Israel bombing shit..

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  • 1,211 Responses
  • ApeRobot0

    Colored dots and triangles make things more legit.

    • How much does news skew our perception? How vulnerable are we to manipulation?yurimon
  • detritus0

    No idea how legit the source is, or what their leaning is, or if this is staged, or if not — what's even going on. But hey — more fuel to the fire.

    • Where could they go? It's not like they have lots of choices regarding locations. Still unacceptable.ApeRobot
    • totally unacceptable but as Ape says, it's called urban warefare for a reasonlowimpakt
    • yeah let's set up a big blue tent, very inconspicuous_niko
    • I imagine there are thousands of blue tents and tent-like structures dotted over Gaza.detritus
  • utopian2

    Wait for it...

  • brandelec0

  • GeorgesII3

    Palestinians should just move out and give israel back to its rightful owners!!
    enough with the antisemitism!!

    • exactly. enough with the anti-semitism!dconstrukt
    • G's hes being sarcasticmoldero
    • fucking right, and why stop with palestine, give the chosen people the entire middle east!_niko
    • i vote for an islamic world califa,Sharia for everybody.ApeRobot
  • dconstrukt-2

    • yeah, this,
      freakin palestinian have been living there for 1600 too many years, it's time they go home
    • i'm offended how they drew Barack Obama.
    • Dude, there's plenty of room here in New Jersey. Why don't we ship them out of Israel to the Garden State
    • I guess nobody wants them here either....
    • nah.. its jersey... loldconstrukt
    • propaganda
  • yurimon1…

    Some interesting perspective..
    Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel ‘aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),’ said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies.Israel’s support for Hamas ‘was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,’ said a former senior

    • wow, such lies,
    • Hamas was made up to counter Fatah. Same as Taliban were given weapons to fight russians in afganistan.ApeRobot
    • same as ISISlowimpakt
  • detritus0

    I've read/heard a couple of things recently about Israel's involvement in the 'creation of Hamas'.

    Anyone got a good pointer to this — whether or not it's true, or utter bullshit?

    • sadly, its all true detritus, just like occupy was created by soros and tea party taken over by koch brozGeorgesII
    • now it's time to go back to my pro israel stanceGeorgesII
    • Israel was involved. You heard right.renderedred
  • ernexbcn0


    • more like twisting newsmoldero
    • Surely this is bullshit? Especially with the Israel flag sitting in the background?detritus
    • of course it is. both sides are accusing the BBC of bias
  • ********

    • i can draw a house out of it.ApeRobot
    • thats fucked up to post that shit... swastika is highly offensive to jews u morondconstrukt
    • http://d1vr6n66ssr06…Sep
    • @dconstrukt- it's intended for critical observation to compare similarities between the two.
    • ... the only offensive person here is you calling others a moron.
  • ukit20

  • pablo280

  • ApeRobot0

  • detritus0
    • We all did it in our respective times. No one is innocent.ApeRobot
    • ape let me also add that not every one have been chosen by god tooGeorgesII
    • I was.

      Not by your God though, Don't worry. No Messiah here.
  • dconstrukt-3

    The amount of anti-semitism here is mind-boggling and fucked up.

    hating on the country of israel is one thing... but using that to make anti-semetic comments about jews is fucked and not only majorly douchey, but shows lack of class.

    if someone made a racial comment, people would be going apeshit...

    • You said much the same at the end of the last page too, implying this page is anti- semitic too. Where, please?detritus
    • detruius... theres not a swastika above? if you need someone to spell it out for you,... u're missing it completely.dconstrukt
    • plus all the neg. anti-semetic comments against jews...dconstrukt
    • Only one racist here.. utopian... :Pyurimon
    • May I ask how old you are, dconstrukt?detritus
    • said in once and ill say it againmoldero
    • "we won the land" you didn't win shit, you were just born in a position luckier that the one born Palestinian.moldero
    • detrius... probably older than you... been here since day 1 NTdconstrukt
    • fuck israelLMFAO
  • Christian0


  • pr20

    Interesting doc on where Israeli fear of pretty much anything is coming from:

  • pr21

    And how this conflict is filled with some many brain less morons witch logic so twisted, i for sure, wouldn't want to be the one trying to untwist it:

  • pr20

    Another good one.
    Fuck, i had no idea it's that bad:

    • same guy as above. Really good filmmaker.Ravdyk
  • ********

    "Another good one. Fuck, i had no idea it's that bad"

    I'm assuming what you also have no idea about ist the reasons for the toughness of israeli checkpoints, restriction of movement for occupied territories, the wall. because if you would have, you wouldn't wonder why they act like they do in the territories regarding pal freedom of movement.

    these measures were taken as a response to the militants' terror attacks in the late 90s/early 2000s. hundreds killed, thousands crippled. shredded israeli women and children.

