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  • ********

    Activists staged a protest outside the White House in response to Tuesday's gas attack in Syria

  • utopian4

    Oil prices leap after U.S. missile strike on Syria

    Rex Tillerson...Donald Trump’s Secretary of State and Exxon Mobil CEO is going to make out like bandits!



    The solution to the war in Sirya will come with an agreement with rus about their bases in the area, take Assad out of country and try to stabilize the area, where lots of different factions are deployed...

    The last part is impossible to me, you can divide the land, but they're going to be on war for years and years again, for to control more area of this strategic country

    • And relax a bit, the US is making the same they have been doing for the last six years... But this time scalated the thing using their warshipsOBBTKN
    • the solution to the most complex political situation in the 2010s written by OBBTKN in three lines ...sure.mekk
    • yeah, i know... That is the reason why I am not the leader of any countryOBBTKN
    • This was my humble contribution to the all the idiotic things you can read on internet, mateOBBTKN
    • Get the fuck out of there.
      Don't try to be the world police.
      Let them deal with there own issues.
      So has US should do to.
    • ^ yes, this in first stance, but anybody want to release this zone. Too many interestsOBBTKN
  • yuekit1

    Has the U.S. (or any country) ever bombed both sides of the same war before?

    • define 'sides'mekk
    • They sell arms to both sides. Does that count?
    • 2017, still not understanding that money is in arming both side, then bombing them, then rebuilding, then repeating cycleGeorgesII
    • Bankers have always financed both sides .... and we bail those guys out so in technicality (aka my mind) - all the timemugwart
    • Georges aren't you the one who said support Trump because he will bring peace to the world? lolyuekit
    • Three months in, has droned more people than Obama, escalated in Syria further than Obama did. Well done.yuekit
    • Georges and Set are having to eat some words today yuekit.fadein11
    • lol what words exactly in your mind do you think I'm having to eat?
    • Trump is different, Trump isn't part of the establishment, Trump won't bomb as much as Obama - come one Set you've been spouting it for months.fadein11
    • yeah you made it pretty clear you believed trump when he said he would be any differentmonospaced
    • At one point in Syria, the US airforce was bombing rebels trained by the CIA. Total madness.monoboy
    • I said it's possible though sadly unlikely that Trump isn't part of the establishment, and it still is. I never said he won't bomb as much as Obama.
    • Don't make stuff up
    • What is becoming more and more painfully obvious, however, is that it isn't the president that is making the decisions.
    • People post Obama and Trump comments before and after presidency, where their morals have apparently flipped 180 degrees, and shout HYPOCRITE!
    • Isn't it more reasonable to suggest that their morals haven't changed, but that the power they thought they might have doesn't actually exist...
    • You've made it a point to point at Obama and call him a war criminal in the context of trump several times. But now it's not the president making decisions?monospaced
    • Not trying to put words in your mouth but it SEEMS like you have a double standard going on here and it is easy to interpret as teump apologistmonospaced
    • Ultimately we've all come to the same general conclusion so it's important we don't turn on each other. Happy Friday set, always enjoy your thoughts on stuff.monospaced
    • I 2nd that.fadein11
    • Now Trump is a war criminal. Trump wasn't a war criminal when people were spitting blind hatred at him, while not doing so to Obama - a war criminal.
    • I was pointing this out. It was media swayed because Obama was on side and Trump wasn't. No double standard here.
    • ...but looks like maybe he is now.
    • (on side)
    • Not much I can do if you fail to understand me, but there is no double standard here.
    • I haven't failed to understand you. I'm trying to convey how your comments are perceived.monospaced
    • You have misunderstood me, because I've always said it's not the president making the decisions and I haven't changed my stance at all.
    • There is no double standard at all. Anyway, happy Friday to you as well. I'm always happy to see you around here you old cock :)
  • GeorgesII-5

    lol, WWWIIIIIII started 16 years ago,
    we're past WWWIII Status a fuckn long time ago

    • lolfadein11
    • Imagine being the cunt that just downvotes because Georges wrote it. Imagine being that cunt.
    • No I downvoted it because it isn't true (by my definition of world war anyway).fadein11
    • Imagine being that cunt who gets so triggered by other peoples differing opinions. Again, calm down Set.fadein11
    • I think you might not understand what a "world war" involves, see below.yuekit
    • I love that every time you accuse me of being triggered, you're triggered. I wasn't even talking to you, I didn't know you downvoted. And I'm perfectly calm.
    • I did downvote and I responded because I wanted to defend why I downvoted because the post was nonsense.fadein11
    • and you were clearly triggered feeling the need to comment on 1 downvote.fadein11
    • have a look at who started and named the thread and who swept in to patronise everyone in all-caps before disappearing again.Fax_Benson
    • downvotes always trigger set ;)monospaced
    • If by triggered you mean I calmly felt compelled to call some people cunts, then sure.
    • Personally I enjoy georges LIGHT HEARTED patronising all cap tirades. They definitely trigger you lot though. Whatever the fuck triggered even means.
    • I was already triggered. I wake up triggered.Fax_Benson
    • sounds like a smutty behind-the-bike-shed... colloquialismFax_Benson
    • Condescending is better done in sentence case I find. More subtle and suited to the passtime.fadein11
    • I mastered that one years ago.
    • are you lot still going on?Ianbolton
    • ha - no its all good.fadein11
    • Trigger Sisters.detritus
    • !!!!!!!!! LOL. WAKE UP. ACCEPT!fadein11
    • Lol he's just having a laugh for fuck sake
  • yuekit1

