Dis or Dat?
Dis or Dat?
- Started 12 years ago
- Last post 23 days ago
- 552 Responses
- GuyFawkes5
- disGnash
- disbezoar
- it's so trendy to love tesla. but it's also the right thing to do.sarahfailin
- should be a good bout, Tesla is probably the more technical and efficient fighter, but Edison is known to throw a few "low blows" now and then.OP31
- lol, sarahGnash
- o disnotype
- dis...and Elon Musk blowsutopian
- lol
- fooler0
- Dis. Because of old.Longcopylover
- Dat looks comfier.detritus
- dat for suremonospaced
- dis please.notype
- dat, dis is fo fagzutopian
- fair enough.notype
- :)utopian
- dat. don't go for the nostalgic unless the new sucks.pango
- dat looks like a render tho. dat drop shadow.notype
- dis be looking authentic :)notype
- dissyst_m
- Akagiyama2
- daaatscarabin
- though both of those need workscarabin
- dat, but bote doze look like shitmoldero
- "the other".VectorMasked
- the "real" other.VectorMasked
- disimbecile
- https://www.webstaur…utopian
- disdrgs
- taco bell or taco bell? ummm ... I guess dis if I had to choose, but scarabin is right, this needs a ton of work :)monospaced
- bothsureshot
- dissection_014
- Those fucken pickle slices touching my burrito?? Fuck dat
I'd go for disfuturefood - here, 'dis', but if it were decent tacos up against a decent chicken or pork burrito, 'dat' every time. both of these look like a profound and sad illness.detritus
- chicken tacos!!imbecile
- }:|detritus
- thatAllisa
- what in gods name is that shit. lol. I hope this isn't what you think tacos and burritos look like.sofakingback
- diarrhea or diarrheasarahfailin
- disLMFAO
- Akagiyama-2
- disGuyFawkes
- DisRamanisky2
- dis. unfortunately will be summer to winter.notype
- datcolin_s
- thatzarkonite
- dis..dat is too shorthotroddy
- datutopian
- datsection_014
- datsyst_m
- notype0
- disbezoar
- discolin_s
- datGuyFawkes
- Dat. I have not own a microwave for years. Don't miss it. Except when I need to reheat pizza. Then I remembered I have an oven.pango
- Dat makes food taste better.
Dis makes food taste like plastic.pango - Dat is always a better option for me.capn_ron
- Dis. I like it moist.fyoucher1
- dat... never EVER dis... not even allowed in our homePonyBoy
- dis just to make it a near tie. 3/4
just to make a tie, mahahaa!notype - Dat, always.Continuity
- Microwaves = cancer********
- Don't think that there are evidence microwave has directly cause anyone cancer yet. But it sure is bad.pango
- Can't make maruchan yakisoba with datbezoar
- people still use microwaves?inteliboy
- Convection = Autismutopian
- toaster oven or gtfoimbecile
- DatBabySnakes
- Microwaved foods change your blood chemistry. It breaks chemical and molecular bonds disrupting the basic biochemical structures...********
- ... of your food. Plus exposure to microwaves to the body is proven to damage it... A lot of them leak********
- You're welcome to use one but I certainly won't..********
- don't heat your food at all, heat alters the chemical and molecular bonds in your food altering it's biochemical structures, can't be any good.uan
- That's just dumb. Do you have any idea what microwave radiation is?********
- http://www.nytimes.c…drgs
- People that think microwaves are harmful probably also think organic produce is healthier.HijoDMaite
- dat </discussion>chukkaphob
- yup. i don't buy can food as well. unless i ran out of money...pango
- Microwave radiation is everywhere and at higher frequencies than ovens. Good luck avoiding itface_melter
- Organic produce isn't sprayed with poisonous glyphosate. So I guess you're retarded on both counts********
- Certainly in the UK. I can't speak for that backward hell hole over the pond.********
- Hijo congratulations on saying literally the most inbred retarded thing I've ever read on qbn********
- So Set, according to your logic people must be dying or getting sick all over world from this poison right?HijoDMaite
- Oh well, bummer for all those that don't have access to Whole Foods or the $$ to spend on organic.HijoDMaite
- Bummer indeed. Are you telling me you're somehow unaware of the astonishing number of people that are unwell...?********
- Do you think everyone is healthy? What planet are you on?********
- Stay on topic, of course people are aren't all healthy everywhere. That's foolish.HijoDMaite
- No long term studies to prove what you say, so all you're doing is spending money on a belief. It's your money have at it.HijoDMaite
- If you think eating food sprayed with literal poison isn't worse than eating food that isn't sprayed work poison then carry on********
- I don't need a long term study to know that for covered in chemicals that kill bugs and animals isn't going to be good for me********
- NO NUKES!moldero
- Food covered in *********
- You're welcome to carry on eating it and microwaving your food. Darwinism at it's finest.********
- Please excuse my terrible phone typing********
- Obviously we all eat it, it's impossible to avoid completely, but to defend and encourage it is a whole new level of stupid********
- a good dat is $300+ more than dis. holy hot debate though! i thought convection would be hands down. learned something.notype
- had to buy a hot water bottle bc i have a sports injury i need to apply heat to (no rice in the sock in the mic trick, just about the only thing its good for)notype
- admittedly i use it at work, and did when i lived in my apartment prior, super convenient, but there's a clear danger. i left the room when cooking in there...notype
- not sure what good that did. i know some people who would stand up right in front of it (at work) :/
don't do it pango!notype - They are supposed to contain the radiation but I doubt most do it properly********
- What? I don't have dis. Only that.pango
- caterpus0
- dat, no doubt.zarkonite
- dispango
- daaaat. for sure. Final Fantasy 7 and 9 and Monster Rancher were pretty fun though.sarahfailin
- gaming consoles still have CD drives?hotroddy
- nevermindhotroddy
- back to cartridgesGuyFawkes
- dat, though dis still A+inteliboy
- Dis.
