Startup Vs. Agency

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  • 22 Responses
  • PonyBoy0

    Start-ups BLOW. I got fucked by a start-up when they asked me to relocate to Chicago...
    ... I moved all my shit (sold a 1/4 of it... Tossed a 1/4 of it) and about a month after I got up to that filthy hell hole... They bought out another design firm. I went from lead AD to a fucking bump on a log. The fuckers running that bullshit told me 'too bad'... So I packed up what was left of my shit and headed back to where the cost of living actually made sense.

    Never trust a start-up unless you ask for a piece of the pie... Your chances of getting fucked by a startup are far greater than settling with an established firm.

  • trooperbill0

    depends if you want to work on one thing for a long time.... gets boring after the first 18 months in a startup.

  • SigDesign

    Which would be a better career option, leadership role in a small well-funded startup, or designer in a creative agency? I know it depends on what the startup is, or who the creative agency is... but still...

    I've often thought about the agency life vs. startup culture, and am curious to hear the experiences everyone has from them.

    I like the actual work that comes out of most design agencies, yet the startup companies seem to have a more free culture (if that makes sense).