take down the site, ASAP!
- e-pill0
scooby would post the client's ftp password and admin identity for all qbn/ nters to play with, as was done with The Mariners Christian School shown here..
the above link is by far one of the ultimate best NEWSTODAY days or experiences ever!!
do it!!
- ********0
I'd suggest making a thread on QBN to find your answer
- Starwell990
Send Certified letter with invoice for amount due. In the certified letter state plainly that the site will be taken down in 30 days if they take no action to pay for services rendered. Buy calendar and sharpie and start the countdown. Make sure you have letter delivery response from Post office before you take site down on day thirty-one.
- rson0
Do not threaten them by saying you will take the site down. It is bad business.
- uh, not getting paid is bad businessbigtrickagain
- You've never dealt with an unruly client have you?EightyDeuce
- um 3 months is not that long and does not warrant threats.rson
- I agree, it hasn't been that longformed
- ********0
or take his family hostage....each day you dont get paid, you chop off a finger!
- honest0
ok folks, thanks for the tips and that mariners site is a hoot!
- e-pill0
you can send the client a pic of emukid's fist
- e-pill0
...or send them ponyboy, he deals with this all the time.. let him get your cash, if pony cant do it no one can!!
- formed0
Don't take it down, I agree, that's bad business. This economy is tough all over, be patient and you'll get your money and still have a possible referral/more business.
I've had clients that paid immediately for years, then this last year things got bumpy for almost everyone. I've remained patient and got my money without anyone getting overly stressed.
Persistent and patient. Get a schedule from them for payment, offer monthly payments or whatever. The goal is to get the money, taking down a site would affect their business or cause financial damage to them, which ain't gonna help you get your money.