Recipe of the Day

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  • OBBTKN25

    Paella recipe, Valencian style, Basque interpretation ;)

    I've prepared this paella in the bbq using firewood, the process is the same in any other cooking/heating method.

    Heat the oil, virgin olive if possible, and add salt to the hot oil, in this way you do not have to correct salt afterwards, and brown the rabbit for about 5 minutes.

    When the rabbit is golden, add the vegetables; green pepper, red pepper and pods, fry for about 10 minutes over medium heat.

    When the vegetables are half fried, add hot water, until all the ingredients are covered, cook over high heat for about 10 or 15 minutes

    Then add the rice, forming a cross, protruding a little over the broth

    Cook over high heat for about 10 or 15 minutes, making sure that the water does not evaporate completely and the rice does not burn, the secret is to play with the right amount of fat, oil in this case, water and intensity of the fire.

    Once we remove the paella from the fire, we let it rest for about 5 minutes, covering it with a cloth or newspaper, if the rice is missing to reach its point, during the rest it will finish cooking.

    On egin!

    • Yum!robotron3k
    • That's amazing. I envy your setup and your patience to document the process. I end up spending hours on a dish and then take a sloppy photo before jumping in.garbage
    • I made birria yesterday and barely have a photo. I'm going to try to try your method, but with different protein. I do have a chicken and a hen in the fridge...garbage
    • miam !
    • and you did not invite any of us? fuck you:)utopian
    • Rad!
      I made NM style green chile stew last night.
    • The wife and I will be over at 7, Felix :PPonyBoy
    • Can I add the rice as a crescent instead of a cross. You know...Beeswax
    • Oh man don't do this to me in the middle of the night :) lol
    • You both are always invited Kev, you know ;) And no prob Beeswax, me and my ancestors are pagans, you can try with David's star if you wish too...OBBTKN
    • looks incredible!pedromendez
    • Did you add safaron or paprika ? Or a bay leaf? Looks awesome. Thanks for documenting it. Simple pleasures.shapesalad
    • Forgot it; Saffron, or colorant, and striped tomato with the hot water...OBBTKN
    • Looks delicious !dmay
    • But this how I always do my "rice with veggies" it was called paella?! Thought paella was cooked with sea food, anyway, looks AMAZING!grafician
    • You could add shellfish to this at the end and it would be more than welcome.monospaced
    • Looks so good. Gonna try this while on lockdown. Thanks!ben_
    • Que rico!Chimp
    • hm.
  • i_monk2

    • I've wanted to make these for years but never have. Amazon sells metal rings but the parchment paper hack is great!fooler
    • great vidwhere_am_i
    • What the fuck! YouTube suggested this video to me for whatever reason. And I am going to try these in a few weeks for my birtdhay...SimonFFM

    Get out two wild rabbits I've got in the freezer and I'm going to cook a coniglio alla cacciatora this sunday, to pay tribute to my fellow italians, will share the process...

    • what a waste! make a pasta sauce with one (for parpadelle), and do this with the other:…hans_glib
    • Thanks for the advice, but I've got only one and half rabbitOBBTKN
    • I don't know if that day the hunter was using cal .50 ammo or...OBBTKN
    • Coniglio is word of the dayMrT
  • utopian0

    • damn this lady has a lot of views. and the comments are not even vicious like I expected. that said, this is disgusting.sarahfailin
    • i can imagine the sound of stirring bologna salad would be soothing to the asmr crowdsarahfailin
  • Nairn0

  • Nairn0

    Not sure it's worth posting the entire ingredients list and technique, 'cos everyone does theirs differently, but I *finally* made a Chili last night that was enjoyable within a fairly quick to do timeframe (an hour and three quarters from commencement) and was (imho) Damn Good straight out of the pot. Usually mine require sitting on for either a few hours or leaving overnight and re-heating, before they taste 'good' - like, well-balanced and deep.

