Meme of the day
Meme of the day
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- 4,263 Responses
- PhanLo7
- My wife can relate to that LOLHayzilla
- Nope thread. Boundaries, people!mort_
- lol, toddlers don't understand boundariesmonospaced
- #1 or #2?pinkfloyd
- and that is why toilets are separated from bathrooms in Europe.sted
- @pinkfloyd she is working on the 3rd onested
- dis or dat threadutopian
- @mono Toddlers need to be taught boundaries. Not being able to leave them in another room for 2 mins while you use the toilet is only going to damage them.mort_
- LOL @stedmort_
- Looks super tired.PhanLo
- "is now a bad time to ask for a blow job?"mort_
- Can relate to this. Every time I want to go for a quiet shite you can guarantee at least one of the kids will decide they want to invade my poop time.microkorg
- @mort_ "the divorce papers are on the kitchen table"sted
- @microkorg have you guys ever tried to lock the door? I would build a fence, or a smaller room for a toilet where only one person can fitsted
- @sted I was talking to the 4 year old.mort_
- locked door = kids banging on said door.brandonp
- @mort, I live with a toddler, and I'm not sure you know jack shit about what you're sayingmonospaced
- @mono I have 2 teenagers who were once toddlers. Does that qualify me?mort_
- Do you live with a toddler, though?
Do you?palimpsest - that turned from fun to dark af. we just barely got to door bangingsted
- I just leave the door open and if they call me or I hear them approaching I yell out "I'm taking a shit".palimpsest
- If it's urgent they'll come in and we'll have a little chat.palimpsest
- @qbn are we on twitter now?pinkfloyd
- @pinkfloyd what is #3?pinkfloyd
- @sted, i'm sorry for you, man.
i thought it was funny, at least.Nairn - @mort, you forgot :)monospaced
- @Nairn yeah you better do! I've seen worse when i was a kid ahahah :Dsted
- not just a job, a doodyCyBrainX
- Third one was gold. Thread goes to sted.garbage
- lol, boundaries :)monospaced
- Bluejam24
- Hahamort_
- hahahamilfhunter
- no, they outside in form of toxic CO2 emissionsneverscared
- NFT's allow people to afford therapy? maybe I should get into the game!capn_ron
- So good lolAQUTE
- lolGuyFawkes
- garbage19
- hahafadein11
- lolKrassy
- :Dsted
- !!GuyFawkes
- we miss our Set! I even met the cuntProjectile
- too bad he got fried by 5ghans_glib
- @projectile What costume was he wearing?garbage
- Random: Does imgur count every embed as a view? This got 1.2k by last night. If Kanye isn't F5ing like a maniac, this confused a lot of people yesterday.garbage
- please unlock set psdsteh
- @garbage no, it counts the actual clicks.
sometimes these things land on the imgur front page thats why their view count jumpssted - lol thanks and amazing, good to know.garbage
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- Where only the bad guys have guns. Sad.********
- Republicans see themselves as moral high ground while making violent memes about Santa to make a cheap political pointnb
- Do those atheists even believe in Santa?PhanLo
- yawngarbage
- Santa delivers!PioneerDJ303
- comments confirm libtards aint got no humor********
- "violent memes" *chortle*********
- The only hilarious part is how you think this is rustling Jimmies, when in reality you're just boring.garbage
- Conservative "humor" is just lazy "HA GOT EM" lazy memes that lands like a gnat fart.garbage
- Like where's Santa's blunderbuss? Kidding, we all know Kringle is a .300 Blackout guy. But also yawn.garbage
- Putopian stormed out of this meme right back to his moms basementHayoth
- Where only the bad guys have guns. Sad.
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