The Resume Thread

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  • 61 Responses
  • imbecile1

    resumes 2024:

    give chatgpt your experience and curent resume. ask it to update for whatever industry you are in.

    that gives you a base resume.

    then take the job listing plus your resume and ask chatgpt to create a new resume based on your past experience and selected job of interest description. submit that resume to that job posting

    and repeat for every job you are interested in.

    i have procured raises and jobs for three friends with this method. one told me just today he was unhappy even though he was getting paid more and had a better schedule. just the work was more difficult. chatgpt can help you get the job the other algorithm is searching for

    just be careful what you wish for

    • great advice imbecile! I have done something close to this but not specific for each job, which i'm sure is the part that gets a foot through the door.capn_ron
    • I have it really good right now at my job, i just like to stay up on it so i can send it at a moments notice.capn_ron
    • Also, do each job description on your resume as a separate prompt to make sure chatgpt stays focusedimbecile