    - start with a sofrito base (onions, carrots and celery);
    - use cocoa powder rather than dark chocolate;
    - Go overboard with the spices - double up on whatever recipe you're referring to suggests (I've been using an amalgamated recipe made up of about 4 I found online a couple of years back - all suggested '1 teaspoon of X', whereas it really should be '1 fucking heaped teaspoon and a bit more', or 'a tablespoon of X'. People are pussies where taste is concerned.
    - Hoy some finely chopped Spanish Chorizo in along with the browning mince
    - Add a wee bit of concentrated chicken stock to the beef stock (may as well make it based on three types of dead animal, eh?)

    I use two pans to make chili - the main big one to get the base veggie and tomato etc stuff going, another frying pan to brown the meat(s) alongside. I do this just so I can ensure things are cooked properly (no dank grey beef, for instance). It also means I can add spices directly to the meat seperately before mixing everything together, ensuring the meat's well seasoned. In the main pan I add stocks, wine and cocoa. Once the meat's in, I can use the meat pan to heat up subsequent ingredients (I always put in kidney beans later) before mixing so I don't cool the contents in the main pan. I can also force taste into those later ingredients - last night, for instance, i used the skimmed off beef water from the browning process (nothing worse than boiled mince) with the kidney beans. No waste!

    • Oh, shit - forgot:
      - 1 Tbsp Miso Paste
    • Nice... I use fennel in mine. Cheers for the share though. Lockdown means cook loads of awesome food time!Ianbolton
    • Hmm, interesting! I've only recently realised I like fennel, so I might have to give that a try!Nairn
    • browning mince. oh god no.hans_glib
    • i'm afraid i use the shittest cuts of meat (ie shank or cheek or blade, and belly pork) and rely on time to do work its magic.hans_glib
    • and a couple of halved limes into the sludge.hans_glib
    • but then i hate chilli so don't listen to mehans_glib
    • limes are for the rice.

      And yeah, I am a chav - i just use mince.
    • oh, and layer the chillies. i use four types, fresh and dried, for different layers of heat and flavourhans_glib
    • and no kidney beans ever - god-awful things. pinto or black beans give a much better flavour, and none of that grey sludge you get with kidneyshans_glib
    • but then i hate chilli so don't listen to mehans_glib
    • haha, post a recipe then!Nairn
    • You're totally right about the beans though - I don't know why I've never considered otherwise! Black beans sounds good to me, if only for the colour.Nairn
    • My post here was supposed to focus on the mega-umami kick i'd laden it with, but I totally forgot the crucial fermeted miso paste angle, 'cos I'm an idiot.Nairn
    • Spice mix: 1 tsp - cumin, coriander, fennel, cayenne & black pepper, oregano, salt. 1/4tsp cinnamon or cocoa. As much chilli as you need for heatIanbolton
    • I got the impression hans isn't too fond of chilli. Could be wrong. Don't know what gave me that idea.Continuity
    • Re: beans
      When I make chilli, I always go for a combo of pinto, black, and some sort of white bean (cannellini, for example)
  • hans_glib2

    fuck yo chilli, if you want meat and beans have a fabada.

    take some
    ham hock (or gammon)
    pork belly (or shoulder)
    sliced onion
    dried chilli

    no need to chop the meat, just chuck it all in a large pan, add water to cover bring to the boil, and then stew slowly for at least 2 hours, preferably more.

    take out all the lumps of meat and break them up/slice the chorizo and morcillas, and put the mess back in the pan.

    check seasoning, you might want to skim off the fat if you're squeamish, but don't as it has the flavour. dissolve some flour in some of the cooking liquid (you'll need to cool it down first) and add that to the pan instead.

    add some white beans of some sort (soaked first if they are dried) and a decent glug of sherry (for your umami kick) and carry on stewing for another hour or so.

    chop a load of parsley and chuck it in with the juice of a lemon. stir it all up and serve.

    it'll look like a dog has vomited on your plate, but worry not, it tastes amazing. especially with some fresh cooked beetroot on the side

    way better than any sodding tex-mex horror.

    • Fuck you with your tex-mex dig - chili needs cumin and coriander, you dog! But this sounds lovely all the same, just different to what I'd do.Nairn
  • sausages1

  • ETM0

    These plus homemade soups are the current contributor to putting on the coronva 15.…

    • *coronva = corona
      fingers getting too fat, I guess.
    • Biscuits = SconesSlashPeckham
    • Maybe on your side of the pond they do. :) Here, though, Biscuits ≠ SconesETM
    • Biscuits (here) are flakier than a scone.ETM
    • ...and are clearly not cookies as the UK means when saying biscuits
  • Nairn1

    Ikea releases a recipe for it's [in]famous meatballs and gravy....…

    (I've always been curious about their gravy, which seeing it written out is incredibly obvious...)