  • Gnash7

    they should just call it what it is, a pipeline negotiation

    • Tesla will eliminate the need for this nonsense. Elon! Elon! Elon!fruitsalad
    • The World Economic System sits on oil. Without oil everything will collapse. And the oil industry is going down slowly, so is the Economy.Bennn
    • Maybe, everything should collapse?ApeRobot
    • it would be a change and maybe first a scary one but I belive positive things would change from a shift like that.mugwart
    • we would be in dark ages for a least 15-25 years if the current economic system collapse... so yeah... wont be a walk in the park to get rid of thatBennn
    • @fruitsalad Nikola, not Elon.renderedred
    • @renderedred Elon, not Nikola
    • The U.S. Dollar (currency) is protected way before any pipelines.. follow the $$bliznutty
    • Every time I look at a map of this part of the world, I'm surprised at the location of at least one country.CyBrainX
  • Bennn2

    • Only 23 of the 59 missiles fired from US warships hit their mark, God Bless the AmeriKKKan military!utopian
  • pablo281

    "The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate The Admiral Grigorovich, currently on a routine voyage, is to enter the Mediterranean later on April 7" http://tass.com/defense/939994

  • pablo283

    “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East


    • Could understand the desire for such a plan if it was fertile and lushly green land, with beautiful lakes and scenery, but the whole region is a golf bunker!fruitsalad
    • Lolmaquito
    • Religion sure is crazy!ArmandoEstrada
  • Bennn5

    The History just keep repeating itself.

    We now have super powerful phones and can ask questines to a robot, but we're evolving slowly af in the Human sphere.

    • The people, the population, never ask for war, or for our privacy to fucked on, or for medicine to be expensive etc et etcinteliboy
    • Yet these cunts in power, year after year, do a pretty damn good job of representing $$$, not the people. It's really depressing.inteliboy
    • I remember this interview with this really old woman, 90+, and the journalist asked her what she thinks of the news these days. She said "Same shit as always".inteliboy
  • mugwart1

    • But why is he bothered? Our reality is a hologram broadcast from the man-made hollow moon (his words not mine).fadein11
    • that's his 'final analysis' while that reads very far fetched but everything else leading up to that is pretty clear and concise.mugwart
    • okfadein11
  • HijoDMaite0

    To all the critics of the actions taken last night by the U.S. military against Syria. Tell me why has everyone been posting pictures, videos, tweets and stories about Syria on social media in the last five years? Why do international media organizations show images of the chaos, bloodshed and inhumanity that the Syrian people have been living through? Why?

    Is it for clicks? Is it to create some kind of narrative? Or is it simply to show the world what is happening??

    If it is to inform and educate the world, then what responsibility does the world have? Is it to just sit and watch and make comments? Send prayers and condolences? Or is it in hopes that those that have the ability to will take action and galvanize to stop it?

    Why would Obama say there is a red line when it comes to Chemical weapons?? You think he was pressured to say that? You think he wishes he never said that because he doesn't really care?

    Have we become so unbelievably cynical that we would rather focus on what we do wrong as a nation than what we do right? So desensitized that it's more important to search for old Tweets, so we can point a finger at our leaders and say "haha see you're a hypocrite! haha dumbass!" for what? To impress your friends? For a quick LOL? For clicks?

    What are your arguments?

    1. Hippy-like peace at all cost, never aggression? OK, at least that's a real position. Good luck with that.

    2. "But, but Trump tweeted in 2013 as a civilian that Obama shouldn't get involved in Syria" This one doesn't even deserve an argument, smh..

    3. And of course those who just know how to string along the oil argument, "Yeah, but we only care about countries with oil!" "We're being played!"

    Sending the Tomahawks was to send a message that WMD are NOT okay, the international community - Turkey, Australia, Israel, France, NATO, Sweeden etc. are praising it!! And some in Syria say that is wasn't enough!

    Look for some sort of compassion and at least be glad that those innocent children may not have to endure another chemical attack man.

