Scary Childhood Things

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  • BattleAxe0

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  • islandbridge0

    When going to bed i often had these streams of images running on my eyelids. Shapes and forms imploding into ever changing abstract fractal figures. Sometimes it was pretty amazing but other times it went out of control and the tempo and intesity got to much and so i had to snap my self out on it and turn on the lights.
    Anyone with simular experiences?

    • Did you do acid when you were a kid?Bilious_Fog
    • Dont think so. I was about 6 years old.islandbridge
    • totally - I still get thisGnash
    • Is it still scary or have you got it in check?islandbridge
    • more mesmerizing -- I would welcome it, actually.Gnash
    • now, the little goblin that would climb on my back at night -- he scared he.Gnash
    • red and blue dotsBattleAxe
    • yup still get this. plus shadow people. shit gets weird when you turn out the lights.rabbit
  • a_aachen0

    meanwhile in germany ....
    this intro haunted me for years...

    and also gudrun "ruined my childhood" pausewang…

    • fuck! I totally forgot about this... those eyes... that white face...pressplay
  • kingkong0

    and Dobermans (the 80's version of a bull terrier)

  • georgesIII0

    I don't know if I ever told this story to anyone, but why not..
    it's long though..

    Back in middle school and high school there were rumors about a game that was capable of calling forth demons. Why middle schoolers were so obsessed with the idea of calling forth such a thing remains understood only to middle schoolers.

    I would hear weird stuff like that all the time, though. My family lived in a small town out in Bruxelles so the remoteness of the place brought on all sorts of odd stories. I never took much stock in all of that stuff. I just didn’t believe in demons or any of those sorts of stories. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t about to try the game, myself. I just didn’t believe it would lead to anything so fantastic and otherworldly.

    The kids would always talk about how they were going to try the game and see what happened, but we never heard of anyone actually finishing it. The rules got pretty intense and the idea of doing all of those things to yourself only to summon forth something evil that could possibly kill everything seemed like a horrible idea. But, like I said: middle schoolers.
    Still, some kids still tried it. I guess that meant something. Like, telling someone that the most horrible thing in the world was right behind a door, you could count how many people would still open the door. Maybe to disprove the horrible thing's existence. Maybe to see it for themselves. Maybe they had a different opinion on how horrible a thing like that could be.
    The game was called Orpheus' Lot. I know that sounds pretty deep for a kid’s game, but we never knew where the name came from. One of the bits of lore surrounding the game was that whoever made it to the end would understand why it was called that.
    We all learned the game around seventh grade. But by the time I made it to high school we started to hear rumors about kids actually completing it. None of us thought it was true. But none of us ever really knew what would happen, either. The thought of someone finishing the game was pretty intriguing.

    There was this one boy named Danny who used to say he knew a lot about the game. That he had done it. And he had come close to finishing it by himself.

    The will required to finish the game by oneself was incomprehensible to most of us. The game was so odd, and so gruesome in parts that you had to have a partner who could do those things to you.
    But Danny said he almost finished. That the last time he tried it he got to the last step when he passed out.

    Danny was never the type of kid we considered popular. Not that I was one of the cool kids, but Danny was one of the lowest on the popular scale. Looking back on it, I don't believe Danny had any friends. My one friend Andrew would sit with Danny at lunch from time to time, but that was more out of pity, I think. Andrew was a good guy and he probably thought Danny could use the help. Not only that, Andrew’s parents were best friends with Danny’s parents. They had gone to school together a couple towns down, along with the Eriksons.
    But it wasn’t like it was our fault we weren’t friends with Danny. It was as if he wanted everyone to think he was a weird kid. He'd act out in class and recite facts about wars and guns constantly. He wasn't the type of kid who was really in shape, but he almost exclusively talked about the military. He was pretty off. For the most part, we simply let Danny do his thing.

