Reliable External HD

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  • 46 Responses
  • tymeframe0

    = oxymoron. Just keep a backup.

  • plash0

    for the "important" stuff you should have a RAID system going.. everything else should be external (dont move or unmounted;hdd dont like it.. ) recently i've moved to this case..
    Thermaltake V9 BlacX Edition Mid-Tower Case (thanx Boz!)

    allows internal drives to be docked externally. (supports labtop drives too)…
    loving it...

    • that blue port is usb 3plash
    • i almost got that case but went with a silverstone ft02 with thermaltake dockdeathboy
    • how do you like it?! L.O.V.E. my Thermaltakeplash
    • so far i really dig it. lots of cable routing option. top usb i felt was a bit cheap and no direct usb3.0 accessdeathboy
    • but it is pretty. stays cool. and since i dont have a usb3.0 thumbdrive i dont mind the lack of quick access so fardeathboy
    • was looking it up.. how does the Thermaltake dock work?plash
    • how bout thermal take. cant recall what made me change my mind on itdeathboy
    • the dock works liek the top port. usb2.0/esata. 2 slots fits 3.5/2.5 drives like an external casedeathboy
    • oh you're losing speed then. ThermTk is working directly to the motherboard.plash
    • 3.5 gigs a sec. on usb 3, sata on docsplash
    • Blazing fast. i can transfer a HD 1080p movie from HD to mem stick in less than 30 sec.plash
    • i dont use it often. but i picked it up for 40 bucks because i liked the option to dock internals quick and easydeathboy
    • and becuase my mobo/processor gave out on a project and need to yank drives for transferdeathboy
    • tiger direct has this for 80 plus a 20 rebate,,(USD) credit goes to Boz; he knows his shit!plash
    • im good for while i dropped 230 i think on the case i have. planning on it lasting for awhile. prev was a p180 but i gav eit to a frienddeathboy
    • gave it away with the new mobo/processor to a buddy who was into takign pictures but didnt have a decent systemdeathboy
    • its good to pass on your tools.plash
  • plash0

    basically when i get a new client; they buy a new 1 tb hd (in contract) when a contract is completed, i flash wherever storage i use to my cloud S3 (for internal bk) and my hands are clean. i hand them their web/print/ wheatnots.. (hdd) & if they lose it; i can change a premium (service). bee's knees ..

  • moldero0

    the other day i just took apart 2 separate wd 1tb's and just put the sata's directly into my mac pro in the extra blank bays, externals r a pain, wish i had more empty bays, i have 7 more drives.

    • love it apple users take control; right On!plash
    • i looked at my WDs but didnt see any access on the molded plastic? did u jsut break the plastic? i was thinkign of addign them to my internal in a possible raiddeathboy
    • addign them to my internal and runnign a raid setupdeathboy
    • i took apart wd's, i found a vid on youtube for a tutorial, basically get a screw driver, the cases pop apartmoldero
    • i started from the top, the wd's were essential 1tb's, i have a 4 tb but that one comes apart differentlymoldero
    • didn't take that one apart yet.moldero
    • loljadrian_uk
    • had to research like hell to make sure they were satas, couldnt find anything even on wd's site, that youtubemoldero
    • tut helped because i could see the drive once it was outmoldero
    • what was cool is i didnt even have to reformat the drives or anything. easy as shit.moldero
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    I've had a couple of usb ones, with no power source required (just the usb power).

    And I researched them quite extensively before buying and I found that the larger capacity ones, like 1tb and upwards seem.more portioned to failure than the lesser ones. I was looking at 2.5 inch (usb powered) remember, not the larger 3.5 inch.

    So I went for a 640gb one.

  • rzrffglyr0

    I tried some paid automatic backup software but it slowed my computer down too much by backing up when I didn't want it to. I use free programs that allow me to specify what folders to backup. All I do is hit 'sync' when I'm done a significant amount of work and about to call it a day. Working great so far.

    SyncToy (PC):…

    Synkron (Mac):

    I have a 2TB Seagate GoFelx External HD, but I only use it for backup for both my PC and Mac. It's not the quietest but so far so good.…