Punches For:

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  • Nairn14



    Thanks, that is all.

    • Amen.Continuity
    • https://www.youtube.…futurefood
    • What are you than?
      What are you then?
    • punches for yourself for not being psychic??sarahfailin
    • can i get next week's lotto numbers?imbecile
    • I'll know it when I see it, can we see some options? We don't love it.slappy
    • I knew you were going to say thatautoflavour
    • Wait did you say you're NOT psychic? Why didn't you tell us? There are SO MANY GRIFTERS in your industry! You're the fourth one this quarter we trusted. FuckHorp
  • cannonball19785

    People constantly asking for tips. That shit is everywhere. I'll tip within reason but I'm not giving you 20% on a meal calculated on a final charge with surcharges and taxes added in.

    No, I don't care that you have a hard job. Everyone out here is working hard and eating a shit sandwich. It's not my job to subsidize your employment. Take it up with your boss, get a better job, or just fuck off and deal with your own shit if life is too hard. I don't know you and it's not immoral for me to just keep you at a neutral regard.

    Maybe a little less because you're constantly asking me for money.

    • local deli just started adding a 3% "cashier assistance fee" to every transaction. WTF?? punchessssfuturefood
    • gofundme asks for a tip. wtf?Squiddy
    • here's a tip: always wear bright clothing when crossing the street at night.YakuZoku
    • Thank you. Coffee is now $5-6, and they ask for a tip?bainbridge
    • If I buy shoes and the salesperson is very helpful, I don't tip. Why do food people feel entitled?bainbridge
    • @futurefood, you need to change your plans for future food.CyBrainX
    • ^ha! I need to starting growing my food. Fertilizer is the issue...I'm only one man..futurefood
    • Tipping is socialism. Weird that Americans do it and Swedes don't.slappy
    • I hate it. Fuck tipping culturenb
    • Tipping is white supremacy, adopted to justify keeping black wages low. Look it up.i_monk
    • No it isn’t.monospaced
  • palimpsest7

    This version in Shorts, TikToks and whatever the kids are into these days.

    • ugh fuck this. Australian TV ads love these cruise ship rearrangements of classics. Using Rozalla to sell milk for eggsample.MrT
  • garbage0

    The new Youtube, and the longstanding secret options that Powerusers have, ie editing old content and leaving it at the original update date.

    If somebody has enough sway / pays enough for views, they can go back, edit in post, and keep the viewcount while maybe erasing old opinions.

    They also can force themselves into your autoplay even if you've disliked and selected "not interested" and "don't recommend channel".

    They also really look after their babies, because I just got banned for commenting for a day, because that dumb pizza guy kept popping up, and I said:

    "Hey YT, fix your algo. I am not interested in this fat unfunny guy. Also, his frozen pizza sucks."

    Banned in minutes, lol.

  • i_monk1

    ^The YouTube algorithm needs a good punching.

  • utopian4

    Marilyn Manson Pleaded No Contest After A Videographer Said He Left Her "Humiliated" When He Covered Her In His Bodily Fluids As She Filmed His Show.

    Whta a POS

    • source?sarahfailin
    • He’s so self conscious about that chinscarabin
    • ^ or lack thereofContinuity
    • https://www.buzzfeed…utopian
    • He's comically ugly if you ignore all of his ghoulishness.garbage
    • I think he's got a gobbler under there.toemaas
    • If he doesn’t draw on a jawline with makeup he’s got a giant collar or is covering it with his handsscarabin
    • I'm surprised he never went to a beauty doc in LA to get his double chin removed since he hates it so much.NBQ00
    • He looks like a dog's butthole pushing a turd out. An ugly-ass turd.elahon
  • kingsteven3

    middle aged gay man i work with (essentially a secretary) who's had multiple incidents elevated to HR claiming bullying by female co-workers over the years. It took my male boss to retire a few months ago and a woman to take over for everyone to realise - this guy refuses to take any instruction from women!

    After fucking up his job massively several times in the last month from not listening to instruction. He's just resigned and even though I have no idea what his job entails I have to handle the hand-over because he's refusing to communicate with any of the (mostly female) management. CALL ME DR. COCK AND BALLLS!

    • That's just fucking weird.Continuity
    • That middle aged gay man is a faggotcrazyprick
    • ayeeee there's crazy prick!pango
    • Mad lad.ideaist
    • Imagine hating 50% of the population.Nairn
    • lol, whilst misanthrope here hates about 95% of the population...Nairn
    • @Nairn yeah, the guy is not trying hard enough.Wolfboy
    • He hates women so much he turned gay?
      That's dedication
    • meh, I know women who hate working with women, and I don't. blame them most of the timemonospaced
    • My mother hates women to the point where she refuses to read books by female authorsdrgs
    • lol wut?monospaced
    • She worked in a leadership position over 12 other womendrgs
    • But I saw the Barbie advert and it told me all men bad and all women the bestest.MrT
    • ^ that's because nobody buys ken doll. and barbie sells better.pango
    • justice for Allen!
  • Ramanisky23

    NY Times Columnist David Brooks here.