    the checkpoints are not pretty, but they are effective and they are necessary. the right thing to do, because it works. they can't even let emergencies pass since some militant genius thought it was a good idea to smuggle explosives in ambulances. not israels fault.

    shin bet is generally thought of to having prevented 70% to 90% of all planned attacks, here are some of the attacks from 2001-2003 that got through because there was no wall yet, and relatively free movement:

    Netanya centre bombing, January 1, 2001
    60 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Tayibe Bridge bombing, January 30, 2001
    2 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Beit Yisrael bombing, February 8, 2001
    2 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Mei Ami junction bombing, March 1, 2001
    1 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Netanya bombing, March 4, 2001
    3 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Talpiot industrial zone bombing, March 27, 2001
    7 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Egged bus 6 bombing, March 27, 2001
    28 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Mifgash Shalom attack, March 28, 2001
    2 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Kfar Saba bombing, April 22, 2001
    1 killed
    Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Or Yehuda bombing, April 23, 2001
    8 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Nablus school bus bombing, April 29, 2001
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    HaSharon Mall suicide bombing, May 18, 2001
    5 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Hadera Mall bombing, May 25, 2001
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Hadera bus station suicide bombing, May 25, 2001
    65 injured
    2 Palestinians within a car bomb.
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Jerusalem Center bombing, May 27, 2001
    No Casualties
    PFLP claimed responsibility.

    Jaffa Road bombing, May 27, 2001
    30 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Netanya school bombing May 30, 2001
    8 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing, June 1, 2001
    21 killed, 160 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Dugit bombing, June 22, 2001
    2 killed
    Booby trapped car's explosion. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Yehud suburb bombing, July 2, 2001
    6 injured
    Explosion of two separate bombs. PFLP claimed responsibility.

    Kissufim bombing, July 9, 2001
    No Casualties
    Explosion of two separate bombs. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Binyamina train station suicide bombing, July 16, 2001
    2 killed
    Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Moshav Beka'ot bombing, August 8, 2001
    1 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing, August 9, 2001
    15 killed
    Carried out by Hamas together with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    Wall-Street Restaurant bombing, August 12, 2001
    21 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Russian Compound bombing, August 21, 2001
    1 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Jerusalem car bombings, September 3, 2001
    3 injured
    Series of car bombs.

    Hanevi'im street bombing, September 4, 2001
    20 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Nahariya train station suicide bombing, September 9, 2001
    3 killed
    Suicide bomber was an Arab Israeli citizen. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Beit Lid junction bombing, September 9, 2001
    17 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Talpiot neighborhood bombing, October 1, 2001
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    1st Erez Crossing attack, October 7, 2001
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Kibbutz Shluhot bombing, October 7, 2001
    1 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    2nd Erez Crossing attack, November 26, 2001
    2 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    1st Egged bus 823 bombing, November 29, 2001
    3 killed
    Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

    Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, December 1, 2001
    11 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Haifa bus 16 suicide bombing, December 2, 2001
    15 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Hilton Mamilla bombing, December 5, 2001
    11 injured
    Carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Hamas.

    Check Post Junction bombing, December 9, 2001
    30 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Neve Dekalim bombing, December 12, 2001
    4 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Tel Aviv outdoor mall bombing, January 25, 2002
    25 injured
    Double Suicide attack, carried out by Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with Fatah.

    Jaffa Street bombing, January 27, 2002
    1 killed
    First female suicide bomber in Al-Aqsa Intifada, Wafa Idris. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Tayibe bombing, January 31, 2002
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Karnei Shomron Mall suicide bombing, February 16, 2002
    3 killed
    PFLP claimed responsibility.

    Maale Adumim - Jerusalem road bombing killed, February 18, 2002
    1 killed
    Soldier killed by an explosive that was detonated by the driver of the car he was checking. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Efrat supermarket bombing attack, February 22, 2002
    1 injured
    Suicide bomber in supermarket.

    Maccabim bombing, February 27, 2002
    3 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Yeshivat Beit Yisrael massacre, March 2, 2002
    11 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    2nd Egged bus 823 bombing, March 5, 2002
    1 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Ariel hotel lobby bombing, March 7, 2002
    15 injured
    PFLP claimed responsibility.

    Café Moment bombing, March 9, 2002
    11 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Egged bus 22 bombing, March 17, 2002
    25 Injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    3rd Egged bus 823 bombing, March 20, 2002
    7 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    King George Street bombing, March 21, 2002
    3 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Passover massacre, March 27, 2002
    30 killed
    Suicide attack on Passover seder in Park Hotel. Carried out by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    Kiryat HaYovel supermarket bombing, March 29, 2002
    2 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Allenby Street coffee shop bombing, March 30, 2002
    1 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Baqa al-Gharbiyah bombing, March 30, 2002
    1 killed
    Booby-trapped vehicle that Palestinians tried to sneak into Israel.