    There was one kid, though, that really hated Danny. It was almost like they were comic book enemies. The other kid's name was Erikson. He had a first name, but no one called him by his first name. Erikson was pretty popular and he was the type of kid who would go really out of his way to make someone feel like a lesser human being. When Danny joined the soccer team, Erikson quit baseball and joined soccer, just to show up Danny. Any time Danny tried to start a club or anything, Erikson would join it just to poke fun at Danny.

    Erikson was a pretty crappy kid. Even back then, everyone knew it. But for some reason, everyone also wanted him to like them. He had transcended the popularity contest to become what was popular. Everything he did was the cool thing to do.
    Anyways, Erikson had heard Danny bragging around that he had almost finished the game by himself. And just to call poor Danny out, Erikson exclaimed that he would finish the game by himself that night.

    None of us really knew what would happen. The rumor was that the game would bring up a demon. And that it would answer things for you. And after that the demon would leave because there was more than one person there. Doing the game by yourself would mean that the demon could attach itself to you, though. With the two people together, there was some sort of reason the demon would not be able to stick around. Always thought it had something to do with needing two people to make it work. A person wouldn’t be able to do all the steps to the game themselves. Like the game was designed with that in mind.

    Danny didn't have any friends, so he had to do it alone. It was his only option. Looking back, I could see where his motivations were. Not only to meet the demon, but to be the kid who completed the game. And to have been the kid who did it by himself. Who was able to do all of those things to themselves.
    So that night happens and Erikson doesn’t show up to school the next day. And neither does Danny. Days go by and none of the kids at school had heard from Danny or Erikson. They had completely fallen off the grid.

    And a few days passed. Danny came to school with stitches and a huge scar on his face. We couldn’t see the whole scar, because he was wearing an eye patch. He was also missing a couple of his fingers. The rumor was that he had ripped his own eye out. The look Danny had on his face made me believe it. Danny didn’t brag about anything, he didn’t say a word. He was a different kid. No one even tried to ask him if he finished the game. Whether he had or not, none of us questioned his commitment.
    A few weeks after that, I was hanging out with my buddy Andrew. Andrew said Danny had talked to him about what had happened. And the story Danny told Andrew was so out there. Apparently, Danny was performing the steps of the game. He did the salt and the candles, the drawings with the chalk, the urine, the drinking, all of the steps we knew of. Danny said he performed all the steps for the three hours we thought they were supposed to be performed. And then he started the last part, the cuttings.
    The last part was tricky, because every kid who knew a lot about the game seemed to make up his own stuff once the cutting step was begun. Danny believed that the face was crucial, and he was prepared to go all the way. Danny said he cut into the skin on his face, and the moment the first drop of blood touched the pentagram Danny lost all control of his body. He said he was still kneeling there, but he wasn’t controlling his hand. He didn’t have any power over the knife and it slid all the way down his forehead. When he got to his eye he said he tried to resist, but he just couldn't. The knife slid down and cut through his closed eye lid and into his eye socket. He used the knife to work the eye and his other hand yanked the eye out and squeezed the juice into the center of the pentagram on the floor.

    Danny described it as the most painful thing he could even imagine. That having to endure it was taxing on his mind. He said he didn’t know what was going to happen next. That he may have been in shock. That he was afraid he would go insane. His floor did some really odd things, and the pentagram did something, too, but Danny wasn’t very specific with the steps or the ceremonies involved at that point.

    The demon appeared after that.

    The demon pulled itself out of the ground, from the center of the pentagram. Almost as if the ground were made of some sort of liquid. It was a slow process. Once it was through the portal, the ground solidified and the demon leaned back on its hoofs in a crouch. It had golden eyes. The demon stretched its neck and forced itself to yawn to stretch its jaw. Danny said it didn’t have a face, just a mouth and the eyes, but not a face that could be remembered. Danny couldn’t turn away from it, he still had no control over his body.
    The demon moved toward Danny and put its hands over Danny’s stomach. It blinked and Danny had his shirt off. It was looking Danny in the eye when suddenly the demon looked down and turned to look at the floor. It jumped back through the floor and Danny said it was as if nothing had ever happened. That his shirt was even back on. Danny ran to his parents crying and they took him to the emergency room. He rested a few days and came back to school.

