RIP Ryan Dunn
- Started 14 years ago
- Last post 14 years ago
- 128 Responses
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- you give a fuck enough to post twice that you don't give a fuck. isn't that worse?locustsloth
- I don't care so much I want to express my indifference for everybody... whats wrong with that?********
- I think you're an imbecile, what's wrong with that?maquito
- its ok********
- So you care about making sure everyone knows you don't care. Seems childish, but whatever floats your boatlocustsloth
- its a fucking celebrity death FFS... really if you actually give a shit you should get out the house or something********
- how old are you? fucking twelve?sureshot
- cry your eyes for mr MTV douchebag********
- I see absolutely no reason to care more than for example about this guy
http://en.wikipedia.…drgs - I dont know...
Who is Ryan Dunn?drgs - RIP Ulrich :(********
- oh, i don't particularly care about this guy's death, other than a human being's life has been cut shot in a preventable waylocustsloth
- but you've gone out of your way to show you DON'T care, like being hardedned to death (even one so easy to be hardened to) doesn't effect you
locustsloth - doesn't effect you
locustsloth - like that makes you tough or cool or something. Why else would you say anything, much less post twice about itlocustsloth
- Posting a few times on QBN is not going out of my way I do this like 100 times a day********
- you took action twice to express your ambivalence. It obviously matters to you that people know you don't carelocustsloth
- And like i said, whatever floats your boat, but it seems immature to melocustsloth
- and I only posted the gif because calles just posted it in the gif thread so I thought... this says what I'm thinking!********
- ok. this post is over, I still don't care.********
- (third time you've intimated that )
:)locustsloth - note to self: clicking through all these notes is a pain in the ass.********
- i have a response to that:locustsloth
- and that islocustsloth
- that i wholeheartedlylocustsloth
- and completelylocustsloth
- without equivocationlocustsloth
- agreelocustsloth
- with youlocustsloth
- .... yes.... I'm listening....********
- about the clicking through thinglocustsloth
- thankfully it works with the arrow buttons, otherwise we'd have carpel tunnel in no time********
- glitchsbrew0
"the man died as he lived, with car parts up his anus."
-Some guy from Bams facebook-********
- i rememebr that he went to teh proctolagist with a car up his ass.74LEO
- bruises0
Bum out time: if he survived this crash, he would now be looking at murder charges and live a life of guilt and be hated on by much of society. Not so many RIPs and well-wishes going around.
- differenz0
Whats done is Dunn.
- CygnusZero40
Yep it was reported he was driving and doing roughly 110mph, and drinking just before the crash.
Fuck him, deserved to die. I dont feel bad for 1 second. Do feel bad for the guy he murdered though. What a scumbag.
- that's a lot of hate for such little conjecture********
- Uh, it was reported by the police.CygnusZero4
- murdered? sorry, but if you're drinking with a friend and go speeding its far from********
- If you kill your friend in an accident due to your drinking, thats manslaughter genius.CygnusZero4
- last time I checked murder and manslaughter and two very different things, retard.********
- are*********
- that's a lot of hate for such little conjecture
- ifeltdave0
Was there drinking and driving involved? Almost certainly. Is that a horrible and shit head thing to decide to do? Absolutely.
Regardless, someone died an early death, as a result of a bad decision that can't be undone. Maybe he deserved it, but honestly a bunch of fuck heads posting shit on the internet about it, in my opinion, is not right.
Loss of life is almost always tragic, and it is here, too. Dude had a family and friends who are now in pain, while people post here and elsewhere that he "deserved it" and they "don't feel one bit of sorrow for him".
Perpetuating negativity is all that mindset is doing. He fucked up and paid the ultimate price. Let's not sling shit in a dead man's direction.
Remember when MTV played music videos? Somewhere they turned attention whore, and exploited people like Dunn. He would likely have been working a shit job like most people and would have been drinking at home like most people. Yes, he was somebody's child, and it is more their tragedy than anyone's. There is no daily thread for the 40,000 children that starved to death today though, it's about perspective. None of us knew Dunn, but maybe out of all this, the MTV kids will take a lesson from his unfortunate demise. Another person in the limelight that fell victim to the lifestyle and it's trappings. I do wonder though, what is he most remembered for? Post answers over there >>>
- bliznutty0
/\ totally agree with ifelt.. some people are really mean just for the fuck of it.. and consider that these people that are saying all this shit aren't nearly as loved as ryan was.. in other words ryan was either loved or respected by great numbers of people.. what these dbag fucktwits will never understand.. even with his MTV stardom he was still way cooler than you
- mg330
Nobody "deserves" to fucking die in this context. Christ...
I think the point Cygnus is attempting to make is, you drink, drive, and act stupid, you deserve to suffer the consequences of those bad decisions.
Drunk driving, and losing your life over it is fucking stupid. Dunn isn't special, though. This happens to people every single day that we never hear about. They lose their own lives, take the lives of others in seconds because of a quick and sadly significant decision to drive intoxicated. It's sad, terribly sad; but it's sad for those close to the person that have to pick up the pieces and cope. Just because TV will have one less entertainer/stuntman to do crazy shit isn't the sad part. The sad part is that people close to him have to wake up day after day and try and move on. I mean, yes, it's sad that he died, sure. But he's gone... others have to live through it.
- BusterBoy0
Bad enough it would appear his passenger was also killed, but thank christ nobody else was killed in the process.
- fugged0
"Fuck him, deserved to die. I dont feel bad for 1 second. Do feel bad for the guy he murdered though. What a scumbag."
Would you have said the same thing if it was your friend. If it was a member of your family? And how would you feel if someone said the same thing? Show some fucking respect. No need to be a total cunt.
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" Zachary Hartwell of West Chester, Pa., was also killed. Hartwell worked as a production assistant on the movie "Jackass Number Two" and starred in Bam Margera's movie "Minghags." RIP Zachary
- mg330
Mostly irrelevant to this, but does anyone else find it absolutely stupid that news sites are now using features typically reserved for video slideshow galleries to instead show screenshots of Twitter posts?
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