    Matza restaurant suicide bombing, March 31, 2002
    15 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Efrat Medical Center, March 31, 2002
    4 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Jerusalem Roadblock bombing, April 1, 2002
    1 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Yagur Junction bombing, April 10, 2002
    8 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    3rd Mahane Yehuda Market attack, April 12, 2002
    6 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Rishon LeZion bombing, May 7, 2002
    15 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Netanya Market bombing, May 19, 2002
    3 killed
    Carried out by Hamas together with PFLP.

    Afula road bombing, May 20, 2002
    No Casualties
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Rothschild Street bombing, May 22, 2002
    2 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Pi Glilot bombing, May 23, 2002
    No Casualties
    A bomb exploded underneath a fuel truck. The truck burst into flames, but the blaze was quickly contained.

    Studio 49 Disco bombing, May 24, 2002
    5 injured
    The security guard opened fire on a Palestinian attempting to detonate a car bomb. The Palestinian was killed, but the bomb exploded prematurely, injuring bystanders.

    Petah Tikva Mall bombing, May 27, 2002
    2 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Megiddo Junction bus bombing, June 5, 2002
    17 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Herzliya shawarma restaurant bombing, June 11, 2002
    1 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Patt Junction Bus Bombing, June 18, 2002
    19 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    French Hill Junction massacre, June 19, 2002
    7 killed
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Immanuel bus attack, July 16, 2002
    9 killed
    Detonation of an explosive device and shooting. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Neve Shaanan Street bombing, July 17, 2002
    5 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Nevi'im Street bombing, July 30, 2002
    5 injured
    Apparently the bomb exploded prematurely.

    Hebrew University massacre, July 31, 2002
    9 killed
    Included American and French casualties. Bomber was from East Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Meron Junction Bus 361 attack, August 4, 2002
    9 killed
    Arab bomber with Israeli citizenship. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    1st Umm al-Fahm bombing, August 5, 2002
    1 injured
    The Palestinian exploded in a taxi killing himself and wounding an Israeli-Arab driver from Nazareth.

    2nd Umm al-Fahm bombing, September 18, 2002
    1 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Allenby Street bus bombing, September 19, 2002
    6 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Geha road bombing, October 10, 2002
    1 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Karkur junction suicide bombing, October 21, 2002
    14 killed
    2 Suicide bombers used a booby-trapped jeep with 100 kg TNT. Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Sonol gas station bombing, October 27, 2002
    3 killed
    Victims killed while trying to prevent the Palestinian from detonating the bomb. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Kfar Saba shopping mall bombing, November 4, 2002
    2 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Kiryat Menachem bus bombing, November 21, 2002
    11 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Tel-Aviv central bus station massacre, January 5, 2003
    23 killed
    Carried out by two members of the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, with the help of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    Haifa bus 37 suicide bombing, March 5, 2003
    17 killed
    Carried out by Hamas member and attributed to Hamas, yet never acknowledged.

    London Cafe bombing, March 30, 2003
    54 injured
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Kfar Saba train station bombing, April 24, 2003
    1 killed
    PFLP claimed responsibility jointly with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

    Mike's Place suicide bombing, April 30, 2003
    3 killed
    Carried out by Hamas using a British Muslim citizen of Pakistani descent and together with al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

    Gross square attack, May 17, 2003
    2 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Jerusalem bus 6 bombing, May 18, 2003
    7 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    3rd Kfar Darom bombing, May 19, 2003
    3 injured
    A Palestinian suicide bomber riding a bicycle blew up himself next to a military jeep. Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Afula mall bombing, May 19, 2003
    3 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Netzarim bus bombing, May 22, 2003
    9 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Davidka Square bus bombing, June 11, 2003
    17 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Sdei Trumot bombing, June 19, 2003
    1 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Kfar Yavetz bombing, July 7, 2003
    1 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Ariel bus station bombing, August 12, 2003
    2 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Rosh HaAyin bombing, August 12, 2003
    1 killed

    Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing, August 19, 2003
    23 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Tzrifin bus stop attack, September 9, 2003
    9 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Café Hillel bombing, September 9, 2003
    7 killed
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Maxim restaurant suicide bombing, October 4, 2003
    21 killed
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

    Tulkarem bombing, October 9, 2003
    3 injured
    Hamas claimed responsibility.

    Beit Hanoun Junction bombing, October 15, 2003
    3 killed
    The victims were part of a US diplomatic convoy.

    Azzoun bombing, November 3, 2003
    1 injured
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility.

    Geha Interchange bus stop bombing, December 25, 2003
    4 killed
    Over 20 injured. PFLP claimed responsibility.