    Andrew said Danny told the story as if it were all for real. But we never really trusted Danny about that sort of stuff. Not that he was a bad kid, just that we knew he liked to talk about things and spew facts from magazines that probably weren’t always facts. It was just the kid Danny was. Maybe he even believed it was all true all the time.

    Danny was never really the same kid at school. He was a lot more quiet. He even made a few more friends once he was calmer all the time. Andrew would talk to me about it every once in awhile. He said Danny would sometimes call him really late at night and say how he was freaked out about this or that. Talk about crosses and religion a lot. Danny was pretty sure he was damned for getting as far in the game as he did.

    Anyways, then the police report came out about Erikson. And the entire town talked about it. Everyone knew. Danny went missing for another day and the rumor after that was that the Feds had come in and were questioning everyone involved. Erkison’s parents were suspected, but the evidence all showed that Erikson had done all of the things to himself.

    And his body. Erikson had gone home the same night as Danny had, and had done all of the rituals. He poured the wax on himself, he sliced open his lip, he broke one of his toes, he did all of the brutal steps we had heard of. He actually had done it. When Erkison’s parents found Erikson’s body, he was laying on the floor of his bedroom, on top of the pentagram drawn in chalk. He had sliced himself up with a knife from their kitchen.
    He was holding his eyes in his hands. An eye per hand. His stomach had been sliced wide open, the hole in his gut was in the shape of a pentagram. His genitals were in his mouth.
    His parents were pretty quiet about it. No one in the town ever saw them, and none of us blamed them for anything. The Feds didn’t convict the parents. Andrew said his parents went over to the Erikson’s house to try and console them. The only thing the Eriksons ever said about it all was the Erikson never screamed. There were no sounds of warning. They simply found him there on the floor the next morning. With his intestines pulled out, covering the floor.

    A few years after that, Danny killed himself in much the same way.

    • psst...people do not play Baseball in Belgium....ApeRobot
    • Still, "Danny and Erikson" should have been be "Denis and Eric"ApeRobot
    • not knowing about belgian baseball,
      how plebby can you be Ape!!!
    • i'm a peasantApeRobot
    • Ape are you joking, les francais utilise aussi Danny (c'est mon diminutif )et erikson est le nom de famille, did you even read the story peasant :)!!!georgesIII
  • DaveO0

    There was a slate mine in some woods where i used to live and some legend that a either a priest or a worker had been pushed into a pile of slate and buried underneath it by some evil men. He then used to haunt the woods with red eyes that if you saw them you died instantly.

    Cut to us being on a scouts 'wide game' (big hide and seek basically) and one of the leaders turned his black sweatshirt inside out and back to front (so the neck white label looked like a priest's dog collar), wore a balaclava and terrorized us poor kids.


  • cannonball19780
  • marychain0

  • dirtydesign0

    Bees - Still have this phobia
    Rescue 911 TV Show - Dudes voice was super creepy

  • marychain0

  • marychain0

    Most old kids shows were Horrific Nightmarish Hellscapes

  • marychain0

    Full suit muppets are terrifying

  • feel2

    this used to be a famous tv clown in brazil

    and this was his toy, just by the time Child's Play movie was coming out

  • marychain0

    He had REAL HANDS...and it FREAKED ME OUT!

  • Weyland1

    Fofao ... mother of all fuck

  • SoulFly0

  • feel0

    here's in video for your nightmares

  • rabbit0

    I was 16 and I experienced sleep paralysis - not really a 'child', but young.

    I experienced the whole SP experience.

    Tried to yell for help, couldnt.
    There was the 100% definite feeling of someone sitting down at the end of my bed, a person, a presence, something.

    It totally totally freaked me the fuck out.

    • Couldnt move or yell or do anything for about 10 seconds. Like I was dead.rabbit
    • The weight at the end of the bed, like a fat person sitting very slowly at the end of the bed. Strangest thing that has ever happened to me to this day.rabbit
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