Defining: App/Digital Pub/Content/Media

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  • DrFukenhot

    I've been asked to define these things for my colleagues (a non-tech savvy group). I need to make these definitions as general as possible without being worthless. Here's what I've come up with so far. Suggestions are welcome.

    App: a program on a device (phone, tablet or pc) created to execute a specific function (retrieve email, collect data, transfer data, entertain, take photos)

    Digital Publication: Digital version of a book, magazine or brochure enhanced with interactive features such as videos and slideshows [a specific type of app?]

    Content/Media: Digital material (photos, videos, notes, PDFs, PPTs, Keynotes...) delivered and updated through an app or digital publication

  • monospaced0

    App: short for application. Been around for 20+ years, nothing new here.

    Digital Publication: exactly what it sounds like. Some interaction, a lot like that thing Penny had in Inspector Gadget.

    Content/Media: what your fat ass consumes along with boxes of Pizza Bites.

  • animatedgif0

    If they have to have things like this explained then should they really be working in an industry where they encounter them?

    And really to be honest if they can't figure this sort of thing out themselves should they be doing any job other than line work or behind a fast food counter? Are your colleagues under 5 years old?

  • DrFukenhot0

    Please everyone. I know this is a simple request and it's very easy to go straight to smart ass responses and sarcasm. I think it's a legitimate challenge because it needs to be simple.

    I'm asking because my company is starting to develop a large scale strategy and we need define things before we get into details. The people I'm working with are not idiots. They're simply not immersed in granular details of this stuff like we are.

    How about this – pretend I said "Grandmother" instead of colleague. How would you define App/Digital Pub/Content/Media so Grandma would understand?