Final Fantasy and Metal Gear series, baby.Continuity - Dat dat dat********
- Dis, but not an easy choice.section_014
- Dis, for Ridge Racer. Then you buy dat from a junkie a few years later for pennies.face_melter
- aw hell dismekk
- dismoldero
- dis Symphony of the night, best sidescroller ever._niko
- ^ dis is truesarahfailin
- thismilfhunter
- Akagiyama1
- The former has better, realer, chipsdetritus
- datcapn_ron
- datimbecile
- Dat. Dis is for folks who chop their steak up all at once.fyoucher1
- dis with mustard instead********
- dat with mustard insteadGuyFawkes
- datbezoar
- hey Guy, I also would have dat with mustard instead. first real potatoes, if not then which sauce********
- datutopian
- datmilfhunter
- dat with mayo insteadmilfhunter
- Akagiyama1
- datd_gitale
- robots vs apples********
- datsted
- datGuyFawkes
- disinteliboy
- disPonyBoy
- dat but only well built ones when come from dismekk
- https://media.giphy.…pango
- https://media.tenor.…pango
- dat, still rocking a Moto X Pure, thing is built like a tank.elahon
- dat Pixel2 is tha bombBennn
- Dat. Swapped back over to Android yesterday, managing 4000+ music files became too much of a terrible ballache on my iPhone.face_melter
- datsection_014
- first dat, now disimbecile
- Disscruffics
- datLMFAO
- BusterBoy1
- dat fo shoutopian
- dis, dis, dat, dis, dat...MrT
- Dat...as long as Cameron Diaz leaves the room.futurefood
- Jacqueline Smith and Cheryl Ladd...the source of many of my early teenage dreams. Cheryl Ladd especially.BusterBoy
- dis dis dis. Classic beauties. The other ones look like dated early 2000's art and not in a good way.********
- absolutely dis dis dis ^.********
- Dat are Photoshopped AF but Dis are natural.Bennn
- Dis, dis, aaaaaaand dis.Continuity
- Cheryl Ladd showing us how overrated Farrah was.CyBrainX
- dat cuz lucy liuGuyFawkes
- 1, 2, 6,Hayzilla
- datmilfhunter
- dissyst_m
- need to puke********
- Al_dizzle1
- At what scale?detritus
- more of a philosophical question, than a visual one.Al_dizzle
- gonna go with patterns, if you have to choose just one. randomness would be like void.sarahfailin
- Patterns.notype
- mekk0
- sarahfailin3
with regard to cotd posts:
freedom or marychain?
- maquito2
- Thismaquito
- tissted
- datskwiotsmith
- Skwiotsmith, why?maquito
- Neither. Use framerSellies
- Dis********
- Doesn't matter if you're still a lazy designer and only create an uninspired desktop only screendesignmekk
- Amongst other things, far better type control. I was way more impressed with XD in beta than I've ever been with Sketch.skwiotsmith
- Sellies, you use Framer solely?********
- Disphobos79
- neither...Figma FTWexador1
- Fireworkssee_thru
- sted4
- Sup Numbers Guy!utopian
- go back playing limbo or grow up and decide!sted
- wut dis?GuyFawkes
- DAT! hahaKrassy
- @Guy http://www.qbn.com/t…Krassy
- dis is what gets some ppl paid
dat is what make others laughsted - neither, convert it to JSONBabySnakes
- json is a data storage format. any app using json for spreadsheet management? (it's my most beloved payroll sheet and the setpsdb thread data)sted
- i really have to deal with the first one so i made up a distraction :) collected the data and i'm still thinking about how to show this stat on qbn.sted
- im disappointed my name is not on the listpango
- here is dat
@it is :)sted - @pangosted
- ohhh it's limited to set PSBpango
- i searched and there is a site that will read a google spreadsheet and convert to json. probably not what you need.BabySnakes
- neithersection_014
- Can anyone explain what I'm looking at?Hayzilla
- salary calc sheet vs set psb scoressted
- Gardener-2