    • $30 burger, $30 scotch, tax and tip.sarahfailin
    • The burger and fries totals to $18 according to their menuRamanisky2
    • Airport dining/food has taken a turn for the worse, I can only imagine the poor service inspired the reason to press send.canoe
    • This is my chance to insert a rando into the void. DFW, massive delays to a connecting flight to John Wayne. We'd been there for fucking hours.garbage
    • I go to get a $12 drink at the bar, and the only person there is this massively enhanced woman taking selfie, starts trying to get me in the background.garbage
    • Eventually we chat, and she did tell me she was an industry gal, but wouldn't give her name.garbage
    • So I'm somewhere in the void of a minor pornstar's IG, drinking horrible cocktails because I had a camera slung over my shoulder.garbage
  • doggydoggdog5


    • Girls who take astrology (and tarot) seriously love analcrazyprick
    • lolYakuZoku
    • Uranus is in retrograde.Akagiyama
    • Dinky isn't wrongContinuity
    • There is not a single woman that is not into astrology, yoga, stones healing and talking to the moon in 2023.ApeRobot
    • Sure there are Ape, I know plenty of women who aren’t complete morons.monospaced
    • Ape, you idiotcrazyprick
    • You really never met a woman who doesn't believe in astrology?CyBrainX
    • Did he fucking stutter?palimpsest
    • lolmonospaced
    • Ape you should forget that bordelsted
    • Lol crazymaquito
  • jagara9

    The commercial part of Christmas that begins in late august.

    • On the plus side, Halloween decorations are being put up already.lemmy_k
    • I'm in extreme agreement with this.CyBrainX
    • You leave my lord and saviour Santa Claus alone I’ll worship him and his sexy elves all year round. If I want to!_niko
    • ^ I feel that way about Mr. Hanky.CyBrainX
    • monthly salaries play a major role in that.sted
    • it starts that late in the year for you? Lucky!Akagiyama
    • Here, we are reminded til book this years julefrokost (Danish Christmas gettogether) 5 months in advance.jagara
  • i_monk0

    "The right side of history".

    • Well, of course it's a point of view. However, I'm glad my country didn't side with nazi Germany.jagara
    • If only this phrase were reserved for things of that scale.i_monk
    • Example?jagara
  • Ramanisky24

    • "black female..." is a bit cringe, but she is a cunt, regardless.Nairn
    • No doubt she was a total bitch, and that isn’t excusable. But he fucking sucked so bad and was ruining that song. It would have driven me crazy too hearing him.monospaced
    • Punches also for street performers who think they’re doing you a favor but are really just noise pollution and talentless hacks.monospaced
    • you sound like funGnash
    • I hate that song but he's not a bad musician. That woman is dumpster juice at best.CyBrainX
    • Guess you had to be there mono?! I have no problem with buskers, but she was a total cunt. Why would she do that?Ianbolton
    • agree with mono.sted
    • I had to listen to the same fake indian music every day in the subway while going to work. After a few weeks it became annoying as fuck.sted
    • Ben Wexler is a cuntimbecile
    • street performer here won't stop playing stairway to heaven and wonder wall...pango
    • mono just whines about street performers because of what it might do to property values.face_melter
    • the fat fucking bitch. I she gets what she deserves.milfhunter
    • why did he have to make that post about race? did he not spot the two people that helped him pick his keyboard up were also black? i'd say there is 2 cunts heredee-dubs
    • Thought this was Shape's postjmckinno
    • @dee-dubs - I don't think musician's the one who posted the video with that title.Nairn
    • the channel's name is 'YouReact'
      so i guess it's not the performer.
    • https://www.youtube.…_niko
    • ahaha property values and street performers, a factor I didn't even think about while buying a flat.
      how does it work?
    • There's good buskers, and then there's the guy with the electric erhu that does not know how to play.garbage
    • Also there's a guy that makes his own puppets that sets up by my grocery store. He likes to call me a "faggot" via puppet when nobody is looking.garbage
    • Noise pollution is part of the fun of living in a city. If you find yourself getting NIMBY about it, its probably time to move to the burbs with the old folks.garbage
    • It bums me out seeing stuff like that, I think about the cost of the gear if it gets broken and how it could set the person back. Just from a moment of selfishPhanLo
    • fun. I think someone who would do that to a stranger must have a lot of hurt in themselves if they get joy out of doing something like that.PhanLo
    • ^ this. But also I don't worry about cost of gear, because I think that's one of Roland's weighted 88s. Those things are built like fucking tanks.garbage
    • But yes, wtf.garbage
    • I love a good street performer. I hired one for my marriage proposal even. I’ve performed in them too. This guy sings like shit and was not playing well.monospaced
    • Assuming I’m talking about property values is stupid af.monospaced
    • I do wish my property value goes down. lolpango
    • lol pangoNairn
    • The fact that she's black is irrelevant. The fact that's she's an asshole is not.jagara
    • you see. vid was posted by channel that post other people's vid as content. minimum effort max views. controversial title gets more view.pango
    • we got baited.pango
  • jagara5

    People who eat peaches when they have the consistency of an apple, and give you the "sure, whatever weirdo" look, when you point out that they are seriously unripe (and actually taste good when they are).

