CMS Tutorials

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  • 8 Responses
  • mantrakid0

    years and years worth of community submitted bug fixes, security patches and other general 'maintenance' is a lot to undertake if you decide to do it all over again by yourself. almost truly reinventing the wheel...

  • ETM0


    For an exercise or tutorial, it's good learning, have at it. It may help you better work within and customize other systems.

    My point above, and to your comments, is that unlike a design, or a template, a CMS is a foundation or framework, not an aesthetic. One that client will likely be relying on heavily for their online presence/business. Something that typically has been built with thousands of man hours by a group or opensource community of people with varied skillsets and experience, including security.

    That's more what I was getting at. Even a simply CMS is a lot of work in this day, if even to ensure it's secure enough with all the bots looking for every php and mysql vulnerability out there to exploit.

  • slappy0

    Web development companies build on existing platforms usually. If the job requires something more specialized, an online application is usually built which is a little different.

    • if you dont want of all the fluff of a joomla, wordpress, drupal site, have a look at perch. grabaperch.comslappy
  • Xopher0

    Thanks all for the pointers.

    To those who say 'what's the point?', could you not apply that thought to web design itself - why bother spending hours in Photoshop when you can just use an existing theme?

    Wouldn't a development company build bespoke content management for each job?

    • Fair point, but a template is a lot less flexible than a good existing CMS, no?MrT
    • Yes. To use photoshop templates even, to their full potential you need a grounds-up training. Same with CMSs.mikotondria3
  • mikotondria30

    The first one I built was in about 2002, and I just used a hacked email subscription php script to amend flat text files. Even then it was a right bind to learn to clean inputs, preserve formattings, upload and deal with files and pictures and users logging in with permissions and hack-proofing this and that. It was awkward and far too much work considering the end result that the client was never entirely happy with. It might be a useful exercise, but as a way of producing something that can do its job, you're looking at putting in hundreds of hours to even compare with even a basic open-source offering, of which there are dozens.

  • monNom0

    go ahead and reinvent the wheel if your intent is to get a handle on the subject matter.

    don't look for a tutorial, just start. When you hit your first roadblock (potentially as early as 'where do I start') look up the answer on google. Hack away at it until your system works, learning along the way.

    • true. It's as good a way as any to learn mvc, and some good working php/db stuffs.mikotondria3
  • ETM0

    Is this an exercise to simply better understand the mechanics and concepts? Because in this day and age, I can't imagine a point to building your own.

  • mikotondria30

    No need to reinvent the wheel....I love to use
    It's as simple as you want it to be, you can totally pimp it out with your own php. Keep pages' content separate from the design/layout, etc..
    It always feels like walking into the mall for me when I use Wordpress.
    Wolf is more of a mom and pop place.

    • Thanks will have a look. I would still love to make myself for the satisfaction :-)
  • Xopher


    I'm looking for any plain-as-fuck tutorials for building a CMS from the ground up with php/mysql.

    This being an excellent example which I can get my head around:…

    However this is not quite what I'm after. I want to be able to add loads of images per 'article' - it's for a portfolio site.

    I've scrawled the internets and not quite found what I'm looking for.

    I don't want to use Wordpress (which I can use) and the like, as these are too feature-heavy, plus I'd like to improve my php/mysql knowledge.
