Daily shoes?
Daily shoes?
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- 80 Responses
- mg330
- ********0
- fooler1
- Have these. Love how they just get better with age. Sole is starting to separate, though.duckseason
- you can get them resoled with some funky soles.fooler
- i'm sold.CanHasQBN
- amazon is having a sale on Clarks, they're less than $80 on their site right now.fooler
- interesting. just bought my first pair of clarks yesterday.VectorMasked
- Ambushstudio0
Air MAX 90 all the way
- sofas0
- https://www.vans.com…sofas
- my current shoes as well. However, a bit flat for my high arches so I switch it up for long walks.bezoar
- interesting @bezoar, just got them 2 weeks ago, never had Vans and also have high arches, so i'll keep this in mindsofas
- Continuity2
- such a thin sole. comfy?Gnash
- I actually find the are.Continuity
- never heard of the brand. nice shoesGnash
- asics_niko
- https://medias.spote…_niko
- super-thin sole, but not bad for walking.lvl_13
- formed1
- fucking hell dude! how old are you? and what a fucking taste!********
- those top ones -- gaza-strip chic from the 70sGnash
- Too old be be wearing vans and addidas around (past 20 is about the max there)formed
- nobody here in any of the shoe threads has any right to be dissing anybody else about their footwear style. Except scarabin.Fax_Benson
- ^ I'll agree with that. Those first shoes I posted look like crap here, but both are for meetings with clients (casual or dress).formed
- My "cool" shoes (I am cool, right?) I don't wear daily.formed
- Mary Mother of Godfadein11
- LOL @ Fax...speak for yourself...hahaha!********
- missing velcrofuturefood
- wtf?renderedred
- I believe in true free will and the free will to truly express yourself and except others in the same manner -- that fucking said just not the top one!mugwart
- ^ LOL!********
- Do you sing ♫"It's such a good... feeling... to know you're alive!!"♪ while changing from the second to the third pair?PonyBoy
- Y’all are trippin. The top ones (the style at least) are driving shoes. I have a couple of pairs and they work well in a bind with jeans.HijoDMaite
- Middle are ugly son. Bottom mehHijoDMaite
- These look great. Every guy should have a nice pair of loafers. Those black dress shoes are slick too.monospaced
- +1 Hijo and +1 mono for positivity********
- very poor taste..havent read the comments yetsureshot
- wow, i heard these shoes give award +10 cringe when you call people 'dude'kingsteven
- Cool. Both you and my dad have the same taste in shoes.VectorMasked
- What's wrong with leather loafers? Not sure I dig this particular pair. But, overall, I think they work fine.section_014
- You can wear whatever you want, but I think you can do better.stoplying
- The Nike are ok, both shoes are ugly********
- imo********
- Love the diversity! Clearly there is a vast range of folk here, which I personally love.formed
- I wouldn't be caught dead in most of what was posted here, but to each their own. I try not to look like a hipster/grown skate punk, as a business owner and alformed
- fucking hell dude! how old are you? and what a fucking taste!
- monNom-2
- rabattski-2
- Seinfeld?********
- #teammonarchrabattski
- orthopedic?Fax_Benson
- lol @ seinfeld bwahafadein11
- lol oey!!!PonyBoy
- ahahahaha @ the comments.lvl_13
- 03AHhf_53I4R9-G5UMDU...********
- ^ sorry
http://www.complex.c…******** - http://www.complex.c…rabattski
- ^ LOL! I got to confess you got a sense of humor. the black ones are actually pretty okay.********
- Seinfeld?
- ********0