    • You do know there are several types of peaches, right?dmay
    • Yes. And these are the ones who should be eaten sweet, soft and juicy. Not crunchy and sour.jagara
    • I could understand the punches for if they were making you eat them the way you don't like them, but.. let people be?Nairn
    • I mean, of course, note their names down for putting on a train to the gas chambers when the revolution comes, but calm your tits 'til thenNairn
    • You had me at “people”imbecile
  • imbecile-1

    yt creators who upload 60fps videos

  • Nairn0


    What the fuck is the point of a 'service' which not only completely misses the delivery window its set itself, but enables you to track your driver as he starts driving in the complete opposite direction of where he should, then for another 40 minutes ot get added on to your ETA.

    Literally, what is the point?

    I've not booked one (due to previous poor experience) but a client has and the package I thought I was going to receive at 10am or so has been re-booked twice and still hasn't been picked up from the client's, never mind gotten anywhere near here.

  • Akagiyama8

    Finally got the '3 video' warning from You Tube and I'm blocked unless I turn off ad-blockers

    Fuck right off You Tube.

    • They finally caught up with me yesterday!
      Today I have been watching videos with ads and I have to say it's riling me up something chronic.
    • ^ hacanoe
    • Seeing Ad 1 of 2 and both are 15sec long and no skipping ... FUUU ...
      Rage from 28 Days Later
    • I am genuinely curious to know how many have actually paid for YT Premium. After all of these years of free content, my guess is: not many.Continuity
    • YT Premium is probably another one for the Google Graveyard.Continuity
    • Lol fuck YouTube? It’s given you nothing but free content over the yearsfuturefood
    • I say fuck the desperate companies who need their advertising. I will never buy their shit anywaysfuturefood
    • What? You get banned for using adblockers? I've been using them for years, haven't seen an ad on desktop since 2014???jagara
    • +1 futurefood - I watch Youtube more than any other 'network' and have been thinking to start paying over the past few months.
      I AM cheap though, lol...
    • Nothing good on YouTube anywaynb
    • Nothing good on YouTube? I love my YT Premium. That anytime over Netflix or any other streaming service.NBQ00
    • they have different pricing depending on your location. I pay $1 a month since bought in Turkey.Beeswax
    • Well, I'm still watching, but it can still go fuck off :)Akagiyama
    • I know some of you here watch an insane amount of total drivel on YouTubenb
    • "Nothing good on YouTube" Is one of the most moronic thing I've ever heard. LOL.HAYZ1LLLA
    • Surely there must be a smart enough adblocker???Projectile
    • just made this extension for chrome to get around it... https://www.qbn.com/…kingsteven
  • webazoot0

    Garage mechanics who adjust your car seat in every possible direction just to drive the thing on and off a ramp.

    It was two weeks ago and I still haven't got the damn thing so it feels right.

  • Continuity0

    Wannabe social media influencers no-one's ever heard of who stick 'official' in their SM handles, in the vague hope of being actually famous.

    • All influencers deserve to be punched, metaphorically.NBQ00
    • No Figuratively!utopian
    • Who dved this, this is realgrafician
    • what's real and truly punchable is the dumbfuck truth that there are people who actually care about thismonospaced
  • fooler7

    The one designer on your team that always updates their Adobe applications making you also update yours before opening any of their files... It usually happens while working on the weekends while under a tight deadline.

    • Always the same person who updates OS X on day 1 and bitches about software and company VPN not workingsausages
    • That be meNBQ00
    • So? Update.CyBrainX
  • sausages5

    My mother in law who has siphoned millions of dollars out of my wife's dad's estate after he suffered a traumatic brain injury in spite of him still being very much alive.

    The guy was very rich but she's trying to get him locked up in a free dementia death ward and we're gunning for premium 1:1 care in a top notch care facility (and a cap on her 25k per month "expenses".)

    Lawyers, barristers and QCs are in the game now. FK me this is going to get expensive.

    • You MIL sounds like an absolutely horrid individual.Continuity
    • As if finding care for someone wasn't hard enough.lemmy_k
    • The only thing worse than a family fighting over inheritance is a fight when the person in question isn't even dead.CyBrainX
    • We're just fighting for care, inheritance isn't in question. Just don't want a good man dying in a shithole.sausages
    • OOF jesus, man this sounds like the kinda thing that can really sour your life. Godd luck!Projectile
    • thats horrible to hear, good that you got his best interests at heart, when its clear she doesn't.Nutter
    • glad you're looking out but was he an utter piece of shit to your MIL? My Dad is great to his kids—but was SHIT to my Mom. She'd do the same thing as yours—lol.PonyBoy