    • Seriously? It's awful shit, and it makes headlines because it's so awful and keeps going on. Chemical weapons is a red line for most nations that war, btw.monospaced
    • you really think Obama or Trump gives a shit about Syrian kids? lobbing missiles at sovereign states and its civilians is never the answer.Milan
    • the whole american economy is based on creating war and instability around the world. you still believe in the shit they feed you about WMDs, even after iraq?Milan
    • My main objections here are: Why did the West not intervene years ago? Where is the absolute proof Assad actually deployed chemical weapons?detritus
    • At first I think it's responsible to trust our govt., but question. I won't operate on the premise that I am always being lied to by our leaders.HijoDMaite
    • As Milan points out, Iraqi WMD claims should make us question everything, ever more. Just.. What is the logic behind Assad using chemical weapons? Really. Why?detritus
    • using Chem Weapons is against NATO treaty so the use of force was warranted. Now if we decide to push towards regime change, then that's different.HijoDMaite
    • It seems to me far more likely he's been set up, either by us directly, Israel (I don't think) or Saudi Arabia (absolutely a possibility)detritus
    • Samesame last time this happened. I didn't believe he'd be so stupid, illogical and self-undermining then, I don't now. He's a nasty prick, but he's not thick.detritus
  • Bennn3

    Anothrr step towards wwiii, USA is sending troops in Korean Peninsula, its in the news since 5min...


  • uan1


    Shadow Brokers released passwords to the rest of the exploits on Saturday, in a move they described as a protest against Trump, who they say has “abandoned” his base by going back on many promises made on the campaign trail.

    NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has confirmed that the leak included authentic NSA software. The leak doesn’t contain the entire spy tools library, Snowden tweeted.

  • reanimate2

  • yuekit0

    Rex Tillerson: the U.S. will come to the defense of innocent civilians "anywhere in the world".


  • CygnusZero44

    The alt-right retards must be losing their fucking minds right now. All this crap going on is exactly what Trump said he would not get involved in, and why they voted for him. All of a sudden, Trump is doing the exact same things he criticized Obama for. Your classic political bait and switch. Say one thing to get elected, do the complete opposite once you win.

  • monoboy1

    Disputed but widely reported across the media...

    South Korea’s Chosun news agency reported that China has deployed about 150,000 troops to its border with Northern Korea preparing for some “unforeseen circumstances” as the US Navy’s Carl Vinson Strike Group is approaching the Korean Peninsula.

    Is meant to put pressure on Kim or force his hand into a preemptive strike? Who knows, but I think we might be about to find out how capable a force the North Korean military is or isn't.

    • The Norks could be a million strong army of bewildered, bow-legged cowards, it matters not. What does matter is all the artillery pointing at Seoul.detritus
    • All they need do is get a few shots off from each unit and a city will be levelled. It's sort of terrifying. I couldn't imagine living there.detritus
    • Yes. But living in the North must be hell on wheels right about now.monoboy
    • kim il podge must know he'd be committing suicide if he gave that order. the retribution would be total. he'd have to follow it up with an all-out attack.hans_glib
    • then again, he madhans_glib
    • Exactly. And don't forget the entire country is built around the doctrine of resisting an evil US oppressor and their glorious victory against it.monoboy
    • The fact that a US strike group is sailing towards them and we have threatening language from its president validates this thinking.monoboy
    • They must be hunkering down as we speak. It's not going to end well.monoboy
    • @mono "And don't forget the entire country is built around the doctrine of resisting an evil ..." which side are you talking about ;-)...mugwart
    • http://www.reuters.c…IRNlun6
    • China joining the US in putting pressure on NK seems like Kim Jong-un's days are numbered.IRNlun6
    • ^ That'll bite hard.monoboy
    • Best case scenario, military coup. Folks must be willing to get shot of that dynasty and replace it with moderates so they can trade and feed people.monoboy
    • Lets just hope civilians will be all right. I fear something crazy could happend to lots of innocent people... on both side; North and/or South KBennn
    • I think one of these nights, a devastating missile strike will hit nuclear facilities. China will invade with the pretext of helping NK.IRNlun6
    • South Korea will then neighbors with China. Taiwan will officially gain it's independence.IRNlun6
    • Benn, you always state the obvious :D haha!chukkaphob
    • @RNlun6 *itschukkaphob
    • @RNlun6 can you please paraphrase? your grammar makes it difficult to understand what the hell you're talking about. LOLchukkaphob
    • Thanks for the China coal link, IRNlun6, very interesting.detritus
    • I doubt anything that drastic would happen IRNlun6. You think China wants the hassle of running North Korea?yuekit
    • I don't think Taiwan's going anywhere, nor would a strike on NorkNuke facilities accomplish much. That said, China has to do SOMETHING, SOMETIME.detritus
    • According to this the story is wrong. No China military build up on the border.yuekit
    • http://americanmilit…yuekit
    • Can someone please tell me why China cares about NK?formed
    • lol, my bad. I just think if an attack against NK were to occur that China would play a major part. They are after all a main reason the DMZ exists.IRNlun6
  • rabbit0