    • Oh, shit - I forgot I was gong to post my chili recipe after hans', above. I've got it typed out at home somewhere.Nairn
    • Oooooh. Downloaded.Continuity
    • Hang on ... rusk flour AND potatoes in the mixture? Christ, now wonder one feels like one's eaten a seasoned brick in sauce after having them.Continuity
  • Nairn0

    From the above.

    huh - TIL - 'farce' also means 'forcemeat', which is a mixture of finely chopped and seasoned foods, usually containing egg white, meat or fish, etc., used as a stuffing or served alone.

  • Nairn2

    • minced meat? lamb shawarma for life!renderedred
    • OK, I'm going to have to try this.Continuity
    • Now I have to find a video for the Halifax donair.i_monk
    • I'm fasting at the moment, it was a torture watching it. though I'm not a big meat eater I'll definitely try this.Beeswax
    • +1 @i_monk.ideaist
    • Sorry, Beeswax! Although I'mm gladdened to hear a Turk saying it's worth a go :)Nairn
    • Here you go, i_monk:…
    • "The donair sauce is an addictively sweet blend of evaporated milk, vinegar, garlic powder and sugar." WAAAT?Nairn
    • That's the Maritimes for you.i_monk
    • It's one of the most revolting things you can ever put in your mouth, actually. I just did it as a service to i_monk.Continuity
    • And Beeswax, what on Earth are you doing watching cookery vids whilst fasting?! You're a real sucker for punishment!Continuity
    • haha, i do the same when I'm hungry.

  • i_monk0

    I can't stand this guy but it's the only decent donair vid online.

  • imbecile2

    A person can make ghee at home using regular unsalted butter. Melt the butter slowly and skim off the solids that gather on the surface. Continue to cook the butter until all the milk solids have sunk to the bottom and the liquid is clear — this is clarified butter.

    Continue to cook for a few more minutes until the milk solids at the bottom of the pan turn brown. The cooked milk solids give the ghee its flavor and color. Sieve the liquid into a jar or bottle and let it cool and solidify.

    • How odd for me - I just last night bought a can of ghee. Fucking love that shit. Just easier buying a can - shit lasts for aaagesNairn
    • Only problem with buying canned ghee is avoiding ones with added Ethyl Butyrate, which makes it fucking disgusting.Nairn
    • ..or, as I did many years ago, accidentalyl buy vegetable ghee, which is an affront to all that is good in the world.Nairn
    • I make my ghee from Grass-fed butter. Next levelGnash
    • I didn’t think it would make a diff, but it didGnash
    • *imagines pastures of butter, grazing*imbecile
  • fooler-1

    making this right now for National Traeger Day

  • ok_not_ok1

    • Good luck with your exams : )MrT
    • I’ve got two packs in the cupboard.MrT
  • shapesalad3

    • Yes, fucking, please.Gnash
    • This is how I do steaks on the first night of campingGnash
    • me so hungryutopian
    • Mmmm cancer from all that charcoalNBQ00
    • Charcoal is a new-age, hippy-dippy cure all!Gnash
    • But not in this way, heheNBQ00
  • MrT2

    A bit sweary.

    • attention whore needs more attentionutopian
    • maybe you should’ve spat out the spunk shake instead of swallowing it.MrT
    • this chick is annoyingcannonball1978
  • utopian-6

  • Nairn1

    it's probably really fucking obvious, but i'd never done it until th eother day, bored, Lock Down Day 864 —

    Finished a jar of gherkins, so thin-sliced an onion and soaked that in the remaining herby &c brine.

    Couple of days in and oh my dear lord.

    • hmmmmmmm! intriguing! any more steps to that process?would definitely tryscruffics
    • If you heat the pickle liquid (not boil) before adding the onions, let ‘em cool in it, you’ll get a bit more bang for your no bucks.MrT